
WEEKEND IN TOKYO | Harry Potter Studio Tour, Light Festival, and More!

Hope you enjoyed this video of our last weekend in Tokyo! We visited Warner Bros Studio Tour – The Making of Harry Potter, the Mori Art Museum, and Tokyo Mega Illumination.

[Music] [Music] when I feel I feel you lingering but I don’t feel all the time and in fact the last time that I felt something was when your hand was holding mine when was the last time that we did that cuz I’m really missing you it was [Music] so it was so oh [Music] oh now everything is different now everything is [Music] Chang we don’t even have to kiss anymore right I just want to hang was the last time that we did that it was so [Music] Longo it was [Music] so so Dy and I are at the Warner Brothers Studio making of Harry Potter tour uh where they have a bunch of cool uh props from the show and just a bunch of cool photo option and stuff so probably get something from the gift shop but uh we’ll take you around and see what they have and I came over to your house I dreamt that I was bleeding out and I woke with you you in side of my mouth and questions of the why and how [Music] again and maybe when I heading out I’ll think of what we talked about and maybe I won Matt got a nice slitherin sweater and I got some ear muffs so far even the gift shop is so cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I moved into your new place I lost it little more than space now I just High be high the days when you at work or I’m my way [Music] again and know I wouldn’t change things you love like this makes me sing but don’t you for one second thing that one day long I won’t be [Music] again again again [Music] again yeah again again and again again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I walk you through the CL of Cs the water spilling as it [Music] rains we’ll drink the SE spit the song every single person’s play where did I go wrong what did I lose I could see r now I want [Applause] [Music] BL I still the color of the daisies on the side of every [Music] world I mixing up to form a picture made of flowers and it gold you turned it high with some Rose you feel the sweat different from you [Music] know love [Music] I think of nothing but the fast everybody else

1 Comment

  1. That Slytherin jumper looks so good on you Matt! I love this place, especially the Dursley's house 😂

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