
AG TODAY | April 25, 2024- Cindy’s Country Store and the Music of the Walk Tallers

Cindy from the new Cindy’s Country Store at 240 Steinwehr Ave joins us to talk about how she moved her business from Connecticut to Gettysburg and why you should check it out next time you’re here.

-Music submission from the amazing group of Pittsburgh musicians known as “The Walk Tallers”
-Patron and frequent commenter Peter Zack drops in
-Bethany’s news and God knows what else

Acid Jazz by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

and we’re live
how long did picket charge take that’s
another great question
from the Gettysburg Museum of History
Studios high at top Baltimore Street in
a maximum security facility complete
with central air it’s AG today hi this
is Matthew leech I played first sergeant
Talbert in band Brothers hi this is
licensed Battlefield guide Paul Bailey
hi I’m Dale Fetzer hi I’m John Rothman
hi this is Bo rman hi this is Anthony
bner I’m a huge fan of addressing
Gettysburg is the greatest and most
quality podcast ever and you’re
listening to it right
now God you’re so lucky don’t ever go in
America Got Talent you won’t make
it did you say Lincoln never fight a
pill me boys never fight a pill don’t
give himal third Marine infantry regimen
I could was that L Ling to the mayor was
there come from a Nobody Got
du blue collar workers yes thank you
quiet I to ask you a bunch of questions
have them answered immediately you guys
suck uh thank you ladies and gentlemen
hello everybody wow that was close we
almost we almost didn’t have it uh my
buttons weren’t loaded for some reason
and uh that was scary wonder if yeah the
other ones aren’t either it’s so
annoying they had a firmware update for
the board and then and added new stuff
which we’ll get to later which is going
to be fun but then the same problems
they didn’t fix that problem so
apparently I’m the only one that has
that problem I’m just going to say I
really like the old
board the little one yeah because it had
the mark button yeah and and they still
haven’t added one to this one either so
you’re just going to have to get
professional on uh
listen I am always professional yeah no
yeah know I understand but even even
professionals make mistakes right never
I’ve never made a mistake first of all I
I I don’t I don’t the only thing I mark
on our shows like on the history shows
are curses so I could bleep them I I
don’t take anything out or if if like a
guide is like you know there’s a
question I ask and they go um and then
they’re going through all the
and and it’s like 30 seconds of silence
and paper wrestling I’ll cut that out
but otherwise I keep everything in
mistakes and all makes you human like
that I Mark the ones where I mess up the
intro yeah but I keep that in no you
don’t yeah I do cuz it’s fun people like
that too they like to hear people who
are wonderful mess up and you’re
wonderful oh okay did you just hear that
he gave me a compliment uh that jovial
laugh you hear in the background is uh
Casey turban uh he’s the uh the
president the founder the chairman of
the board of the uh AG film club I
prefer Zar uh the Zar also pull that
right to your mouth there there you go
um you know I got that thing because
people didn’t know how to speak into a
microphone on a stand and then they you
know like uh they let’s say this pen
here is the the microphone on the
headset you know they sit down they put
it on and the thing’s out like this and
they start talking and it sounds like
they’re in the other side of the room
you got to get right up to your mouth
Howard coell had it right to his mouth
there you go here’s the thing i’ prefer
a microphone but it’s cool I can live
with this well I don’t want to set my
tonsil now well cuz they have one in the
back and I need I only have four inputs
for anyway let me move this camera angle
cuz all you can see is my back fat move
that thank you got to put my front fat
on here come on
1080 seeing that
Lord oh that’s good stuff uh all right
well so anyway Casey is uh for those of
you who are paying attention online you
might have noticed a new Instagram
account new uh uh uh YouTube channel
called addressing
Winchester and while that’s what she
said was my guinea pig show as far as
ucing other people um on a on a new show
this is more of uh uh the first in a
franchise of the addressing Gettysburg
format uh Casey is very very much
involved in the history and the going on
going on of his town Winchester Virginia
he loves it like I love Gettysburg he
loves that but he grew up there so he
it’s in his blood and his BL you’re not
a carpet bagger like me Damn Yankees his
it’s in his blood and his blood is in
the soil down there quite literally
quite literally cut myself a lot a lot a
lot a lot of cuts and so he we’re going
to we’re we’re going to uh we’re kind of
we I went down there on Tuesday and we
kind of walked around and talked about
okay so how does this go business-wise
cuz I’ve never done this you know and
he’s never done it so I’m like why don’t
we just figure this out together and
then we’ll start a network uh together
and uh you know and cuz you know it
doesn’t it doesn’t always have to be all
so mostly has to just the camera yeah
yeah yeah right so anyway so that’s uh
that’s what we’re going to do tell us a
little bit about what you plan to do on
a dressing Winchester you’ve released
some stuff about uh recently paty Klein
yeah yeah so uh I’m sorry so sorry yeah
well that’s Brenda Lee if you’re I’m
sorry again little brend leey Klein is
wait let wait don’t crazy that’s right
pieces walking after midnight but didn’t
uh Willie Nelson write I’m sorry and
crazy he well he wrote crazy original
lyrics were stupid stupid I’m stupid oh
so stupid for loving you and then we
changed it in the studio with Owen
Bradley crazy makes sense crazy’s better
I think and then the the story behind
that is py you know with Willie he’s so
notoriously behind the beat and doesn’t
really sing he kind of talks it took py
a week to get even behind the lyrics She
like heard the demo and he’s like I
don’t know what to do with this came in
the studio they sent her home to come
back cuz she had to wrap her mind around
this you know texting really that
couldn’t crazy you know and Pat’s like
I’m like Billy Holiday let me get up
here and Bel you oh that’s interesting I
didn’t know that so yeah so now she’s
from Winchester born in Winchester yeah
no no tell me the poor lady she had uh
she had quite a hard time there they
weren’t really nice to her were they
they weren’t they weren’t so there’s
been a lot of uh paty’s Legacy issues in
Winchester and I would just say I would
frame that issue by saying if you come
to Winchester today it was really bad 20
years ago but if you came today and said
I want to tour everything Psy you have
the house which is preserved well
celebrating py Klein Inc is a great
organization they’ve done a lot with
what they have besides that no statues I
was just going to ask no no I mean I
actually this is kind of embarrassing I
have a a tattoo of paty Klein I’ve never
been to her actual grave site so I went
the other day and like went to walk
around and they had the bell tower that
was erected 20 years after her life but
there’s no path there’s no I mean you
really got a wait a second you took me
to her grave site last year no we went
out and saw the bell tower but I mean
physically get out and walk up we walked
did you yes we stepped in the goose poop
and everything no okay okay yeah no so
I’m talking right up to the actual stone
stone though like you didn’t walk out
her her actual name plate is a couple
hundred yards away from the tower okay I
don’t remember ex I just I I assume we
did okay REM it’s a yeah so they put
this to my pictures yeah they put this
Tower up years and years later after the
fact it was more of like a fan movement
than Winchester itself so pretty much
everything that’s been done in paty’s
honor has been fan generated local not
like the town saying we want to promote
her like Stonewall Jackson George
Washington you name it so traitor so uh
now but so what was the problem with
with paty why was was Winchester not
nice to her in her lifetime in in the
simplest terms she was born on the wrong
side of the tracks Winchester quite
literally has a proverbial right and
wrong side of the track she was from the
west side of town on the on the south
and east side of town is where the
wealthy people live where the local high
school was she was dirt dirt poor when
she moves to Winchester fulltime she’s
about 16 years old you watch the video I
just put up today I won’t break it here
there are some traumatic circumstances
in her childhood that kind of lead to
her having this Hard Scrabble life she
ends up getting her first break with a
band leader named Bill pier and the
melody boys she gets kind of caught in
an affair with him it’s all very public
so I mean she’s literally a child she’s
21 years old when she marries for the
first time but all of this gets caught
up in the 1950s social mess and she well
she wear pants so yeah and this is a
time like something do the you ever
watch any these old videos these like
people singing it’s always like a creepy
guy like pory wag Porter Wagner being
like and now coming to the stage is
pretty little lady you know that sort of
creep it’s never just
that silly little thing from Virginia
you know every time it happens and
that’s just what the culture was you
know she was supposed to be part of the
scene but not the scene itself and and
what goes on to happen is paty has a
Vegas residency for 35 day she sings at
the Hollywood Bowl with paty Clan she’s
the first woman inducted into the Music
Hall of Fame as a solo artist she’s an
icon MH and Winchester doesn’t even have
a proper actual museum for it where you
can go look behind glass cases and see
things they actually missed out on it
and it went to Nashville in 2015 H so
and but then she when she becomes famous
does she maybe do does Winchester look
at her differently I would say that she
becomes and I say this in the video that
she becomes Infamous in town in the
sense that she would come home and like
walk around town in her rollers and her
hair even though she was like just on
Arthur Godfrey or TV the night before so
they were used to her but then when she
ends up passing very young she’s 30 when
she dies in the plane crash her mother
lives in town for 35 years after that so
paty really doesn’t leave the town her
mom who was like her best friend lives
in the house across the street until the
day she dies how do how do they treat
her mom I so Hilda died in 1998 I I’m
born in ‘ 88 so I can remember Hilda’s
car being parked on K Street I would say
that she was kind of a reclusive not in
a bad way but she was a quiet kind of
bitter because she knew how the town
treated her daughter and she stayed I’m
surprised she stayed yeah and you know
paty wasn’t a super wealthy woman even
in her passing like her estate and stuff
went to her husband Charlie dick that
did a lot to promote and you know she
had kids but there weren’t millions of
millions and millions of dollars for her
mom to buy some estate and move out of
town for it so um you did a how many
videos on her uh so there’s a three-part
series first one’s up now first one’s on
her early life the second one’s going to
be on the Peaks and then the third video
will be about her death and Legacy uh
spoke with an airplane expert talking
about the crash and stuff Co that’s cool
so now it’s not only it’s not a paty
Klein in Winchester show though I mean
that’s the thing you’re also talking a
lot of Civil War history there’s George
Washington history Daniel Morgan Daniel
that’s going to be my next series Daniel
Morgan we also uh maybe not for the best
were the home of probably the uh worst
Dixie crack Governor kind of in that
strm Thurman you know Wallace kind of
range Harry F bird was an incredibly
prolific and important figure the uh the
Mind behind Massive Resistance the
closing of schools in the face of
integration comes right out of Harry F
bird Winchester he owned the local
newspaper so I’ll do a series on him as
well his brother was an Arctic Explorer
I mean a very impressive and prolific
family so it is a beautiful have you
ever been no you should go I should but
nobody ever invites me go well let’s
tell you
something Matt told me he might invite
you down there so wait Matt told you not
to invite me said he might invite you
down there he was talking about maybe a
live show down there yeah I might do a
live show and I might invite you I might
let you know when it is like even
potentially like an AG today or
something maybe maybe oh that’d be funbe
like something real Rocky
maybe but we’ll see I you know I notic
that you don’t take me out in public
you four-year-old we’re not in a
relationship no we’re not in a
relationship Cindy and I are in a
relationship I meant like this kind of
oh of course we are but you have a child
what are you going to do and by the way
I don’t go hanging out or you know
paintting the town red like I used to
anymore okay I got to protect my liver I
can’t be doing
that so you know I go home he takes me
to monuma or to La Bellas after it it’s
dark when it’s dark so no one can see us
walk in Candle let restaurant and
everything’s closing down yeah
everything’s closing down no Witnesses
there’s no one there like how can I hide
this crazy lady I made sure that none of
their security cameras have night vision
so yeah it works but really I don’t I
don’t really do anything Cindy how
boring am I at home not boring I mean
you got AOL you got no I mean I’m I’m
fun to be around but like how
boring as like I don’t really get St she
didn’t say you were fun to be around
very routine very routine yeah I’m
exhausted I’m mentally drained by the
time I’m done with my day I go home and
I I veg
out but also it hasn’t it’s been winter
you know so you’ll see in the summertime
I’m I’m more uh out and about I’m more
apt to get out and do something because
I don’t want to waste the sun you do
realize that when we leave here probably
tonight it’ll be a little bit daylight
out are we going to have to a half an
hour before we go
anywhere wait what what that’s why the
shows have been longer
yeah it’s going to be 4 Hour show by the
time June comes around we don’t want to
see Bethany out in the real world it
makes two of us Bethany cuz I’m with you
on this I’m
hideous you’re the quasim
mono my back fat
all your back F oh Lord so uh we’re
going to get into more of this later
okay but but I want to show you just a
couple of things that came across uh my
desk uh in the past week there is a you
know what a collective
is it’s a group of so there’s a group of
mus to do something there’s a group of
musicians out in Pittsburgh that love
this show as they should because they’re
from Pittsburgh and uh but there’s like
30 of them and they all they all are
like they’re like really good and they
can they’re all good at different
disciplines uhuh and things like
that and um and so I like the pause for
you to your
neck so so they uh uh uh uh they decided
uh over the last several months or so uh
since you came on that um they’re going
to start writing these 30 second little
not really Jingles but just little songs
oh God okay um about uh all of our
quirky personal it traits and things
like that and just things with the show
so nothing about me because I’m not
quirky um I’m totally no you’re very
quirky you’re the epitome of Quirk
quirky so now so here’s the thing Colby
never watches the show when he’s not
here okay so we’re going to start I’m
going to show you some of the ones that
we have for him okay okay and then um uh
and then I I’ll play one you know like
yours and mine and and things like that
okay um I actually no I’m going to I’m
going to do one of yours okay okay this
is pretty sweet this one here
sweet Bethany oh
Bethany how many cars slammed into
buildings today
Bethy will you read the headlines
today Beth oh Bethany your news surely
makes the
show Beth
o e he come on girl
that okay go ahead girl I’ll that love
okay I don’t know who sang that but she
has a lovely voice her name is Kimberly
Kimberly you have a lovely voice and
that’s that’s the first time everbody
anybody’s ever sang a song well yeah you
wait now okay so now another thing
there’s more now um let’s see now Okay
so Colby they’ve noticed kby does a lot
of things um uh that are uh that are
kind of quirky um one of them is that he
tells us that he was in the Marines no
yeah he’s never done that no I know and
so there so the idea of this is there’s
a couple of them here there’s a few
versions of this idea okay and the the
idea is he starts talking about the
Marine here for a second uh here co uh
not Kobe Casey pretend you’re Kobe start
talking about when I was in the Marine
Corps okay so like Beth and I are
talking interrupt and talk about that
hey guys well that one time in the
Marine Corps I
was hey did you know Kobe was in the US
Marines Third Battalion third regiment
seems an only child but his twin is
sometimes here
say hello to Jeremy mcne how’s that
low all right uh oh my God I didn’t know
that House’s that loaf was going to take
off I it’s it own got get a changing
their names to have it in no but um
somebody else I did too he’s a homeless
loaf homeless
loaf we’re going to have the loaf
Brigade soon out here yeah and then we
have another version
hey did you know Doby was in the
Marines Third Battalion and third
regimen same same lyrics but different
only child but his twin is sometimes
here say hello to Jeremy
MC how’s that
all right and then uh then there’s other
times where he’ll he’ll like I’m having
an interview with somebody in here right
and he’ll butt in yes and he will go on
this long analysis of you know AG today
the the idea of this is a taste of
everything right so we have a guest in
we go for 25 minutes or so and you know
you get a taste of it if you want to go
to their store their restaurant you got
to go and do it yourself right we’re not
going to tell you their whole life story
so here in the talk to America’s
yeah man
man trying to house that
low a
today oh my
God so uh you I don’t know who these
people are but I love them I love every
single one of you well here’s here’s the
best part and this is a great example of
how they’re uh
eclecticity elasticity their elasticity
uh ranges here
listen to this
one what the hell you talking
about Lord call me
baby what the hell you talking about
going be a twice ringt
man we’re just sitting here having a
time out oh my God yeah baby this is
fantastic Soulful I oh my God ER did
they did one about me
um I think that I shall never see a poem
and lovely as maty maty who laughing
mouth is press against microphone sweet
silver breast M that may in summer
we oh my God that was amazing it’s hard
to understand all the words did you get
all the words yeah okay here’s the thing
about that one yeah like her voice her
voice is awesome yeah good it’s like
sounds like a it’s a different girl
these are different it’s the fifth
Pointer Sister it’s the fifth that’s
right it’s the one that’s still alive
fantastic uh how about the this one you
know when Kobe’s always trying to get me
to go to the gym yes all right here we
go yeah bro let’s hit the CH yeah bro
let’s get you slim yeah n BR 70 M rock
yeah n BR make you BL
truck house that
low all of them have house at low in it
course oh my God this is amazing uh
you’re always hry
at the End by the end of the show I’m
starving right now and here’s one to
hold you over and every time you start
when we’re in the last segment you start
talking about food I’m going to uh play
for understand you’re hungry Bethany
just hold on a little longer my friend
soon you will see A’s waiting for the
when this show comes to an
end just picture your favorite a Bethany
with napkins and friends singing
songs methhead walks out and hands you a
plate of scrumptious chicken
bones I didn’t know I talked about that
on here did I talk about that no I gave
them some
uh oh my God okay wait I was like oh my
God she’s I have a policy of not saying
Mead in public well I I didn’t want to
get anybody in no we didn’t say the name
of the restaurant
okay hold on now my God that was amazing
me head comes out oh it’s so good oh my
God I really hope Katie is listening to
this so she can be playing it for my
sister okay and then there’s uh but
there’s another version of that one here
okay so that we don’t get used oh no no
sorry sorry wait wait wait wait that one
is not uh uh okay no there isn’t that
was it that’s the only version this one
here is based on
um how Alderson brought us closed its
doors because they became a joke on the
show cuz cam Miss mispronounced
it poor alers brought us her door now
closed decades more of learning we all
suppose one day on a podcast West
Virginia’s own mispronounced the name
and a joke was
born so long alter’s been brought us
sitting high on the hill our memories
are many and our hearts do swell for
great times
on I have a hard time with names
sometime oh my God that was amazing yeah
I mean they really are talented they uh
they really can do any kind of music can
we meet these people I’m sure someday we
can get them out here I don’t know
here’s another one
poor Alderson brought us her door are
now closed and decades more of learning
we all supposed but one day on a podcast
West Virginia’s own mispronounced the
name and a joke was born so long alder’s
been broad dust and
sitting our memories are many and our
hearts they do swell for great times on
Broad Hill
Oh wrong way Twitty right there that
baby were you ever in the
Marines call it
baby were you ever in the Marines oh my
god well the audience never knew that
now they’re brought up to
speed oh oh
God all right one more Beth oh
Beth how many cars slamed into buildings
today Bethany oh
Bethany will you read the headlines to
me Bethany oh Bethany your news surely
makes the
show come on girl in house that
oh my God my gut
hurts oh my gosh so yeah so so how did
this come about this whole situation you
know one day I just got an email and
they were like hey we love your show you
know here’s an here’s like this they
sent me their their stuff and I was like
damn these people are talented yeah and
they do it for fun they don’t even
really like they they they they play out
sometimes but not all the time yeah
they’re called The Walk tallers that’s
the name of the walk tallers and you
can’t find anything about them online I
Googled them like yeah they don’t even
have a YouTube channel what yeah I it’s
it’s they’re I don’t understand it
because they’re so talented they should
be showing up how talented they are
they’re out of Pittsburgh the walk
tallers that’s what they call themselves
and they just they’re all people who are
married with kids and they they just
have musical talent coming out their
pores and they decided uh this is what
they were going to do and uh Pittsburgh
couple Dum Muses down here in Gettysburg
and put them right to work
yeah and uh yeah so
that’s that’s it that’s how it goes well
not only am I honored that somebody from
the western part of the state you know
has is listening to me right that they
decided to make songs with me but my
name is in a song isn’t that something
does it make you feel good I’m so
excited Jesus well you know what we’ll
do one more time as we go to commercial
listen to that we’ll be right back after
these words with Cindy from Cindy’s
Country Store okay we’ll be right
back oh
Bethany how many cars slammed into
buildings today Bethany oh
Bey will you read the headlines
today Beth oh Bethy your news surely
makes the
show Bethy oh he
hey on
that the mayor was
there hey Gettys nerds 2024 is shaping
up to be a fun year for addressing
Gettysburg and we want you to join us
our get out of the car tour is put
together and led by licensed Battlefield
guide Lewis Trot kickoff in April and
will be available at a later date for
the first time ever on our YouTube
channel speaking of our YouTube channel
Gettysburg National military Park Winter
lecture series is available exclusively
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Me audiobook narrator Mike Scott
narrator of savis bey’s bloody Autumn
the shenendoa valley campaign of 186 4
and unlike anything that ever floated
the Monitor and Virginia and the Battle
of Hampton Roads if you are an author or
publisher interested in having your
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mik and Civil War Trails it’s
the world’s largest open a museum and
they offer over, 1300 sites across Six
States Drive the Gettysburg campaign
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Douglas’s birthplace or hike to remote
Earthworks and artillery positions visit
civilwar to request a brochure
and explore their interactive map follow
Civil War trails and create some history
of your own you’re listening to the
dressing Gettysburg podcast
today a today a
today we hate abbreviations welcome back
AGT okay where’s the writer I’m right
weos right here hi everybody we’re back
now on AG today AGT
AGT and uh you know we like to save the
second segment for business owners or
you know Friends of the show historians
whoever last week we had Peter carmichel
on and it ended up going uh an hour and
a half or something like that with old
Pete because uh Pete can really not shut
his mouth is really what it was uh
but pretty sure Matt did some talking in
there too a little bit of talking but
today we have somebody who is not
only um a business owner here in
Gettysburg Beth but she is an adoring
fan of ours I am and her fan of yours
her name is Cindy
Cindy hello pronounce the last name
please I forget shulo chitsulo
yeah well think of chia c i a chow I say
Chulo Chul Chulo R family say culo C but
I say cha cha like Chia you Chulo Chulo
CH Chulo just okay Cindy he she owns
Cindy’s Country Store at 240 steinwart
Avenue and she’s here to tell us the
wonderful tale oh boy of her journey to
Gettysburg you’re from Connecticut I’m
originally from ring Pennsylvania are
you now I am so you’re back to your
native soil I am does it feel good yes
yeah yes how long were you in
Connecticut for oh boy about 37 years
and now Connecticut is like uh you know
the same area New York New Jersey you
know the whole thing and to me it’s you
know it’s nice Connecticut’s nice don’t
get me wrong but it’s like you you got
to you got to have some dough I that is
a true statement I’ve always felt that
from Conneticut have a lot of money how
a lot of money and a lot of attitude
okay my friend Jeff uh you know big
attitude he’s from Connecticut really no
not really he’s a great guy I was going
to say I don’t know I can honestly say I
know two people now from
Connecticut oh no four people now from
Connecticut this is Jeff by the way
grabbed and pulled and hurt my
neck anyway so uh but anyway so you’re
you’re uh you’re up in Connecticut for
37 years you said yeah about yeah yeah a
family up there and everything like that
and then uh but you’re always interested
in Gettysburg or how does this work well
I met Ron when I was in my early 20s
Ron’s your husband that’s yep okay your
early 20s and you’re in your early 30s
now yes good for you yes thank
you um and when I told him where I was
from I think the first thing he said was
did you ever go to Gettysburg ah it’s
the first thing I said like it sounds
exactly like it than sorry Ron and uh I
said yes I can still smell those baloney
sandwiches rotten on the in on the bus
ah the trip yeah and those metal lunch
boxes oh God yeah that was so y your mom
would make chocolate milk she’ put
chocolate milk in the thermos and it
would be all nasty by the lunch time so
chocolate chunks but it wasn’t chunks of
chocolate what are you guys doing well
in our day we had metal lunch boxes we
didn’t have
yeah you don’t know this we we got box
lunches from somewhere here in
Gettysburg well yeah you didn’t have to
go far for your field trips it was 4
hours away I’m sorry I forgot so uh okay
but so what but you did you have metal
lunch boxes when you were a kid or were
they phased out and turned to plastic
where you can get all those uh when I
was a kid they didn’t even have lunch
boxes that’s not true they have them
back in the olden days
we didn’t have we used a paper sack with
the flower had come in the week before
it’s going to be another hourong
interview if you don’t stop with the
Stewart don’t talk about my cousin that
way uh are you really related to Jimmy
this is about Cindy can we get back to
Cindy I love Jimmy Stewart we all love
Jimmy Stewart that’s not the point Cindy
when did you see your first Jimmy
Stewart movie when I was a kid and you
love Jimmy Stewart we don’t care about
Jimmy Stewart yes right
Mary what does he say about the moon if
you want the Moon
Mary I reach up a gra and pull it down
or something like that that stutter is a
family trait yeah I noticed you do it a
lot yeah when you’re doing the headlines
you’re like uh more PE people are dead
I’m gonna throw something at him so we
got to get through this so that we have
the break so I can HSE on okay all right
but anyway let’s get back to you so tell
us about the
how did that well no well let’s get
let’s work our way to the store tell us
about the store okay goodbye so all
right so
you you uh you you you you you start
going to Gettysburg with uh your husband
Ron well he’s not your husband right
yeah he no he yet but then you know he
was like lightning struck me and we got
married and yes okay yes yeah and did
you become you became a nerd a Getty’s
nerd because of him sure yeah yeah I
didn’t really go he he met somebody and
he said um his name was
Andy and he said this guy wants me you
know introduced him to reenacting oh
nice and he said do you mind and I was
like I don’t care you know do what you
want do you mind if I drop a couple
thousand dolls and play gun with the
boys yeah my daughter used to say my
daddy goes to the silver war and then
she would cry and says hide behind a
rock Daddy yeah so we had to tell her it
was like play make believe but he was
the one that came down here all the time
I we came down a few times and then we
brought the kids down and it was great
but it was really his thing and I kind
of stayed back and and um you uh you
didn’t did you like the area though oh I
loved it you just didn’t want to come to
all the yeah I was busy I was you know
working and it was his thing he he doing
the reenacting thing now did you have a
store in
Connecticut yes so how does that start
so yeah I was working when does that
start is that starting in your 20s or
when did you start that um I started
working for people that had a country
store and they wanted to kind of retire
a little bit and they kept offering you
want to rent down here and open your
store and we weren’t ready we weren’t
ready and then one day we talked about
it and Ron actually had taken the test
to be the guide okayy real close real
close to the cut off and okay we’re
staying in Connecticut and they said you
want to rent some space from us and open
a store and he said well sure let’s do
it so he was he’s a music teacher right
so he continued to do that and I opened
my store and everything was going well
perfect thriving Amish furniture and he
would come down to Lancaster pick up my
orders but he didn’t stay there he
stayed here so it was great because he
would say to one of his buddies that he
reenacted with who wants to go to
Gettysburg mhm and help me load the
truck some yeah Lo the truck and they
would stay here for a weekend and so
that’s what we did for years yeah I
think that’s a great Arrangement yeah
I’ll drive you to Gettysburg but you got
to load all this stuff on to my the guys
loved it and Ron he not only loved
coming because of Gettysburg but he did
stay in other places he stayed in
Lancaster one one or two times he stayed
with my sister she’s in Pennsylvania but
for him he just loved meeting Li Amish
we made friends with them and he loved
the whole thing are they allowed to be
friends with people who use electricity
yes okay I was what do I know no it’s
all secret yeah but they can’t marry
they hide they sneak us in they can’t
marry them though uh no I think they
have to leave you have to like become
somebody has to You’ have to become
Amish yeah well you usually leave the
faith right MH so you become English mm
yeah all right so um now uh you uh but
this story though so you the for the the
Connecticut to Gettysburg story is not
without its hardship and tears right yes
and I’ll try to get through tell tell us
well if you without you have tissues cuz
I can’t it’s hard for me to tell the
story she used all the goddamn tissues
so you have a sleeve right yeah I get
this y Okay so uh all right so we’re
moving along we have our business ry’s a
music teacher our kids are growing up
and kind of doing their own thing and
Ron was struck with a neurological
disorder and uh see I can’t no go this
will be good for raining yeah Cry The
Cry bring back the crying girl yeah um I
I just I can’t I it’s very hard for me
to get they’re going to bring uh eye
wipers for you okay here you go send you
to the rescue you’re a doll thank you
C sheets napkins for
you dry those tears why the sheets
not so uh you know he um was starting
this tingling and and we they couldn’t
figure it out and tests and spinal top
and MRIs and you name it so he was went
from a limp to a walker
and finally there was like every all the
doctors were at a loss and I hope I get
the story straight Ron and there was a
doctor Ron you can just yell if she gets
it wrong cuz I have the microphone open
there okay doing good so uh there was a
doctor at Yale that the neurologists
were starting to all talk to each other
like we what’s wrong with this guy and
so there was a doctor at Yale that heard
about him and they made an appointment
and he went to see him him and one thing
about Ron is he I’ll go by myself go by
and they said okay we’re going to do
tests and we’ll uh you know let you know
in two three weeks and Ron said no we’re
going to find out right now because I
know I’m at my end if it would have gone
another two or three weeks he would be a
lot worse than he is today so they said
you want a bed you want to stay and he
said yeah so we stayed in the the
hospital they actually told him to go
home there wasn’t a bed so my my son
took him back into the emergency room
came home had a nice big stammy sandwich
and was really excited to go on Ry yeah
yeah and uh so he went in and they put
him in a bed in emergency room he never
really had his own room they put him
here and there just and they did some
tests and they diagnosed him with uh
myelitis and that is uh when you have a
virus um it triggers an autoimmune dis
this this disease and lesions form on
your spine oh the inflammation and so
his lesions are low okay it does have
one up here but what it does is it cuts
communication from your brain hits those
lesions and the yeah so doesn’t know
where to go right some people they’re
like well can he think can he do you
have to feed him his brain is fine he’s
still driving me nuts he’s still R you
know so uh basically he was starting be
to get tingling in his arms and and what
they do to stop it is they give you a
strong steroid IV so it stops the attack
on your body but you leave the hospital
the way you walked in there’s no cure
okay so it’s just a temporary
it just stops yeah um stops the
progession yeah right right and that
caused all kinds of problem just a
couple of doses stop it or he needs to
keep taking no he he’s okay he he
doesn’t need that so um yeah so he came
home and then it was what do we do so
they said well you’re going to need
Physical Therapy okay
so that was pretty much all they said so
we researched stuff on our own and I
said what about Aqua theapy what about
this what about acupuncture what about
yeah and every time I looked up his
diagnosis what came up was John’s
Hopkins and one day I how long is does
it take to get to John’s Hopkins from
Gettysburg Pennsylvania and that answer
was 1 hour and 17 minutes and one day I
said to him let’s go and he said you
because we were really close with our
kids our daughter lived with us and he
said you’re going to leave the kids and
you’re going to close your store and
leave our life and I said yeah yeah we
are and here we are and so you moved on
down so uh yeah so you decided you’re
going to move on down uh down here yep
and um that did that take you a while
cuz it’s I know a lot of people have
been trying to move here and they’re
having a hard time finding a place to
move into you did you kind of get lucky
with the house or well what we knew we
started to you know you talk to agents
and they you make an appointment and
houses were going like this oh yeah you
so finally I said well wait a minute we
need a community that’s going to do the
lawn and do these things because all
that stuff stopped you know we we needed
help from our kids helped a lot you know
my my daughter was helped me with the
shop she was great and so we needed
something that was going to be first of
all no stairs we had a raised Ranch so
this guy was living in the
basement and the upstairs back in
Connecticut yeah the kitchen’s upstairs
so uh we knew we couldn’t do that why
wouldn’t you let him
upstairs he’s driving crazy go
downstairs in the basement r i mean the
good thing is is it was a full family
room with a full bath and he could go
out to the grud he always could drive
his yeah interesting yeah his left is is
worse than his right always drive well
you need your right yeah you don’t need
your left yeah except for my car I have
a 24y old car with stick shift so oh you
need your
left so uh yeah so uh we started to look
up communities and we found one and
there was a new one being built and he
came down a few time with friends
because they helped them in the hotel
room and stuff and that was fun
because I couldn’t I didn’t I never saw
my house until the day I moved in which
is interesting most women would be like
that’s not happening right you you
bought it sight unseen yeah I did he see
it yes okay yeah he was in it I think
twice before but he came down with his
friends and how did he do was it like I
love my house okay I love my house I’m
pretty sure if Mark had done that for me
I’d be moving very shortly after love it
I mean I saw pictures of it and I saw
the footprint you know I was like
looking at that blueprint all the time
yeah but it was great cuz he came down
with friends and they’ve been his
friends have been wonderful so the
developer was FaceTiming me and you
could see the guys in the background and
when he came home I said you know when
the guy was fa FaceTiming I could see
you and your friends at the window
pointing out the out the back window
what were you pointing at he said little
round top so I was like that’s the house
there you go yeah so we can see little
round top from the back that is nice
yeah and I I love it I do good job Ron
so you move so you move your home now
you got to move your
business well we came down here
and my daughter was working in the
business we decided okay we got to shut
it down so we went back and we had a
going out of business sale MH and then a
couple came in we we thought well the
rest the inventory we’ll take we’ll put
in storage and this couple got in touch
with us and said we’re going to open a
country store and they bought the rest
of my inventory goodbye hm nice and I
went left like this so have fun so but
now now you have to come down here and
find a store and get more inventory or
did you have stuff in storage complete
scratch complete scratch you had nothing
in storage nothing I had register I had
all that that was actually stolen that’s
a whole other story but um really that’s
the juicy
story but you don’t want to tell it I
know unless you do do you do you you
don’t have to name names you can just
tell us you don’t have to say the town
well basically what happened yes was
when we went to Connecticut his parents
house was empty cuz they were snowbirds
so they were down in Florida so we got
to the house I had these friends they
were police officers and they said we’re
going to bring bring dinner to you
because the house was empty so I said
come in about an hour I got to walk into
my store this was a Tuesday and just
walk in and get those emotions out
because the sale was starting the next
day that’s an emotional thing a lot of
people think you know it’s not B you
know it’s not personal it’s just
business and you got to like make but it
even even if you’re good at making
emotionless decisions like the end of a
business is an emotional thing it’s a
personal thing and why we moved and the
whole thing
so I I just wanted to walk in and you
know I walk in and I have my key and the
alarm and he stayed outside because for
him to get in and out was I said just
stay outside and um I had no equipment
what do you mean meaning my iPad which I
used for my register I had
no everything was gone like even the
scanner you know the barcodes yeah rude
rude stolen stolen called the cops
perpetrators came
in um and that’s the end of that story
now I’m not going to divulge who they
are but the perpetrators came in you say
that it’s not like these you know how
some criminals like to return to the
scene of the crime to watch everybody go
you know no it’s not like
that she knew them yeah they came in she
knew who it was the cops walked in the
door and they said oh this has got all
over it their name all over it yeah it
was just the alarm Cod was it broken
into no right no the alarm there were
codes one for the tenant yeah that my
daughter and I used and then another one
and that was the last code
used and so they all B they were there
that morning they took pictures it was
just it was just a m it was a m but
anyway so there so there’s that beat
them up yeah beat up Karma will get them
don’t worry it is so so but you um uh so
you’ve got that plus Ron’s health issues
oh he was doing insult to injury yeah it
was really bad yeah and then and so now
but you’re moving here you come down
here you’ve you the next day though tell
everybody because the next day is the
best part when you have the going out of
business sale and people hear about what
happened to you what happens what do
do here we go goodness here we go so I
put on Facebook and that’s probably why
this the it was not to steal my stuff it
was to stop the sale right um which no
everything we’ve been through so I got a
calculator and a
pencil you’re going to do it the
oldfashioned way yeah yeah and uh my
friends just what can I do the whole
town turned out to help you and it’s
like Jimmy Stewart see we’re full Circle
it’s It’s a Wonderful Life right here in
real life can I tell you
that go ahead can I just tell you
that I really really thought that I was
at the end of my Rob that’s helping I
it and people just showed up and there
they were there they were one family
said can I get you ones
can I get you one
what the garage down the street
look the the streets were packed with
cars yeah yeah the
line was out the door people were
waiting in front of the store all I did
for those few days I was there was cry
it’s a blur yeah and there was a garage
down the street she walked in and she
said we moved all of the cars that we’re
working on and
you’re guest can use our parking lot I
mean it was just CRA people that I
didn’t even know were coming in and
saying we heard what happened and we’re
just going to buy something because we
just to help you out just because yeah
and because they where’s Fred fast about
what happened though right I mean is
that like overnight I just posted on and
I put on Facebook and I said oh yeah and
we were robbed so and everyone’s like we
know who it
is and I was like oh God but uh
so yeah so we just had this big sale and
I mean I had one friend come up and he
walked in the door and he had working
gloves on he goes what can I do really
and my
friends a lot of them don’t know each
other uhhuh right they’re you know
they’re like my friends right and they
all had a great time yeah so they’re
laughing friends yeah I yeah I hope so
but they just had a great time um I was
very emotional and a lot of people were
like pulling me away so they could talk
to me and there were people in
line like sobbing yeah and I’m like oh
are you okay what happened and they said
we’re going to miss you said they no
they did they said this is my my place
that I go when I have a bad day and you
know you listen to us and and I turned
to my husband I said I didn’t even think
she liked
me I because I it’s the store isn’t that
funny how that works out sometimes
country stores have an ability to do
that all right so explain to the
audience for those who don’t know cuz uh
until I went into yours I didn’t know
what the hell is a country store New
Jersey please um well they’re all
there’s different types but mine uh I
love historical stuff right so I had
prints of the peacemakers with Sherman
and Porter and Grant and Lincoln did I
get it right and the portraits of
Lincoln and Grant sold today portrait of
Grant sold today nice but I also have um
handmade crafts Primitives they call
them so I say think of Little House the
Prairie like s yeah the mother would
make her daughters their dolls right and
the dolls were played outside and they
get so everything looks old and coffee
stained and yeah that kind of thing but
berries and florals and plaid yeah yeah
like is it like folk art is that some of
it some of it’s folk art but primitive
is a great word
primtive not whitewashed what do they
call that that uh ressed distressed wood
and things like that yeah and Amish
furniture so all yeah that’s they make
good Furniture the Amish yeah they do
and sheds yes yes yeah there’s a place
in Connecticut that does all that like
the gazebos and stuff we’ve got one down
here well one of the things that like
cuz my mother and I and my sister we we
go places to seek out country stores
like it’s a it’s a it’s a thing really
it is MHM so it’s like uh people that
like to go antiquing or whatever there
there’s Country Store people that go
country storing yeah sort of like we yes
we purposely go places and drive to go
to Country Stores and a lot of the stuff
you make in the back right it’s
authentically made uh by you um you’re
out there uh I did a little bit of that
in my other store I think I’m going to
do a I think Ron used to make stuff for
the store oh yeah yeah shelves and
little cabinets and stuff so now you’re
on steinar Avenue you’re were there’s a
funny story not a funny story but an a
story there that um you’re at 240
steinar Avenue which was uh my first
location when I had Getty Spike not
inside where you are but I was out in
the back if you go there today there’s a
shed there’s a shed there’s a shed in
the back uh lawn and um if right behind
the breakfast Cottage of the quality in
and that’s where we started I put that
shut up and um so so the christs were
the people that owned it back then and
they were uh they’re great people
because they uh they helped me get my
start and um yeah so and it’s that that
property there what was there
immediately prior to you that might
people flex and FL flex and flanigans
before the fire and people come in all
the like someone came in today we just
want to see oh there was a staircase
here and there was yeah they’re curious
about it yeah what I did I went you see
a staircase here went up to the other
floor yeah yeah and the weird thing is
is when Ron would come down here he
stayed at the Quality in a lot so he
would be sitting outside while his
friend Joe would be eating his Banana
Split he’s very upset that Dairy Queen
isn’t here anymore and I would hear
music and he’d say oh that’s ABC across
the street we’re going to go over and
you know have dinner and have a beer and
so and you’re right there now yeah and
he would say this would be when they had
their fire and you know very sad that
they that happened but when
they renovated it he said that’d be a
great place there’s nothing like your
store down here yeah and yeah there
really isn’t no and I go yeah yeah yeah
yeah one day one day you know so uh when
we moved
here the kids were there for the weekend
to help us move and we came down on
Thursday on that Saturday I said let’s
get out of here let’s just walk through
town you know we were doing a lot and
we’re walking around Ron actually
dropped us off so we’re walking around
and we ended up at ABC and I said let’s
take home dinner for for Dad and we
called him he said I’m actually in the
parking lot I said well let’s go in and
have dinner so we’re sitting at a table
and he had been here so many times and
he had done some tours with the red
shirt Ken Rich Ken Rich yeah and we’re
sitting there and Ken was up at the bar
staying at the bar and he said you see
that that’s the red shirt was was that
the day he was doing the Coyote Ugly
dance on the bar yep
oh the mental image I thought
so and Ken walked by and he you know
they shook hands and he said oh you here
for the weekend and Ron said no my wife
and he and I just moved in and he said
listen every Saturday night there’s a
group that comes here for dinner the
Benes mhm you want to join
us we’ve been going ever since invite us
to the Benes I’ve been going I get an
invitation every weekend I just can’t go
every week I haven’t gone in a while
well Ken thanks for that well he doesn’t
like you he told me he doesn’t like you
and I’ve gone out priced I almost over
with car the other day well now he
doesn’t like you he’s such the yeah such
good people yeah he’s a sweetheart and
that’s where I met you and Ron and I had
on my Gettys gal shirt that’s right and
I was like hey that’s my shirt and she
you’re like no it’s not I bought it and
I was like no no no I made have yeah she
thought I was accusing her of stealing
my shirt
no yeah and when I said uh my husband
got it for you oh who’s your husband and
I said his name you said why is that
name familiar yeah because Ron and you
were emailing about the getting out of
the yeah the get out of the carours yeah
you had this correspondence right and uh
so you what’s the word I’m looking for
everything comes everything comes
together sunrise sunset not Ro lead to
cburg all roads lead to Ron and Cindy
and so uh okay okay now how’s everything
going with the business though now that
you’ve started here good good I mean the
support from this Comm commu let me tell
you Gettysburg is so welcoming yeah we
just won an award for that you know I
and I tell everyone stop telling
everybody it’s everybody’s going to move
here these people need to stop with the
awards and the list we’re horri the
worst place to live don’t move here hate
it hate it I regret moving here oh
people are so mean the traffic
yeah oh awful the smells the smells had
to throw that in the
smells terrible these people spreading
poop on their fields all the time God
homeless are pooping on the Square it’s
just terrible poop on S that’s actually
happening oh my God no it’s not
happening is it happening pooping on the
Square I hope I don’t literally walk
around up there anymore because of the
poop so you don’t want to move here no
Ste in it all the time just come and
visit for when we have the sidewalks
clean we know when you’re visiting
that’s in front of rub house that’s why
that big truck was out there you clean
the sidewalks no we had literal poop
human poop yes what oh I’ll tell you
later no tell me now well I’ll tell you
when we’re done with this in the new in
the news a good poop
story who does it lava God po story
yeah now that’s going to be on the board
thanks for
that so all right fine we’ll tell we’ll
tell the poop story later uh but you go
ahead now so how’s everything going
everybody’s very welcoming go ahead well
I would I mean you know people down here
are terrible but um I would go to the
grocery store and I would come home and
say Ry you know how you’re coming out of
an aisle with your cart and someone’s
coming and where we came from they would
run you over give the finger and you
know spit on
you sorry and
no I met lovely people in I have
wonderful friends in Connecticut I do oh
yeah I’m sure yeah but it’s there it’s a
little different everyone here is like
we love it here we love it here and you
go and people go no you go yeah you’re
at a stop sign and people drive by and
they wave yeah like do I know them
they’re just nice or you’re just walking
down the street and somebody’s walking
on the other side of the street and they
wave to you uh we were driving down uh a
real country road uh Flor Church Road uh
a couple days ago and they waved as you
as you went by guy was walking he wasn’t
even facing us and as we walked by he
just went like this like waved some so
rarely do people come down the road that
you assume you know them yeah oh
probably I didn’t even think about that
I thought they were just being friendly
yeah on my dad’s road that that’s what
happens and I’m like do you know that
person dad’s like never seen him before
in my life well yeah yeah that’s what I
love about living here is everybody’s
nice most people are helpful oh um and
uh yeah it’s it’s a great great place to
live because you know why everybody’s
helpful most people are helpful is
because they’re happy to live here yeah
and they know what they have and they’re
lucky they know they’re lucky they
purposely moved here they purposely
moved here and uh and they’re very happy
they’re very eager to help because it’s
a different nut to crack it’s not a hard
nut to crack it’s just a different nut
to crack and where you got to put the
Nutcracker is different than you do on
say an almond or
uh Brazil nut I don’t know
yeah a I love you oh yeah
great she gets you I do so nice she does
she she gets me yeah oh yeah I love you
yeah I do I she does get you she just
totally did the yes Matt whatever you
say mat that we all do know that’s not
getting me that’s learning how to that’s
learning how to that’s not the same
thing son of a
[ __ ]
I so anyway back to the
store go ahead yeah so one of the things
that makes that your store so unique is
like you said there is nothing like that
here no my sister who is a huge Country
Store human okay she and I were talking
about this because I had said that you
were going to be on the show and done
and she said one of the things that is
always so interesting to her when she
comes here is that you go into a store
and there’s like the you know the
souvenir stuff but it’s very similar in
every store and I said well that’s
because a lot of those places are owned
by the same person right so they just
it’s just it’s easier for them to have
locations and sell stuff than have you
can’t have a bigger store that you’re
kind of limited by the space so you just
have morec you just have more locations
so you walk into your store and it’s
like lot of people walk there are no Lin
pencils in here they go oh oh and
there’s something about a country store
that there’s there’s the same things
that are said when they walk in yeah um
what the hell is this yeah um
now the difference here is my store
there was huge it was giant it was known
and people traveled so the town wasn’t
the destination which is a cute little
town the store was so people would come
in and say well while I’m here what else
in town is there restaurant or whatever
here the town is the destination yeah so
not everyone is here for Country Store
yeah and so I have to kind of get used
to the Curiosity of this used to be flex
and Flanigan and people coming in and
cuz they’re just Shoppers well but you
know what browsers you uh if you you
know just keep going with your social
media you come on shows like this and uh
people who are coming here for the
history will get to know you more and
and that’s the thing too is like you
know the Ron and Cindy of you know
Shaban could be watching right now and
Ron’s watching because it’s a history
show and Cindy is sitting there because
he tied her to the chair and won’t let
her leave and she’s like oh my God
there’s a country store there oh well
then let’s go now now we’ll go lot of
gifts for wives well done a lot of you
know oh my wife you know she’s you know
I love Gettysburg and she’s at home and
I’m here with my buddy and I’m going to
buy a couple you know you should you
should add for the men who were dragged
in there by their wives is like some
kind of man stuff like uh you know like
those soaps or you do oh perfect and I
have uh it was so cute when they had the
reenactors uh recruitment recruitment
yeah oh yeah there was a a reenactor
that came in and I swear he could have
done a commercial for my store I have a
thing with the LIE soap and it fights
Poison Ivy and mosquitoes and everyone
that walked in you got to get this soap
all my other friends at re actors
they’re like why don’t you have bugs on
you and why don’t you have poison ivy
because I get this soap so uh and then
there’s the prince you know there’s I
have Harry had
a the prince the prince yes Prince Harry
p r i n TS oh I’m sorry print plural
sorry I thought you were talking about
Prince Harry I was like he here I’m
going to get silly now that just made me
um but the much better than
crying but uh she’s gonna laugh so hard
she’ll cry I probably will but uh yeah
and I see a lot of people walking by so
hard she poops on the
sidewalk and they walk by and they kind
of do a like and then they come in and
they’re like oh this is different so
there are historical prints and I have
to get more because they’re really
that’s that’s the big and they some of
the bigger prints in Connecticut were
the Civil War ones I think you have an
opportunity being that you’re in
Gettysburg to kind of create your own
take on the country store because of the
Gettysburg connection like you could I
don’t know what but you could do
something with that I’ll leave that to
you I have some people walk in the door
and they’re like Cindy they’re from
Connecticut yeah oh really yeah and it’s
really great that’s that’s really great
that is cool can I ask a selfish
question sure so when I worked in retail
one of the things I love doing was
stuff even though I know what’s in there
can I just come unpack some stuff
sometimes when I get really stressed
it’s like Christmas I you know what’s in
the box and it’s so great some of the
handcrafts because they’re made from my
store they take longer to come
here they take longer to come here I
know let’s make our own show so when I
open them up it’s like a
surprise and I would I would totally do
you love unpacking it’s don’t don’t pay
like I don’t want to be P I’ll call you
next time we move I just whenever
whenever like I miss that so Mark will
take me because my husband loves me
he’ll take me to the bookstore I used to
work at
and I’ll go around and pick up all the
stuff that people didn’t put away and
shove it because I just want to shove
something because it’s cathartic to
me but I have to go all the way to York
to do that and he’s like you’re so weird
like they’re not paying you I’m like I
don’t care I just want to put something
away I’ve had people say to me can I
just come to your store when you open
the boxes yeah really yeah well you know
box opening videos on YouTube are very
popular and I don’t understand it do you
change things up like Halloween and
Christmas oh oh my God can I come for
Halloween yes Cindy
please it’s like a scarecrow like threw
up in my store oh my God oh my God we
where have you been my whole life oh my
God oh my
God no it’s and then at Christmas time
holidays oh my God I love it yeah do you
do it for 4th of July actually oh my God
4th of July I always have some Americana
and especially here and I Am shifting
gears a little bit here because I know
where I am you know I have to you have
to go to your audience so I have to stay
true to who I am and what my story and
that I think sometimes that’s where you
have to identify what your store is but
you can kind of throw some that’s that’s
not easy no it’s very it’s very hard to
say what you are what your whatever is
yeah no but I think you you have the
experience with your old store up in
Connecticut and you have enough of a
sense of what everything is here and Ron
is super nerdy about it so what you
don’t know he can fill you in on and you
could probably come up with a really
cool unique country store that you can
only find here in Gettysburg and then
you can franchise it to other civil war
towns I’m telling you though I would put
Ron behind the counter he has a
fantastic smile you could just have him
back there smiling at smile he’s
adorable he is so cute is adorable yes
he really he really is
yes where is he where is where is that
smiling mug there it is it’s beautiful
in the corner over there all right so
he’s he’s got a great smile I would the
counter and just have him talk to people
a yeah I would just just sit him on the
and no no he has to be like behind the
counter so that people realize that he’s
meant to be there and not just some
creepy guy that’s standing out there
smiling at people you have to have him
behind the count and and then just have
him like oh Ron get a dog like a lab and
sit and pet him and then he could just
be back there Petty the dog talking to
people about stuff excuse me sir how do
I get to edburg well you can’t get there
from here he just set them up with some
maps yeah overalls put some overalls and
a straw hat on them La I can put my head
up no drink water while he’s get some of
those big flower barrels that people sit
on and he can just have his own little
section back there where he tells people
how to get places while petting a dog
yeah you want to do is you want to go up
to the square and you want to go 3/4 of
the way around that’ll be on
Chambersburg Street I just think he
should be doing this oh my God I have
three blocks to make a left on the
corner that’s the house that you want to
go to but you don’t want if you get to
the tree with a big hole in it you went
the wrong way go back the other way you
went down the wrong if you see a heroin
addict vomiting on the other Corner
you’ve gone too far but if you see some
poop on the street you know you’re there
yeah oh my God please that’s what we
call homeless
Ro I don’t know when he became Southern
but I I don’t
know old man you’re making up a
character anyway I mean make him
Southern oh my God he needs some bement
hats and some plaid shirts that he wears
over t-shirts yeah a trucker hat oh my
God he does anyway know I love you she
knows I love you Ron she knows them
you’re my new favorite human just got to
put them in overalls though oh
suspenders not overalls suers suspenders
and we can we can give him a a like a
fat suit so he’s got a big belly hang
yeah oh and then we’ll start a Facebook
campaign called ask Ron oh that’s great
ask Ron ask Ron Ron how do I get to the
land of little horses well what you want
to do is you want to head out on 30
West and it’s just it’s just small
videos of him giving directions to
people oh my God please do this yeah oh
my God but he he shouldn’t but he can’t
save roads he’s going well you want to
go up this road here make bar make it
right at the big yellow door right right
oh my there’s a crazy lady with a yellow
door you want to turn left at her house
so now he’s from Long Island yeah yeah
he’s a from Long Island I felt that that
was closer to Connecticut yeah yeah
closer but not
quite oh I love W all right well so I
think uh the audience now really wants
to come and meet you at uh Cindy’s
Country Store and Ron your
puppet I am I’m going to drink water and
we’re going to we’re going to sing
uh you need a big like chocolate lab
with really sad ey yeah who’s like a
basset hound no a oh my God a basset
hound here we go I’ve always wanted one
his name is Bilbo baggin and he’s just
fat and old and he doesn’t get up except
whenever somebody comes in he does one
little and then that’s it and you get a
discount if you give the dog a treat oh
my God
yes sounds fun oh my God I love this so
much the funny thing is is Ron never
worked in the store well he will now he
got the stuff he brought it in but but
he was there for the sale and everyone
was like run he really was like a little
celebrity really he is now he’s now my
favorite human of all time yeah yeah you
you basically you’ve basically presented
him as he’s your
tattoo and your Ricardo monel Ricardo
Mon oh my oh my God this really took
a yeah see you were all nervous we had a
great time no do you have have you ever
been to an
all it’s like all no great stuff Jeep
great stuff Jeep what is and he has like
a uh a a art character like what do you
call that a cartoon a cartoon mascot
kind of guy of the original guy that
could be your mask up for your store is
Ron sitting in a chair in overalls
overall with like a like a ripped up hat
kind of like Buddy Epson oh God like the
Beverly and you know what’s really
popular in country stores now are the
old trucks yes oh my God he could have
old truck yes he could have an old truck
like yeah yeah here you go Ron what the
hell his face this I turn around look at
Ron he’s like this it’s like what what
am I door what insane asylum have I uh
ended up listen Cindy I wish you all the
best of luck with uh this Venture of
yours um it’s very exciting to open a
business here in Gettysburg and like I
and like youve already discovering the
community is is great and supportive as
long as you’re not you know shyy so
everybody’s you know so don’t be a Shyer
but you’re not going to be a Shyer CU
you’re not wonderful people I tell
already and uh uh uh uh uh uh our
listeners are great so when they come to
town they’re going to come in and say hi
to you because that’s what they do yeah
and they’re already planning it on are
they all what are they saying
so it might price says Karen here I love
Cindy’s store oh my gosh I can’t wait
for trips to Gettysburg on Halloween and
Christmas is that Karen Karen
she’s I’ll tell you you already know
where it doesn’t count Connie my sister
and I stopped in last month what a great
store Cindy is lovely glad you are in
the burg thank you thank you
um somebody talking about crapping on
the sidewalk going past
that of a-holes we are um hello from
Sandy Nancy and Denise we all love Cindy
and her store there you go thank you see
everybody’s so cute we have such great
people I think those are her people well
they’re our people too they’re on our
they’re on our chat they had to sub
subscribe in order to uh make a comment
so gotcha this is why we love
Beth uh all right well listen seriously
best of luck to you thank you for coming
in and should we mention by the way can
we can we just brag on Ron for a bit
here and what he did tonight today can
we do that so after everything that
happened we about earlier in the show
now Ron when I met Ron he was in a
wheelchair and uh the big thing was you
got one of those uh souped up motorized
wheelchairs with the big wheels so that
he could come out on a get out of the
car tour and he came out to the next
tour that we had well can I can I just
say before we moved here yes I said to
him before we move you have to get one
of these chairs right and he said no I’m
going to walk I’m going to and I said
you know what this is your place and
when a kid that can’t walk goes to
Disney World they do it in a chair right
and he he hated the idea but we got it
and it gave him Independence so I and I
want to say to you that when we saw you
at the Christmas party you asked him a
question and when we came home I said
girl what you do to your hair and and I
didn’t mean to cut you but I have to
mention this yeah uh when we came home
he said you know Matt and this shows
your empathy and your kindness don’t
tell this on the air no people can’t
know this yeah thank you thank and you
said to Ron do you ever wake up and say
to yourself this is the day I’m going to
get up and just walk across the room Ron
said every single day yeah and he said
no one’s ever asked me that but he
thinks it every day so um we remembered
that good yeah CU I I would think the
same thing if I were in his shoes like
this is going to be cuz if you don’t
then you never will yeah and so this is
a great that’s a good lead into the
punchline of this story which is Ron
we’re on the second floor and I told you
when you were going to come on I said
we’re on the second floor you’re going
to have to leave Ron in the car because
we don’t have an elevator and and you
said you talk to him and he said Cindy
I’m going to walk up those stairs and
guess what Ron did tonight ladies and
gentlemen he walked up the stairs
come on let’s get some Applause in the
back room there you’re on mic people are
going to know you’re not clapping and um
and and really we watched him and we
waited and uh we we waited and we waited
I went did that and he did that pretty
darn fast he did do it fast he said
today in therapy practiced they did
something the stairs and he’s done
stairs before but he hasn’t in a It’s
Tricky a lot of people around him
Believe Me It’s Tricky for me to do this
St so he did the stairs and got up to
the top we all applauded him and
everything like that and he waved and
then almost fell back and then we had to
catch him no he he made it fine and then
we came in and sat him down and uh and
everything uh was great and I’m happy to
see that I’m glad he did it is he is he
mobile yes he always uses a walker of
247 he used the cane I took the cane
with me and had it in my car cuz he
needs that for the stairs so they but
that’s a Hu cuz the last time I saw him
him he was in a wheelchair so I mean
that’s a huge Improvement and it’s baby
steps you know yeah a little uh a little
dabble do you yeah he the good thing is
is he could always walk but he will
always need assistance MH maybe one day
not hopefully but uh he is getting
stronger when we moved here and he he
didn’t have his doctors and the physical
therapy stopped he in the stress of
everything it really went downhill
really went downhill and now he’s
getting back on track and I’ll tell you
the difference of the Care in this area
and what one of the reasons why we moved
here not only is John’s Hopkins the best
but there’s so many other things to his
disorder than just what you see the
mobility right and that’s where the
other doctors really dro the ball there
could be heart issues there could be B
density issues
there’s so many other things and and
they didn’t know that and didn’t study
it so here we’re learning more about his
condition and and and when you know then
you say okay that’s what this is so it
takes some of the scariness out of it
when you know something is going could
or might happen the unknown was the
worst and he had a great team in
Connecticut physical therapy and stuff
they really did wonderful with him but
we knew there was more to it I kept
reading about it and saying you know
this could affect your heart this you
know everything in your body could be
totally different and when we came here
John’s Hopkins was like you are our
priority they will talk to him on a
Sunday I mean the doctors are just and
WellSpan the therapists are wonderful
we’re very lucky here we are we are MH I
use WellSpan and I love them I mean I
they treat me like a person and not a a
number and uh I don’t like my insurance
company that’s a different story
but I mean we’re right near Hershey
we’re we’re right
near you know isn’t doesn’t York have
like a trauma unit or is that Hershey
yeah if traum Patric their Pediatric at
York is phenomenal there you go and he
goes to the Kennedy creger Institute
which is a spinal institute and he goes
every six months for two weeks and it’s
full evaluations and he learns more
therapies and then they do it here at
well span that’s awesome so uh the shirt
he has on is Hope through movement you
see it has the spine back yeah so uh
that is really the that’s the main
reason we’re here well I I love that he
made it up the stairs and um it’s such a
great improvement from where I saw him
last and that that’s I I’m optimistic I
mean I’m not his doctor but uh you know
I I think it’s great and I I hope uh he
continues to just keep on walking one
step at a time he
is really incredible he is he’s and he’s
keeping a good spirit about himself the
whole time too 95% of the no matter what
a bad day he has like this also brought
on some seizures and the summer and the
fall and winter were just a blur we were
in and out of the hospital it was just
horrible and he had a procedure on his
spine the end of January that helps with
all of this so that is a big thing but
there they give you answers
they don’t just go here go figure it out
they give him answers and they say well
let’s try this let’s try has braces you
know custom made for his leg they do an
orthodon oh oh gotcha yeah but
whatever whatever kind of day he had he
I’ll come home and I can be like and
he’s he could be in pain he could have
neuropathy he could he has spasms I mean
his feet go nuts and he just smiles and
he said to me I had 61 good years on
these legs I walked all these fields mhm
and that was what I wanted to do so now
he goes and sits on the battlefield and
reads and finds peace and it’s all the
attitude that’s you got to have a good
attitude with these things otherwise
you’re going to be miserable and we
already established she has a great
smile so it works out well right just
you should just look in the mirror when
he smiles oh yeah you should have
mirrors like so he can see himself smile
okay all right Cindy thank you very much
for coming on all the best to you and
Ron and the store and thank you and your
listeners for you’re listening and thank
you for your support of the show yes
that’s very sweet of you and thank you
for you uh made a comment to me when you
came into my shop and you said no matter
what you will forever have your mark on
the that’s right you it is on the record
that you had a business year MH
whether it works or doesn’t there there
is a record of it yeah and your name is
inextricably tied to Gettysburg now yeah
so there you go whether you want it to
be or not that’s right we’ll be right
back ladies and gentlemen someone most
likely has to pee so we’ll be right
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designs and Mike stretch of the Heritage
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shirts hoodies mugs and other items from
our sutlery not only helps us keep the
lights on but it also helps guys like Ty
and Mike and it helps spread the word
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item or you sip from your mug so head
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5207 you’re listening to addressing
Bethany you know I know we all know what
uh I just am looking forward to the most
and uh you know what I’m going to keep
running these live ads until people till
everybody that is at this place is our
listener I’m talking of course about the
CWI summer conference June 7th through
12 12th um Harold holer is going to be
there Ronald White is going to be there
Scott hartwig’s going to be there
Elizabeth Leonard Aaron CH and Dean Jim
bumel John White Jennifer Murray and
they’re all going to be doing standup
comedy we’re scrapping history this year
it’s standup comedy and nothing else uh
the program includes active Battlefield
experiences that’s the other thing it’s
not just sitting around getting lectured
you get to go out on the field of battle
actual tours actual tours actual miles
that was the best of Don Henley album uh
it’s called actual miles uh um lectures
interactive small group discussions yeah
you sitting you’re having lunch and
there’s a historian at your table and
you’re talking about something with a
historian it’s great it’s a lot of fun
customizable packages are available be
sure uh to inquire about their numerous
discounts for military veterans College
uh G Gettysburg College Alum members of
local partnering institutions and
Publications K through 12 Educators
public historians students uh sorry
students Youth and new attendee
recruiters you could just Google it and
find out how to get in touch with them
or you can send an email to Civil War or call 71733
659 that’s 717
33765 ner
Z for Alis Rus her door now closed
decades more of learning we all suppose
but one day on a podcast West Virginia’s
Z mispronounced the name and a joke was
born so long alter’s been brought us and
sitting high on the hill our memories
are many and our hearts they do swell
for great times on brison
Hill if Tweedle D and Tweedle dumb had
children they’d be like these two here’s
as I’m throwing out my
gum all right
um uh we are sitting here with one of
our listeners uh those of you who are uh
uh regular viewers of this show on the
tube of you you will know that the name
Peter Zack thei I believe right second
second excuse me we’re waiting on the
third right you’re working on that no no
no okay uh
not Peter uh you are in town where are
you from uh Queensbury which is just
south of Lake George New York up St New
York Lake George is he tell me who you
were so this is exciting for me cuz I
see your name on the chat yeah yeah I I
have no life so no but this is he didn’t
even say anything to me he just said
there’s a guy there’s a guy on the show
but this is exciting hi it’s nice to
you hi personality reminds me of
somebody back home that we deal with and
uh that I deal with you work in an
insane asylum right yeah always
yeah oh you don’t know we deal we deal
with her and remind me of her who’s the
person you deal with that it reminds you
of her I don’t know if I should say her
name well don’t say the name but
describe why does she remind you of her
just the personality her quirkiness and
stuff like that and just you know she
tries to be proper but really isn’t but
she’s not I don’t know what you’re
talking about
yeah Beth oh
Beth how many cars slammed into builds
today Bethy oh
Bethany will you read the headlines
today Bethy oh Bethany your news surely
makes the
show Bethany
oh come on girl and house that l
I could house that
loaf all right so uh you’re from upstate
New York and you’re into rev War
reenacting right yeah well I first got
why are you yelling right here no I’m
just kidding I’m just teasing you go
ahead uh I first got into Civil War
reenacting first um with which regiment
uh the 123rd New York which was up on
culps Hill yeah oh sure oh sure but um
yeah I got I got involved in history
like at an early age it was like second
grade and I had a teacher she would read
she had a journal from the Civil War and
she would always read from oh that’s
cool yeah it was wicked cool and I was
always like is it time is it time for
her to to read the stories and I
remember it was I think the Peninsula
Campaign and they were talking about the
um uh Professor Lo and the balloon they
just mentioned the balloon and they were
they were like oh cool the balloon’s
going up and we’re going to all watch it
so they’re like setting out blankets and
they’re like oh cool watching the
balloon and all of a sudden the
Confederate started trying to hit yeah
well they they started Landing where
they were having the picnic and so they
were like so that was like the one real
memory that clicked that I was like
after that it was like we’re going to go
so I went home and it was like oh Civil
War this and so I started getting all
these books like my parents would a lot
of picture books it was like cuz they
were like second grade yeah yeah and I
didn’t like reading yeah me neither and
uh still don’t yeah me neither and uh so
I started getting books and and I got
into it and then uh we were just driving
around one time in a local another local
regiment was uh doing a little living
history and kind of like a recruitment
thing and um I went up and I was you
know I was too young and I was like oh
you know doing this and they’re like oh
they told me you know you could be a
drummer boy and I was like I went to my
dad like hey they said they would take
me as a drummer boy and I didn’t it
didn’t really click that you have to pay
for things like right buy the drum you
got to yeah you got to buy it all my dad
was like no yeah he’s like and how about
no Scott I was so mad and I was like in
the Boy Scouts but I had taken the
buttons off and put brass ones on I you
made your own uniform yeah I used to do
that weird stuff and and um but then
like I kept at it and at it and uh my
I’d asked my parents you know for
Christmas I had the was that time the
regimental quartermaster had the little
booklet and I would go through that was
my that was my Christmas the drill what
what booklet are you talking about no
the catalog oh the catalog yeah I
remember the catalog yeah and so I would
be like highlighting you know what I
wanted my mom was like no what the hell
is a haversack and so so what other kids
did for Toys R Us catalog yeah I was did
on the regimental yeah you’re so cute
yeah so that’s adorable you’re adorable
Peter yeah you’re so cute if you only
me so but now did you find were there
other kids in your class who were
interested in history or was it only you
there was a few um so did were you did
you guys become friends and bond over
this kind of yeah kids are weird I mean
I I was at the mentality cuz I had like
I was an only child but I had older
cousins right and I would see what they
were going through in life and so like
by the time I was in high school I was
like I didn’t really care I was like you
know once you leave High School you move
on yeah and so that was my mentality of
like I’ll never these people again and I
really haven’t you know and it but no
but it was really weird because I the
ones I did bump into was it was a real
odd occurrence too they bumped in and
this was after 9911 happened and I I was
going into the military the Marines and
um bumped into two guys I went to high
school with and they were doing the same
thing hey did you know kobby was in the
US Marines all right that’s enough yeah
yeah it was just practicing but I bumped
into them and they were you know they
were like a a py a couple Cycles behind
me so like when we were in Paris Island
we would go to church and they were
there and I was like hey what’s up yeah
you know it was really odd and it was
like strange bizarre but I mean that
whole experience is another bizarre cuz
the guy who got me into
reenacting um was a lieutenant colonel
and um he ended up training the Iraqi
police force or part of it okay he was
doing all these inspections going around
checking all these facilities and stuff
and yeah where we were stationed there
was a um uh was part of the big training
camp it was like the second phase of
their boot camp and um he popped in I
was in the chow hall and this is in Iraq
and he’s all with his staff and I’m like
hey and he’s like oh and he drops his
whole staff we have lunch and whatever
and then we go out you know go outside
and he was like ah cuz you called me
General uhhuh and um he saluted me and
that was like the thing you couldn’t do
and I kind of felt awkward cuz right
Marines and army two different right
right ballparks and uh I didn’t slute
them back it was it was odd I felt like
and I mean he had his staff and it was
like he’s a major and sure it was weird
but you’re here now uh for are you down
for the abts uh no I had no idea what
was going on oh okay so you’re just down
yeah well we planned this three years
ago go and you brought your friend with
you yep to come down and um we finally
made it happen it was I pushed myself to
to drive again and because I haven’t
been driving for two and a half years oh
really yeah why uh medical reasons I
don’t oh which we still don’t know oh so
I was just like jeez it’s like going
around in here isn’t it I hope not
I well all right well good so but I’m
glad you’re here then you are yeah so
you did you do a tour yet
well yeah yes kind of we went around I
was like I got to get a map I just have
to re familiarize myself with everything
and everything was kind of the same
until I got down to uh Little Round Top
yeah it’s very different and then I was
like you can’t go around you got to go
this way and so we were just going in
circles everywhere and I’m like I felt
like Chevy Chase like hey kids this is R
Ben again B Ben Parliament so we we we
kind of did a a quick job of it and it
was but we did it you did are you going
to get a guide uh we got to head back to
tomorrow after so oh that’s right yeah
short trip yeah yeah well that just
means that you can make a longer trip
the next time yeah well my buddies got
to work so buddy come on buddy I don’t
know what your name is but buddy why are
you working Justin why are you working
yeah really Justin come you’re in
Gettysburg for piz sake don’t work here
come on Justin all right well listen we
have another uh listener in there who I
want to get in here to say hi so thanks
for coming in Pete it’s nice to finally
meet you good uh have a good uh rest of
your stay are you coming to dinner with
us sure what all right come to dinner
with us right have you eaten all right
he’s going to be mad because he’s he’s
wants to go to bed no he wants to get
the uh the Bills draft or whatever oh
you know you have to do it mad I told
him the H do it I told him get over it
yeah I’m like I was like really Ser why
is it way he can’t do it while we’re at
dinner I said I’ve got an earpiece I’m
like just stick it in we’re all on our
cell phones texting people we’d rather
be with anyway so you know
it’s I don’t text anyone we all do it
shut up okay anyway so let’s get let’s
get Kevin Tracy in Kevin is uh also a
listener and then uh he is in the film
club actually with uh with Casey and uh
he’s come to some of our both of our
Christmas parties right both Christmas
parties both Christmas parties in the
last two years where are you from you
would have New York oh my God just on
the road from Justin J it’s like the
invasion of Upstate New
Yorkers sure and Cindy and Connecticut
know people yeah but no all right so uh
now you come here as often as you
possibly can I assume yeah right couple
three times a year yeah and uh is there
a special occasion for this one this one
uh my girlfriend and I were doing the
half marathon on Sunday good for you oh
my God good for you like as a spectator
no no as running
okay you’re walking fast yeah you walk
or run run I’m one of those weird people
that like running you like running well
it’s probably good for you yeah do you
have bad knees from it uh bad not that
you say
that past year has been a little rough
on the right knee left ankle is a little
wonky really y yeah see I my knees have
started to hurt me and I haven’t ever
been athletic in any possible way so I
guess I’m just too fat and I’m carrying
all that weight around and my knees are
like enough already yeah sometimes once
I get going I’m good but then yeah later
afterwards or the next day yeah that was
a good idea enough yeah so do you listen
to the show and chat too uh I chat once
in a while yes but I I try to listen
what’s your chat thing Kevin Tracy okay
he’s not in the chat now he’s right in
front of you no loaf name no no loaf
name well I that’s usually how I know
people is because they their name shows
up yeah once once in a while I’ll chat
not too too often yeah usually I throw a
high out there and uh six questions says
hi to me through the chat yeah oh yeah
good good old six question and what what
do you do for a living I instruct Air
Force Junior ROTC program oh really yeah
so we were just here Monday we took a
trip down to DC for the week this is our
spring break so on the way back through
they dropped me off and they headed back
to New York you know we do stuff with
ROTC programs do yeah yeah through the
foundation okay yeah we we they they can
uh camp out at the Spangler Farm okay
it’s really cool I mean if you like that
sort of thing I I would probably would
mind I’m just think of those students
these are high school students well they
all they I mean that’s I know usually
Air Force camping Air Force
usually gotcha see I you would have to
pay me a bajillion dollars to camp out
at the Spangler Farm overnight but
everybody says it’s really neat yeah
maybe they can set something up where
the uh these kids go to like a fancy
hotel around here like the Lightner
house or something cuz Air Force that’s
that’s what they like right yeah fancy
hotel H I did have I was in the career
field though that we actually were a
mobile radar unit we would have to camp
out I guess if you will yeah but if I
had a little pup tent well we were
different in the Army in the army they
give you one half a tent so you’d have
to find a buddy right with the other
half you know but Air Force they give
you the whole tent you get the whole
tent the whole T awesome yeah well yeah
I guess you guys are living in the lap
of luxury and your uniforms your dress
uniforms are blue they’re blue yeah so
would you recommend if anybody’s
thinking of going into the military for
an easy ride to go into the air force is
that what you’re saying not an easy ride
Rel quality of life probably a little
different we were just talking about we
were at Andrew’s Air Force based or
joint based Andrew as they call it now
and one of the sergeants there that were
talking to us to and he’s like you’re
just in the Air Force you know the
reason he goes I’m biased but you’re
just treated he goes he feels like in
the Air Force you’re treated a little
more respect as a person rather than
just go do this right right right kind
of thing um are you going to join us for
dinner yes I’ll join you for okay good
good because what Andrew’s Air Force
Base is where I got lost at four years
old oh yeah during the air show oh
really mhm I was I got lost and how long
did it take to find you a while really
yeah mhm and you were just wandering
around yeah this is why when did they
notice how long did it take them to
notice that you were missing uh about
five minutes oh really yeah but I was
gone really I was gone for quite a while
oh my God yeah thank God nobody uh stole
you um well see we have very different
memories of what happened that day so my
dad says he found me in a pen with a
bunch of other lost
children and I remember finding a couple
who walked me around I can if I could
draw I could draw them for you I know
exactly what they look like but
apparently they never existed
oh really so you imagine a couple that
saved you yeah wow isn’t that weird you
know I called them my G I have memories
from that age that I’m not sure memories
or dreams or somebody told a story in
front of me and I’ve you know stored it
as a memory of my own I so yeah I mean
who knows yeah who knows you don’t know
what’s going on at that this is why I
taught Ezra his address and his parents
real names the moment he could see not
Mommy and Daddy yeah yeah all right well
listen it’s time for the the news well
did are you going to join us for dinner
yes okay good so we’ll talk to you more
at dinner time and uh everybody G your
loins and now all the News That’s fit to
print and a good deal that’s not here’s
AG today’s lead anchor Bethany yling
with current events and sidewalk
conditions an accident involving a local
police vehicle causes craziness in
Gettysburg’s busiest Saturday local
municipalities are fighting against
solar panels without even Consulting
Matt cerie wow parking meters on Sunday
has caus a bit of a fight at a burrow
council meeting wow a local school board
looks into Banning books all this and
more on today’s
news Gettysburg well I feel like that
was my best one that was a pretty good
one that was really good look at Cindy’s
face she’s like getting the thumbs up
from the back room there back room
microphone’s open so feel free to jump
in at any time here in the news go ahead
Bethany oh no I didn’t mean that I know
by sorry so I I pulled this article
specifically for you Matt cuz I know how
you love how much you love solar panels
oh yes mhm so Mount Joy supervisors made
it more difficult Mount Joy south of
town mhm okay more difficult to build
new solar farms in the township good
five weeks after next era energy pulled
a plug on its Brookview project yeah
okay good good okay that’s where we’re
Cindy yep so the ordinance was approved
5 to Z on Thursday effectively repealing
a 2019 Amendment that gave new solar
energy produ projects the ability to
request extensions in time if needed for
completion so now they it makes it
harder for them to get all the red tape
cut through so hopefully they won’t be
able to build solar panel farms in Mount
Township how do you feel about this Matt
I think it’s good I think uh it’s silly
and uh it’s it’s ugly and you’re whoring
our area out and making it look terrible
by doing it so there
oh but well reason this reason that find
another way thank you go ahead wow okay
don’t hold back Matt you really feel I
won’t hold back so I I pulled this
article because most people probably
don’t know about this place but you know
where Cross Keys is yeah so you’re
heading out on 30 East and it’s
between uh New Oxford and Abbottstown
but it is a huge kind of cross hence
ke um Crossroads there um that a lot of
people use to get to Gettysburg and to
get into accidents and to get into
accidents so I and if you’re local this
is going this will affect you whether
you live close to it or not because of
the way the road Works an online survey
was recently launched to Garner public
input on residents experiences with the
PA Route 94 study Corridor and share any
concerns partnering with local
municipalities and the Pennsylvania
Department of Transportation the Adams
County Transportation Planning
organization is seeking public comment
from residents and travelers about the
PA Route 94 study area which is the area
there right there at Cross Keys um
between dicks Dam Road and Handover
Street as well as a section of US Route
30 between Lincoln Street and Stanley
Drive it’s a 10 question survey and you
can complete it up until May 13th
website um you can Google it and you can
find it but it’s at pa um Adams count um you can describe your
experience traveling through the area
offer feedback on potential
Transportation Solutions and identify
areas of concern through an interactive
map the reason that I’m bringing this up
is because this is how a lot of people
come to Gettysburg um along Route 30 yes
and that area is horrid
um for traffic because of that red light
right there and there’s now a sheets
there which added a lot of traffic
there’s a McDonald’s and a Burger King
and all of this stuff building up right
in there so there’s going to be more and
more and more stuff oh which is going to
make it more and more of a nightmare
yeah and so if you want to if you’re
local it will affect traffic patterns so
you’re going to want to pay attention to
this good to know so there parking
parking is back in the news and it
caused quite a stir I can’t wait to read
the comments to you
guys okay so they had the burough
Council had a a workshop on Monday for
remember how I mentioned a couple weeks
ago that they were talking about putting
the bags on the parking and how you
can’t do that on Sundays it causes a
problem and what do you do about for
handicapped churchgoers right
um the consensus was reached but not
unanimous um with uh councilmen member
Chad Allen Carr strongly disagreeing so
there were three options that were
brought forth for this this is so
exciting um the one would be a sign that
shows handicap parking along in front of
the churches with a you know handicap
parking sign but it’s only good for
Sundays from 700 a.m. to 1
p.m. okay so that would be option number
one option number two was as a monthly
rate for metered bags on Sundays and
would when parking is free until 1 p.m.
a monthly rate yeah so they would put a
bag on the on the meter so they would
pay for you just pay by the month MH and
then the third option was do nothing and
just continue as we currently are
however there was an exchange during the
meeting that I absolutely can’t wait to
read to you okay okay so Chad Allen Carr
who I don’t know but
but apparently it got heated um he’s he
went with option three to do nothing we
already have something in place if a
business across the street from the
church wanted to reserve spaces on
Sundays from 7:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. it
would be forced to get the reservation
Reserve bags and pay for
them um another member last Nam Burger I
don’t Burger I don’t know what his first
name is I’m so sorry um said we can vote
on it and you can vote against it and
not care about the old people I go to
church on Sunday
to which Chad Allen Carr countered it’s
not about that Mr Burger said well it
kind of is it kind of is at that point
this two spoke over each other for
several seconds before council president
Matthew Moon broke in with one at a time
please and then berer said we took it
away from them look deep into your heart
you go there and we’ve got ushers taking
care of these old people and there’s a
lot of them a lot of people have
disabilities and for a lot of Americans
that’s the most important hour of the
week to which Mr Carr said I will
consider that but I’m also concerned
about other businesses that can’t be a
part of this plan I’m saying make
everything equal for everybody at that
point Moon asked for input from other
members and the discussion moved on to
the other
signs so they got heated basically
accusing one person of saying I go to
church the other person saying it’s not
about going to church and whether you’re
a member of a church and then there was
a fight
I think the funniest part is how hard
you’re laughing right now I just think
it’s interesting that we like only in a
small town yeah only in a small town
would there be a fight over parking
meters on some I don’t know why this
town can’t figure out good parking you
go to
carile and you feed the meters a quarter
goes a long way if you’re going up to we
like to go to Carlile for dinner once in
a while uhhuh we’ll meet Jen Murray and
michaeler worker up there and and we’ll
have dinner at uh Market Cross Pub okay
delicious yes and uh you go oh here’s a
quarter po oh but then look at it oh no
no you wait you don’t have to pay after
like what 5 o’ or something like that or
right which we used to do here um I I
don’t I don’t get why we have to be so
unwelcoming and so uninviting and so
hostile towards people for using their
town or our town what’s that then we
were on the square and a a dollar was 30
minutes A dollar is 30 minutes mhm that
should be an hour that should be an hour
well I know what they’re trying to do I
was laughing really hard because I went
up home I was in downtown Brookville
Pennsylvania and um I have a bunch of
quarters in my car because yeah I live
here in Gettysburg cuz you have to you
have to go into a store for 3 minutes
and it takes four quarters uhhuh and to
get two as I I said to my mother I’ll
pay for parking cuz I have quarters in
the car and then I realized I was in
Mark’s car and so I’m like I don’t have
any quarters all I have is this nickel
and Mom said well you can put that in
the meter I said it’s a nickel and she
goes yeah put it in the meter it got me
a half hour wow
really I was like wow now look I
understand they probably want to they
don’t want people sit you know taking up
a space for an hour or two so they want
to make it prohibitive for you to sit
there all day long maybe that’s what it
is I get that but at the same time it’s
it’s like highway robbery like it’s
ridiculous and I I and and the hours are
ridiculous and it used to be Sunday was
free all day not just Church hours all
day yeah why can’t you do that again and
what’s the stupid thing with the bags is
it because somebody in the burough
doesn’t like a certain business owner
that has been giving him a hard time
about things and so he’s taking it away
from everybody like why it could be
almost anything at this Point yeah but
do you remember I don’t remember much do
uh I don’t know who he was even talking
about but when Kanye West and Mike Myers
were on an interview and he said
President Bush doesn’t like black people
yes George Bush hates black people and
then Mike Myers was like like oh I can’t
believe I’m on here I felt like there
was a little element of that between
these people because Mr Berger Burger
was accusing Chad Allen car not liking
people I was like ah what are we
doing I don’t know any of these people
so I I couldn’t tell you but like uh
burrow Council meetings get heated they
really do over they really do oh do do
you I I watch like um on YouTube you can
find like Council meetings all over the
country and people go absolutely insane
on their council members and it’s very
interesting to watch how functional
every city burrow Town whatever
government is across the country and the
people with all due respect the people
that are in those
positions really shouldn’t be in those
positions I wouldn’t wish that on my
worst enemy I mean I understand why
people do it they you know they want to
give back to their town they want to be
something don’t it’s about what they can
get for whatever they’re in there might
be little an element of that how many of
them are not business owners
I don’t know I don’t know I’m sure I’m
going to
guess some of the retired ones obviously
are probably you know obviously not
business owners anymore but like and
they’re probably trying to keep the
young people out so like everybody has
their own interest that they’re on there
for and I guess you can’t avoid that no
I don’t want there to be a you know
politician major at colleges so that you
major in being a politician and then you
can go out and that qualifies you to run
can we just all blame Martin Van our
official polit like lifetime politician
that’s what I do whenever anybody gets
mad at politicians I go that freaking
Martin Van be I think we should blame uh
ideologies because ideologies are why
people are not serving their their towns
and cities and states and federal or or
country well because it’s it’s ideology
ruins everything I don’t know it’s just
it was very heated and I was surprised
okay so Saturday this past Saturday uh
the found Foundation had their spring
mustard which I worked at all day and
then halfway through the day we got a
text message from the National Park
Service uh
oh hold
on I have to pull it
up uh this was from the National Park
Service emmittsburg Road closed from the
intersection of South Confederate to us
Avenue for crash investigation please
find alternate routes please slow
down then a while later another nixel
message update emmittsburg Road closed
from the intersection of South
Confederate to us Avenue for crash
investigation estimated time of
reopening is 2 plus hours fine alternate
routes then this at 6:30 that that was
at 2:30 this is at 6:43 message from the
MPS the intersection at emmittsburg Road
and Millertown road is now reopened
thank you for your patience it took that
long to clear this accident and what
ended up happening was there was a
we know now well we know the basics okay
because even the newspaper doesn’t know
because everybody speculating there’s a
lot of speculation um the Pennsylvania
state police vehicle was involved with a
crash around 1:38 p.m. on Saturday at
the intersection of emmittsburg and
Wheatfield roads at the peach orchard
battle site in Cumberland Township a
social media post this is pretty much
where all the news for this entire
accident is coming from shows a marked
uh pen pen Sylvania state police vehicle
off the road with a front end damage and
deployed airbags the video shows another
vehicle on its side I mean all you saw
was the bottom of the car vehicle on the
edge of Emmitsburg Road the Pennsylvania
State Police was investigating the crash
but did not release any
information there’s the entirety of the
news article so as we witnessed it it
was horrible looking so okay so we were
at um the Farnsworth House and we’re
sitting in the Garden cuz it was our
first get out of the car tour and we’re
all sitting there and it was a lovely
day Perfect Day by the way for the get
out of the car tour and um there’s just
you know sirens and we’re like oh well
that’s not abnormal you know but then
there’s more sirens and more sirens and
then there’s an interval of time and
then there’s more sirens and they’re all
heading south MH and uh we’re like gez
something’s going on cuz as time goes on
and they’re coming from other towns
we’re like what the hell is happening so
one of our listeners mark who was on the
tour I guess he went roaming around the
battlefield and he texted me accident
flipped over or overturned van uh at we
field in Emmitsburg
road so of course after Farnsworth we go
try to find it and we couldn’t get close
to it yeah um but uh we could see it
from West Confederate you know we see
could see the van I didn’t see the
police car in the peach orchard until
the next day or a few days later
whenever that was and we went out there
and shot a little video and you could
see the tracks uh of where the police
car went or SUV went and there I’m not
even joking there’s this much what is
this maybe a foot and a half um between
the tire tracks and one of the uh
tablets that’s there he was so close to
smashing into that tablet yike I mean he
barely missed it he did hit a tree right
he hit a tree but I think he came stop
at in the tree I don’t think because the
tree didn’t look damaged or anything
like that um but uh but yeah that video
so I shared that video on our Facebook
page and then I got an email from the
wife of the van driver and she was like
do you have any more details and I said
well that was in my video I just shared
the video I wasn’t there I didn’t
witness it
um nobody knows of the van driver is
asking you details well because she said
oh my God that uh I said you know cuz I
was wondering how don’t you know this
yeah and she said everybody that was
involved is fine her husband is the only
one in the hospital cuz he was the
driver he’s not he’s all right he’ll be
fine he’s just banged up a bit um but he
doesn’t remember what happened and so
she’s in
California oh gosh yeah and so so she’s
trying to find out more details uh about
you know what had happened and I said I
don’t know there’s a police car involved
so I’m going to guess that we’re never
really going to find out the answer
however a lot of people have speculated
because there was an accident just
before that down uh where Emmitsburg
crosses Route 15 Highway 15 and um
people think he was racing to the
scene and then the van pulled out and
the accident
occurred so but we don’t know because
you know he doesn’t remember oh my God
can you imagine being that far away from
your spouse and something like that
happens no Mark’s never allowed to
travel with me
again certainly not allowed to drive a
van in Gettysburg I wouldn’t let him
drive his car no but it’s it’s it is
scary that um you know that happens but
yeah I’m sure we’ll find out and and the
guy who took the video I contacted him
and invited him to come on the show but
he has to work he works nice and then
he’s also he’s a bodybuilder so he he
trains during the day and he didn’t have
any time to pre-record it I was going to
try to pre-record it he said he’s
available tomorrow and I said but that’s
after the point by next week no one’s
going to care about this anymore so we
got to talk about it now but so that’s
that’s all I got there now that video
though like the the reenactor that’s in
the video you know in the beginning of
the video he’s he says he’s like that
almost run me down that ran me down so
he came really close to getting run over
by that cop car that’s scary I mean that
must have
been something to see very fast must
have been going at a very high rate of
speed yeah well it looks when you go
there and you look at the tracks and you
look at the there’s some debris that’s
still there that they missed and you
know I don’t even know what happen video
that we s cuz we were dealing with we
had buses out on the field so like I’m
trying to find 250 people and making
sure it wasn’t any of them oh yeah jeez
and you know how do we get how does
anybody get back was there anybody out
in that area so we that was kind of
hectic there for a little bit trying to
figure that out and then
um memo to self always give your cell
phone number to everybody on the tour so
they can call you if there’s a
shenanigans so next year I will be doing
that what do you mean like if if nobody
had a way of contacting me oh not one
person well on that on on on the bus
that we were looking for no nobody knew
me they were all new people oh and so
that was a little scary but
um yeah how do you deal with
that uh yeah yeah and they look really
young you know like the people who were
standing around the bus really young
they were Roc kids I thought for sure
they were an Roc group well it’s
interesting is uh the guy who took the
video posted or he sent me some pictures
I should have put them up I forgot uh of
the van after after they’ve pulled it up
right and I was it a passenger van it
looked like one of those big white
passenger like 15 person passenger yeah
I didn’t see any
seats I couldn’t I couldn’t make out any
seats in the pictures I was like what
the hell is this so I don’t know but any
but I saw everybody unloading luggage
and stuff and there were a bunch of
people there so I’m assuming they were
in it anyway it was a beautiful day for
our first out of the car tour we had 91
people and we had yeah yeah and we had
um everybody got notebooks and they seem
to really like the notebooks and it was
uh it was just beautiful video was
shot by uh one of our listeners Ken me
and uh once he gets that to me you know
we’ll uh we’ll put it out there and uh
yeah so so at muster the evening
Saturday evening and Sunday morning
there was a Veronica and Kathy sighting
oh I hear I had dinner with them uh
Cindy and I had dinner with them two
nights ago two nights ago they’re
hilarious and my mother and Kathy should
not be allowed alone together it was it
was a situation really
yes there was a lot of and everybody
thought there was some kind of situation
happening and I’m like no it’s just two
women seeing each other after laughs
really everybody is okay nobody’s dying
they get uh they get a little r together
they do yeah
yeah so what um we had dinner with
Veronica and Kathy we went to Olivia’s
have you been down there I’ve never been
it’s very good I haven’t been there in
like 15 years I’m a little weirded out
by the
Mediterranean themed restaurant in the
middle of south central Pennsylvania no
what Greeks can’t move here what no a
bigot are you it’s actually a really big
really good Greek fest in campill
Harrisburg area oh I know I know that’s
not what I’m saying Bethany hates the
Apparently that is not true okay that is
not true it’s a very good restaurant
though well I’m glad I’m just saying
like that okay never mind no all right
whatever it’s a very good restaurant you
should go when you get a chance uh you
know have Mark bring you down there for
a romantic it’s a lot of seafood yes it
was wonderful and we’re in South Central
p Pennsylvania the Bal the the ports are
right down the road I know but it freaks
me out oh stop it that’s silliness that
is silliness that is silliness that is
might just be that I don’t like seafood
maybe you don’t like it yeah any excuse
to not have seafood yeah you know we
have things called refrigerated trucks
now you know they can yeah they can
freeze itend it oh really
there they do God you’re by the way
Wendell Clarkson has a brother oh yeah
his name is uh Steve Clarkson and he’s a
safety adviser uh so he’ll come to your
business and he’ll tell you what you’re
doing wrong and he talks really fast
yeah talks really fast uh he’s very Curt
in the way he speaks and uh he he’s a no
a No Nonsense kind of guy you know just
Bare Bones yeah Steve Clarkson I always
said finlin I was like that’s not right
all right what else you got in the news
that’s it oh really oh um this weekend
is the ABT conference oh yeah wanted to
tell you about that folks if you’re
going to uh be here for that if you’re
in the area for it uh be sure uh that
you come to the
refectory uh at 5:30 no
6:30 at some time at the point of the
day Saturday night and say hi we have a
table there we are a sponsor addressing
Gettysburg is a sponsor of the
okay and a gold sponsor I might add oo
that puts us up there in Good Company
yeah uhhuh and I’m surprised at who’s in
the bronze section and not up with me in
the Gold section is it the gburg
foundation might be might be
sorry I have nothing to do with that I
just want to point out um BTW Jamie umat
says there’s a round table tonight send
my love to all so she loves
everybody yes well thank you Jamie and
send our love to everybody at the round
table everybody at the round table
so what else is there oh yeah that was
it I told you about ab and the uh uh uh
shoot the thing opens this weekend
that’s true the um the the what the
farmers market Farm Farmers Market thank
you Cindy by the way in case you didn’t
know if you have a business and are on
Facebook go ahead and follow addressing
Gettysburg’s business Network it’s a new
page it’s a way for you to connect with
our audience other business owners
consumers and the businesses here in
Gettysburg and it seems to be taking off
how many are we up to now as far as
followers goes 138 138 wow Cindy that’s
awesome wow cuz last week when we talked
about it we had what 70 70 that’s pretty
good almost double almost double why am
I the only one that claps Jesus I’m
pretty sure I clapped several times
earlier and you didn’t join in I just
want to point this out okay well
whatever this is just an education guess
what why do you hate me I don’t hate you
I just like teasing you um though I
don’t know if you saw we should
congratulate Rich
Condon yes that’s right Rich Condon and
Kim are now
financiers to each other huh beyan
forgive me they’re engaged
engaged so congratulations to Rich
Condon and uh and Kim a [ __ ] oh Cameron
relax you’ll find somebody else rich is
off the market so what um the uh uh uh
yes we had dinner with them at hoofin
and fou a couple weeks ago I wasn’t
invited very fun couple I noticed how
you go out to dinner a lot with
everybody but of all invite me first of
all what are you going to do are you
going to leave Ezra at home I mean Ezra
could come along I mean if you don’t
like Ezra we we love Ezra but let’s be
real just not invite me out well that’s
what we’re
you I
did no really I mean if you don’t like
Ezra Mark that’s fine we like Ezra and
Mark but I I I you know a lot of the
people that I know when they have kids
they’re like oh I can’t cuz the kid so I
just assume that you I just take I take
Ezra with me
theth oh
Beth will you read the headlines
today I understand that you’re hungry
Bethy just hold on a little longer my
friend soon you will see A’s waiting for
thee when this show comes to an end just
picture your favorite table Bethany with
napkins and friends singing
songs methhead walks out and hands you a
plate of scrumptious chicken
bones chicken bones I want to say
Mitchell Randall I do not hate Greek
people oh is Mitchell is it Mitchell
Greek I don’t know she said I didn’t
know Bethany was a anti- greeky that is
not what I was trying to say he an anti-
a sea food situation in south central
Pennsylvania and theek like seafood Far
from the
sea that was my issue we’re not that
look if we were in Nebraska I would be a
little more leery of a seafood
restaurant although I also wouldn’t
because we have what did I say
refrigerated trucks refrigerated train
cars and a planes so yeah three four of
us didn’t have seafood so right I am the
only one that had seafood and but let me
tell you it was delicious I had lobster
and shrimp fine I’m a horrible person
scampy I’m going to
therapy no don’t what what is wrong with
you what don’t say that you’re not a
horrible person I don’t like it when you
say that family and Beth that’s really
disappointing I you guys are all so mean
loaf Hower I’m going to be I’m going to
like go home and cry you guys don’t
understand how much I take this stuff
seriously oh they’re just teasing
me oh come on Beth everybody’s
just what wait what what about many
sheets napkins left I
think why the sheets not guys why the
sheets not all right not so I think what
we’re oh
wait funky
I think that I shall never see a poem
as mie who laughing mouth is pressed
against microphone sweet silver breast
in that’s the best part
yeah it is instead of so okay real quick
so there were like I told you there was
a firmware update on this and even
though it didn’t uh totally fix
everything there is a little something I
want you to speak into your microphone
right now about anything in particular
yeah um or or not because it it also
wait hold on a second let me see did it
do it yeah yeah hi hi hello Matt my
darling I Can’t Get Enough your
be all right can can you do mine now all
right wait now I don’t know why your
wasn’t let’s go of yours here and we’ll
just hold on hold on hold oh I got to
turn go ahead all right we’re going to
take oh it’s not this oh you want that
you want okay ready let’s do that let’s
let’s let’s uh mess with your voice here
we go go ahead hello oh it’s
wait you don’t have to talk deep it’ll
do it for you I know
oh I like that
you sound like the lady shab I do I feel
like I should be on ruple drag
right oh my God I would make a fabulous
Queen okay come on I would you would
let’s take everything down for a
second wait you could also do this what
oh that’s
exciting I could do this so like on
Christmas uh maybe Santa could bring in
an elf yes yeah oh my God we could be
Veranda Santa what is it Veranda Santa
what’s Veranda Santa it’s a Bluey thing
you wouldn’t
know a Bluey thing I got to see the
stupid cartoon is it a cartoon God I
want to talk like this for the rest of
show it makes me so happy we could also
make it sound like you’re on the
telephone go ahead hello hello see how
it loses all of the Fidelity it’s not as
it’s not as okay no it’s not as cool
okay I like that one oh my
god let’s go oh my God let me take a
selfie sing sing um Christmas Christmas
Time Is Here I don’t know that song
Christmas Christmas Time Is
Here something something lots of Che
yeah so you got that now you have you
have an effect on your voice but I I
just had it if you want what I want the
low one again you want the low one
again I like this
one why do you like that one so I don’t
know it makes me feel
like I don’t
right I love it yeah it is it does
actually kind of give you a little bit
more uh sass yeah I love it yeah huh for
for the audience you should see us back
here we’re
listen so when I worked at Walden
books there was a gentleman that worked
there who was a drag queen and his name
was Idaho Ho oh Jesus Christ and
I would go watch him in shows uhhuh and
it was fabulous and listen to I could
totally do
this I have been accused of being quite
manly so maybe if I glammed up a little
bit and had this voice I would be an
awesome drag
queen I don’t know about that Matt you
should do the chipmunk voice one all
right let me see hold on here I’m let me
try to get used to uh how this all works
here so turn that one off don’t turn it
off sorry I’m sorry I can’t wait let me
see maybe we could do two at once no see
it turns one off so you’re saying I
should do the chipmunk
voice Christmas wait hold on Christmas
Christmas Time Is Here time for
something in your ear then the wind
out me I want
a you’re
you sound like easma in The Emperor’s
New Groove when she becomes a cat my
gosh that’s the best I have no idea what
you just said oh did you ever see the
movie Emperor’s New Groove no but I saw
How Stella Got Her Groove Back not the
same thing my darling I Can’t Get Enough
y Bab
now everybody can sound like Barry White
I want with the dlz
Creator hey I don’t need I don’t need
hos Grande anymore oh hos you’re fired
whoa technology has taken your
place if Tweedle D and Tweedle Dum had
kids they’d be these two you’re back
with bat see and Bethany and Bethany
yeah I had to cut the Veronica out
because yeah but you didn’t the well
because it was me I don’t know how it
was SOS
whatever demonic
chipmunk chipmunk was better oh and then
there’s also the voice of God hello
James Thompson brings up a fantastic
Point yes he always does what does he
say fish might have bones in it that’s
another reason why I don’t like fish I
shellfish the only fish I like is salmon
and tuna which by the way I made a
wonderful seared tuna we went somewhere
I which I will not name the other day
and I had a piece of chicken and I bid
in and there was a bone in it and I
almost threw up and then we had to stop
eating what what kind of what was what
piece of chicken was it it was just like
a Patty sandwich oh oh that’s the worst
when you get a bone in that and I was
like nope we’re done but that should
tell you what patties are all the stuff
it’s they just grinded all together I’m
just the
eyes the the feet not eyes and beac and
feet it was the bone no the
butthole it’s why does she hate bones
I’ll tell you why tell tell everybody
why they hate bones why do I ever tell
this on the air uh no I don’t think so
oh no so when I was like eight my
grandfather took me to a cemetery to see
where his family had been buried and you
know like a family history trip nod like
I think that makes sense okay and
and so it had just rained and it was an
old grave uh cemetery and I stepped on
where the body would
be go ahead I stepped on where the body
would be to read the name on The
Headstone and the whole ground
went and that’s why you’re afraid of
Bones that’s why I’m afraid of Bones
because from that moment on I had dreams
that a skeleton was coming to get me but
skeletons are dead they’re no different
than a
rock yes and I also logically understand
that there is a skeleton in my body
right now but I don’t
yeah yes how dare you call me shellfish
huh I don’t know all right whatever you
know what we’re going to do we’re going
to eat ladies and gentlemen because
Bethany is
hungry song thank you what oh never mind
oh oh all right we’re going to go all
right bye thank you everybody for coming
thank you all for coming here tonight it
was great to meet you all and see you
all thank you Cindy thank you Ron thank
you all for watching and you guys have
yourselves a great one we’ll talk to you
next time bye-bye AG today’s opening
theme is written and performed by Colin
Southfield and the mushroom country band
Bumper Music is ranged and performed by
Billy Webster and sometimes Gavin McLoud
AG today is produced by mat CER Bethany
Yingling Debbie Jones and Sydney Compton
engineered by Kobe Sumer and maybe
sometimes someone else guest
accommodations are provided by the
guests themselves we’ll need a couple
thousand patrons to be able to put
people up in hotels speaking of patrons
maybe you’d like to become one you’ll
find plenty of perks over there not to
mention hundreds of episodes that will
help you further your Gettysburg and
Civil War education so go to
addressing Gettysburg I’m wos Grande the
voice of addressing Gettysburg thanks
listening what seems to be the officer
problem Eric be quiet Buffalo
Soldier in the heart of
america0 zero I just hate you and I hate
your ass broadcast
day hey did you know goldby was in the
Third Battalion and third regiment it
seems an only child but his twin is
here say hello to Jeremy
mcir how’s that love


  1. Cindy seems like a wonderful lady. Witty and very genuine. The next time I’m in town I plan on visiting her store.

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