
Sushi Train Restaurant but with BBQ Grilled Meats!

A Yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurant in Japan where you can find good value meals served in a special way!

〒171-0022 東京都豊島区南池袋1-23-1 フジビル6F


  1. It's so funny, I know this concept wouldn't work in Germany because the ppl here just wouldn't want to invest the time for it (I mean… It's a social think, you talk while you wait for the food to be done)… plus I can already hear some friends of mine say to this: 'why should I cook this, when I pay for it in a restaurant' XD

  2. Don't know if you're comfortable with it, but your face is visible in the reflection of the ordering tablet.

  3. I think this is amazing but I don’t understand how it works if you Jane an actual real injury to the disks. Doesn’t leaving it untreated and moving normally mean it might get worse?

  4. Why does the elevator look like it’s duct-taped together? I also wish that there were restaurants like this where I am. They probably couldn’t let us cook it ourselves due to the probability of some fool burning himself, but I love the food being brought by “train”.

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