
What are the CHEAPEST Cities To LIVE in Japan?

What are the CHEAPEST Cities To LIVE in Japan?
Welcome to Budget-Friendly Nihon! 🇯🇵✨ Are you dreaming of moving to Japan but worried about the cost of living? Fear not! In this video, we explore some of the most affordable and expat-friendly cities in Japan, perfect for those looking to live comfortably without breaking the bank.


**00:00:00 – Welcome to Budget-Friendly Nihon**
Join us as we embark on a journey through Japan’s most budget-friendly cities for expats.

**00:00:28 – The Kyushu Gem**
Discover the hidden gem of Kyushu, offering a perfect blend of affordability and culture.

**00:01:39 – Embrace the Northern Charm**
Explore the northern regions of Japan, where charm meets low living costs.

**00:02:38 – A Welcoming Community for Expats**
Find out which cities have the most welcoming communities for expats.

**00:03:53 – Safety and Low Crime Rates**
Learn about the safest places to live in Japan with impressively low crime rates.

**00:05:04 – A Booming Job Market for Expats**
Uncover cities with thriving job markets and opportunities for expats.

**00:06:21 – Kobe – The International Hub**
Discover why Kobe is known as an international hub with great amenities for expats.

**00:07:11 – Hiroshima – Healthcare Without a Heart Attack**
Learn about Hiroshima’s affordable and top-notch healthcare system.

**00:08:07 – Naha, Okinawa – Sun, Sea, and Support Groups**
Experience the tropical paradise of Naha, Okinawa, with its strong expat support groups.

**00:08:58 – Where Tradition Meets Affordability**
Explore cities where traditional Japanese culture and affordability coexist.

**00:10:32 – Your Gateway to Northern Comfort**
Find your gateway to comfort in Japan’s northern regions.

**00:12:01 – Thanks for Joining the Adventure!**
Thank you for joining us on this adventure through Budget-Friendly Nihon!

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What are the CHEAPEST Cities To LIVE in Japan?

[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to my Channel at japanophile Journeys Daniel here today we’re diving into the most affordable places to live in Japan as a foreigner from bustling metropolises to Charming Countryside towns we’re exploring the hidden gems that won’t break the bank so if you’re dreaming of experiencing the Land of the Rising Sun without emptying your savings stick around first up we’re heading to Fukuoka the largest city on the island of kushu Fukuoka is renowned for its delicious food vibrant nightlife and laid-back atmosphere but here’s the kicker it’s also surprisingly affordable rent in Fukuoka can be significantly cheaper compared to cities like Tokyo or Osaka imagine finding a cozy one-bedroom apartment for around 60,000 to 80,000 yen a month and the savings don’t stop there fukoka boasts an efficient public transportation system with fairs considerably lower than in other major cities plus the abundance of affordable eateries means you can enjoy delicious Ramen seafood and local Specialties without hurting your wallet culturally Fukuoka is a treasure Trove waiting to be explored visit the ancient kushida Shrine stroll through the Serena hori park or immerse yourself in from the bustling atmosphere of canal City Hakata and don’t miss out on the yatai Fukuoka iconic open air food stores that serve up mouthwatering treats late into the [Music] night next we venture North to saporo the dynamic capital of Hokkaido known for its snowy Winters world-renowned beer and delectable Seafood saporo offers a unique blend of urban excitement and natural beauty one of the biggest draws for budget conscious expats is the comparatively affordable cost of living rent in saporo is generally lower than in many other major Japanese cities think spacious apartments at prices that won’t make your eyes water saporo also boasts an extensive and efficient public transportation Network making it easy and affordable to navigate the city and its surroundings from exploring the historic saporo Beer Garden and Museum to wandering through the verdant odori Park getting around is a breeze and if you’re a fan of winter sports soro’s proximity to worldclass ski resorts is a major [Music] bonus all right Lads moving on to the city of 10,000 shrines Koto now Koto might not be as cheap as Fukuoka but don’t worry we’re still talking budget friendly here the real beauty of Kyoto lies in its welcoming Community especially esally for us expats Kyoto attracts a lot of international students and teachers which means there’s a pre-existing network of people who understand the struggles of adapting to a new country you’ve got language exchange meetups cultural workshops you name it it’s dead easy to meet like-minded people plus Kyoto’s full of these hidden cafes and restaurants tucked away down Alleyways you can find some right Bargains if you know where to look trust me some of the best food I’ve had has been in those little Backstreet places and of course you’re in Koto you’re surrounded by thousands of temples shrines and Gardens you could spend every weekend exploring a new historical site without spending a single Yen well maybe a few hundred for good luck so while Kyoto might not be the absolute cheapest the sense of community and the sheer amount of free stuff to do make it a winner in my book right on to the next one [Music] next up we’re diving into Osaka often called the nation’s kitchen Osaka is known for its vibrant street food scene friendly locals and most importantly its safety Japan in general boasts incredibly low crime rates but Osaka takes it up a notch you can comfortably wander around at night try those late night food stalls and not have to constantly look over your shoulder this sense of security is a massive Plus for expats especially if you’re not used to living in a big city it just gives you piece of of mind you know you can relax and enjoy yourself without constantly worrying about your belongings or personal safety and let’s not forget about the cost of living Osaka offers a great balance it’s cheaper than Tokyo but still has all the excitement and convenience of a major city you’ve got excellent public transport affordable accommodation options and let’s be real you’ll be spending most of your cash on delicious takoyaki anyway so if safety and affordability are high on your list Osaka should be right up your alley it’s a city that truly Embraces you and your stomach with open arms all right now we’re heading to ngoya the industrial Powerhouse of Japan while it might not be as flashy as Tokyo or Kyoto ngoya is a Hidden Gem for expats especially those looking for job opportunities ngoya is home to major industries like Automotive manufacturing and Technology this means there’s a constant demand for skilled workers including us foreigners so if you’re in engineering it or any related field ngoya should be on your radar now the job market in Japan can be competitive but don’t let that put you off with the right qualifications and a bit of effort you can definitely land a decent job in ngoya plus the cost of living is relatively lower compared to other major cities so your hard-earned Yen will go further and hey even if you’re not looking for work ngoya is is still a fantastic city to live in it’s got a unique blend of modern and traditional with stunning castles beautiful gardens and a thriving culinary scene so whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career ngoya offers a promising environment to grow both professionally and personally give it a shot you might just be surprised at what you [Music] find all right Lads Kobe land of the famous beef stunning Harbor views and surprisingly a Haven for expats with families especially those with young ons to educate you see Kobe boasts a good number of international schools catering to various curricular and budgets so if you’re thinking of relocating with your little explorers this could be your spot we’re talking established institutions with good reputations offering globally recognized qualifications it’s not just about academics though these schools are like mini melting pots giving your kids a head start in cultural understanding and language skills it’s like a cheat code for raising worldly Wise Kids isn’t it plus let’s be honest having a solid International Community around you can be a lifesaver when you’re a Stranger in a Strange Land eh now let’s talk about something crucial especially for those considering a long-term stay in Japan Healthcare and Hiroshima my friends is a bit of a dark horse in this race why you ask well it boasts a robust Health Care system with top-notch facilities and highly trained professionals think cutting edged technology combined with that renowned Japanese efficiency it’s enough to make the NHS blush but here’s the kicker it’s surprisingly affordable even without insurance and believe me coming from a country where a broken leg can bankrupt you this is a breath of fresh air whether it’s a routine checkup or something more serious you can rest assured that you be well taken care of in Hiroshima without having to remortgage your house that my friends is peace of mind you can’t put a price on right let’s jet off to naha the vibrant capital of Okinawa picture this turquoise Waters pristine beaches and a culture so unique it feels like a different country but hold on what about the language barrier can you really rock up to this island paradise without speaking a lick of Japanese well my friends Okinawa is known for its incredibly welcoming atmosphere especially towards foreigners there’s a strong sense of community here and you’ll find plenty of support groups and resources to help you integrate from language exchange meetups to expat communities you’ll find your tribe in no time and who knows you might even Master a few okan phrases while you’re at it it’s like a Tropical Escape with a built-in support system what’s not to love all right mates let’s hop over to kazawa on the coast of the Sea of Japan this place is like stepping back in time but with modern-day convenience and thankfully a very reasonable cost of living imagine strolling through well-preserved Samurai districts and Serene Gardens all without breaking the bank kazawa is famous for kenroku and garden often hailed as one of the most beautiful in Japan fan you can easily lose yourself in its beauty and the best part is entry won’t cost you an arm and a leg and speaking of affordable beauty kazawa is a Haven for traditional crafts you can find Exquisite Pottery laca wear and gold leaf products at prices that won’t make your eyes water it’s a shopper Paradise especially if you’re looking for unique and authentic souvenirs but it’s not all about tradition here kazawa boasts a thriving Modern Art scene with the 21st century Museum of Contemporary Art being a prime example this architectural Marvel is work of art in itself and houses an impressive collection of contemporary works and for you Foodies out there kazawa Seafood scene is something to write home about fresh catches from the Sea of Japan are a specialty here and you can find incredible sushi and seafood bowls at surprisingly affordable prices so there you have it kazawa a perfect blend of History culture and affordability it’s a city where you can immerse yourself in Japanese tradition without emptying your wallet for our final stop on our budget friendly Journey let’s head up north to Sendai the largest city in the tohoku region Sendai is known as the city of trees and it’s easy to see why the city is filled with lush green spaces offering a welcome respit from the hustle and bustle but don’t let the Tranquility fool you send I has a vibrant energy and a surprisingly affordable cost of living rent here is significantly lower compared to Tokyo or Osaka and you’ll find that everyday expenses like groceries and transportation are also more manageable Sendai is a fantastic option for those who love to experience all four seasons the summers are warm and pleasant perfect for exploring the city’s parks and Gardens while the winters offer a chance to enjoy skiing and snowboarding in the nearby mountains food lovers will be in for a treat in Sendai which is famous for its jutan or beef tongue this local delicacy is surprisingly delicious and very affordable making it a must try when you’re in town and for history Buffs Sendai boasts numerous historical sites including the impressive ruins of Sendai Castle offering a glimpse into Japan’s feudal past so whether you’re seeking natural beauty cultural immersion or simply a more affordable lifestyle sandai is definitely worth considering and there you have it our Whirlwind tour of Japan’s most budget friendly destinations from the bustling streets of fukoka to the Tranquil beauty of Sendai Japan has something to offer every expat no matter your budget remember moving to Japan doesn’t have to break the bank have you been to any of these cities or are you planning to share your thoughts experiences or questions in the comments below thanks for watching and see you in the next video

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