
TikToker leaves laptop in Singapore Starbucks to prove it is the 'safest country in the world'

A TikToker left his laptop for one hour in Singapore’s Starbucks as an experiment to prove it’s the “safest country in the world”.

“Singapore had 250 days in a row without common types of crime,” Uptin said.

The content creator filmed himself going to a mall nearby to “find lunch” while the laptop was left unattended.

At 1:15pm, he went back to the Starbucks, and the laptop was still there.

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  1. Do remember… as we Singaporeans keep hearing from the Singapore Police…

    "Low Crime Doesn't Mean No Crime"…

    And yes… Most time you will get your items back… but not always. But I'm glad to say that time my wife left her iPhone 11 on the table of a neighborhood eating place… We only notice the phone is missing nearly 30mins later… I went back to the shop to look for it… and the shopkeeper took it out from inside a plastic bag hanging on the wall. Said a customer found it and pass it to her…

  2. This is the same in Muslim countries like Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia. The country with the lowest crime index in the world is the UAE (Source: Numbeo). The safest city in the world for women was declared to be Medina, Saudi Arabia and Dubai, UAE at 3rd safest.

  3. With password protection, it is useless to nitch the laptop. It simply could not be accessed. Well, nobody goes to Starbucks with the intention to steal a laptop. Finally, the penalty for theft is very heavy. The punishment can be a few weeks but when the person walks of jail after completing the sentence, the person may not find gainful employment due to the criminal record. So much for being opportunistically greedy.

  4. Please don't listen to him

    1) Data he is referring to is 250 days without robbery, snatch theft & house breaking. Petty/simple theft still occurs!

    2) Data is also taken during Circuit Breaker which meant Singaporeans were on lockdown during COVID and did not leave the house.

    3) Don't give the Police extra work just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it won't happen.

    4) Crime still happens in Singapore. There's no such thing as 8 months crime free.

    The video is misleading.

  5. It's just Asian culture. Very respectful, disciplined, hard working and humble society. Extremely low crime across the entire continent with billions of people.

  6. Negara nya kecil, cctv banyak.. Mengawasi penduduk sangat mudah karena area kecil, coba pemerintah singapore awasi jakarta atau kuala lumpur..mereka tidak akan sanggup! Jangan sebut negara teraman di dunia,krna itu lebih tepatnya desa bukan negara kalau di tempat saya

  7. This shows Britain what a first-world country looks like! Currently, its own Uk system of spending and management is very crippled and unsustainable. Feels like a third-world country in many of the poorer areas of the UK. The country is facing major challenges because most people in the government are not there to resolve problems. They are there to debate nonstop! These problems then accumulate and mount! You need a good lead high in consciousness to keep doing the right things for the country. For Singapore, 20% goes to pension, not tax. The Singapore government makes everyone save for their own pension so that it doesn’t put pressure on the younger population. Uk is facing a larger older population, and the rest of the working class has to support all of this welfare, which is unfair to the group that works the hardest for the country.

    Britain needs to focus on getting the country rich thru investment rather than taxes. The government needs to learn how Singapore is. When you make your own country efficient and functioning, you can have more to give back and support your people! Also, be diligent in getting rid of all the corruption in between so that people actually benefit from this. So that the government is not filled with greedy, corrupted politicians and not really doing anything to benefit the people.

    Singapore state owns most of the bits; education, transport, recreation… which are things which are important to give back to the people and able to keep the cost of transportation low.

    When a country keep doing one thing right at a time and be highly organised/efficient ; it can then take on things which are more complex and be able to serve the people rightly.

    When a country government focus on doing the right thing in every aspect; being highly organised and efficient, having the right policies which is not naive (putting money to help poor which then continuously need to support but rather actually need to teach people to get back on their feet to work and contribute to the society) the country become prosperous and rich, and it has more to give back to the people rather than being in debt.

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