
Nijo, Kyoto The 3rd Planet e Kyoto crane game time クレーンゲームタイム!京都の二条にあるサープラで。

Come and hang out with me as do drop some prize figures at The 3rd Planet at Nijo, Kyoto.


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#kyoto #japan #the3rdplanet #サープラ #figures #livestream #cranegameprize #京都 #二条 #cranegame #クレーンゲーム

All right guys what’s up we are we are here at third planet and we’re going to do a quick kind of uh round here as well as try to get to round one uh kawaramachi here in Kyoto I’m going to just check that the live stream is going

On I don’t have the the DJI mic on right now uh cuz I think the sound quity was me last time so uh if you’re in the Stream say hello we’re going to get TTS going as well I’m going to say a quick hi in the chat and yes this is the

Second stream today lots of families here uh so want to be careful of of that uh not to put any of the kids on the the screen for privacy reasons but I did already ask for permission to stream here so um yeah let’s see if it’s connecting

To speech chat oh I got to click to unmute so let’s do that again it looks like we are live we just uh yeah can on mute maybe is it working we’ll just maybe I have to interesting cuz it looks like this stream is live either

Give it a a a minute to connect or uh I’m going to refresh speech chat and see if that’s working but uh yeah there’s uh some people just beside me right now okay it looks like we’re we’re on like Tron we got four people say hello in the chat uh I’ll say

Hi okay and I did hear I did hear it so uh let’s let’s get it on we’re going to go for these two of these uh four of the quential klets maybe one of these big boys and then we out cuz the other pring game stuff here it’s up top so I’m going

To get some some coinage actually I’m going to change up 200 yen these are the 10 Yen train games so you can do n 20 n 30n the the one I’m getting right now is a 30n so let’s [Applause] go all right all right so we’re put our T in

There see if anyone else is in the chat uh I do see some movement in the chat yo yo yo what’s up it’s me saying hi uh do fishy has joined the channel looks like there’s four people in the chat but nobody’s chatting at the moment

That’s fine I just wanted to make sure that everything’s working oh oh maybe it’s just me right now but that’s all good it’s all good maybe they’re just Bots and maybe it’s a I don’t know we’ll bring it down here and let’s let’s start our work let’s go try number one I’m

Going to bring it over to the right move my stuff over looks like the the people on the left got this snowman looking thing so yeah let’s go uh first try we’ll get right in the middle and just pull it over to the Right really want to go as close to that edge just like that as possible hey not bad not bad okay now we’re going to ooh so the top is almost ready to fall In that’s actually I could do a top like aame um let’s let’s go let’s go peoples hey um yeah if you’re in the chat say say hi if you want to see what’s going on and we can interact here oh all right um I could try to pull it back but if I

Pull it to the right there’s more chances of it going in to be quite honest um cuz the while the arm is strong I don’t know if it’s that strong so I’m going to do a a push to the right again more push that was a really good Push by the way

We’ll aim for the bottom part this time let see what’s up oh I could have went way more to the right so that’s not going to pull it that much oh no it didn’t do very much did it um the it’s hitting that white bar I don’t

Know if I can pull it back probably not wow I’m going to have to is it getting V I’m going to do a Bensi on the left and really extreme it hey Steve kemell welcome welcome welcome again um it’s really noisy today uh cuz they got a lot of people here so I’m

Trying to get the TTS up to the max well we’ll see we’ll see how how loud it gets that was a second attempt someone just tried this before and they didn’t reset it um all the way third attempt let’s go 30n each try it’s kind of fun all right here we go

Trying to get that bar Deni as they say it’s going to ride that pink bar oh I went a little bit not far in enough how you doing Steve kampbell Bar Cross hey we are almost there we are almost there guys I think we can get this in the next

TR that was 90n I just used um I have a feeling we can get this if we slide it to the right and actually if I do a yeah if I extremely SL slide it to the right I think we’re good or I pull it to the

Left I pull it to the left here and then bring it up but it’s a sticky bar it’s quite a sticky bar actually I think let’s see how the angle is yeah teni I have a feeling if I pull it to the left that’s the right play here we can just

Pull it up um so let’s do that let’s pull it to the left this attempt number four how you doing Steve Campell nice to see you by the way nice to see you um yes okay okay let’s go pull it slight a little bit more to

The right and up so we can do a bar cross don’t want to push it too much across or bring it back okay maybe around there ah I probably didn’t go far enough probably going to hit that top right pink oh no it did a bar cross

We’ll see how this works it worked kind of yesterday for that figure okay not yet H it is riding the white bar so yeah I’m going to do a more extreme that was try number four this is going to be try number five I’m going to do a more extreme to the Left um I don’t know dropping the bar dropping it with the top might or might not work it is a strong it’s quite strong or I can keep pulling it to the right what do you guys think um do I keep pulling it to the right or what um let’s check it out Um I do an extreme bar to the right we might be able to do it or I pull it up I don’t know could be quite sticky I’m going to I’m not going to do I got to make a decision so that pull didn’t do too

Much okay I’m going to extremely pull it to the left now yeah going to pull it to the left let’s Go something about there it might have done oh oh no that didn’t do anything I went way too left way too extreme on that oh let’s try that one more time uh that’s 180 so that’s six tries still not not breaking the bank by any means do one

More probably around there uh did I do the same again I think I did the same we’re probably going to do a bar cross yeah I did a bar cross the same it’s hard to gauge this one I think we just need to pull it to the right okay

That did straighten out a bit we’re almost almost there actually we’re almost there I I think I get it in this next one so that was 200 yen that I changed up let’s change up another 300 Yen I’m going to probably spend 1,000 yen in total on these games so let me

Come back here one second I’m a winner I’m a winner already did more last I’m just going for the 10 Yen game so come on Dr the 10 yen all right all right let’s go check this out oh and you know what this probably not pushing out this stream uh to anyone

Because this is technically the third live stream so what I’m going to do is I’m going to share this with uh my community give me one second here and see if uh if any other people come in okay it says let’s explore EXA but I’m

In um I’m technically in K I’ll do a quick post here Too uh just see if it Helps all right well we’ll see if anyone comes in doesn’t seem to be anyone in at the moment but it’s all good it’s all good let’s just keep doing our Thing I think I can get this if I a bit more to the left but I really just got to tap it don’t I okay there we go that’s much better got B Ki he’s really going to knock it over oh I should be recording this hey almost it’s almost done almost

Done okay I can actually maybe even grab that umand b where is your current location sir hey random Banker yeah sorry I couldn’t change the thumbnail I’m in kto near Nel station uh which is famous for Nel Castle how you doing ramond mro hello hello welcome welcome

To the stream thank you for checking it out um that is almost dropped do it one or two more times or I can actually pull everything to the right uh that might help as well so let’s give it a pull to the right okay uh we’re going to do an extreme

Pull a pull and a lift so we need a pull and a lift so let’s get it to about there and maybe to about there and we’ll see how you doing uh random Banker did you find me random there we go boom that was what uh 67 maybe eight

Tries 240 Yen and this thing sells for roughly 1,000 yen online we got one already very nice uh I’m going to have to put it in the bag very good we’re going to do one more so I’m going to ask the uh staff to get us another one and

Get a bag actually get a small bag right here for now I’ll ask the staff I’ve left my stuff here cuz this is Japan you just leave your stuff here like that Um okay that is Stu right there so I’m going to I’m going to flag her down okay and then let’s see if I can flag her down actually I’m going to do that that one over there too hey random Banker how you doing I’ll just flag her

Over once we get here nice to see you by the way thank you for being on the stream I appreciate it guys okay let me ask her and uh yeah we’re going to do these I think they’re the same I just keep getting these there the CR

Essential klets the the five brides and I can drop those in like three tries maybe we’re going to get this big one I have no idea what that is but a big one over there Okay So Hi all right guys that was it so that’s Tokyo Revengers on the right that I didn’t know which is it’s kind of cool guys if you’re watching and uh can you do me a bit of a favor if you’re enjoying this type of content could you

Give me a little bit of a like that would how about the algorithm so much we are super close to getting monetized like probably about 50 watch time hours away so I’m really trying to push for it oh she really pushed it a little to the right there okay so guys what we’re

Going to try to do this is a new figure this deform KES um we’re going to try to lift it to the right like tilt it like that and have it stand up that would be the best but if it doesn’t we just want to keep moving it to the right where the

Gap is a lot wider okay if you guys are into crane games or want to get into crane games I’m learning I’m still beginner but I’m learning lots and spending lots to do it let’s go here we [Applause] go I could have gone actually that’s

Pretty good you want that left arm to be as close to the box as possible and that was really really good actually okay so it is pulling it to the right and I’m not I’m not upset about that that is fine um let me check the

Chat am I missing stuff in the chat uh let me see here no we’re good we’re good um what type of anime are you guys into question mark there you go uh let me know in the chat and uh I don’t know if I can really

Hear it uh cuz my speaker is buried under my there you go you guys all right all right that was try number one so the last one was in 10 Tri 200 yenish 80 maybe I’ll have to go back but again not bad when it’s a 30 in

Crane game all right I’m going to keep moving the bottom the the feet closer to the right that’s the idea it might hit the the white post it might not um but let’s give it a try anyways uh let’s go hey ninja srel pen name what’s up ninja srel that is

Classic I love it Slice of Life yeah someone mentioned that earlier is that you Steve Campbell there you go they got a bar thingi right there the bar angel as it translates to hey what that was pretty good that was actually really really good so what I

Can do is I can keep R rotating to the right getting wider and wider um and then also uh try to lift it closer to me I’ll get the angle a little bit down more so you can see what’s going on hey that was try number two Slice of Life I

Again I think you mentioned that earlier today SE Temple or you men something else Slice of Life Sounds Familiar uh ninja scroll classic classic all right guys let’s go from the top angle here you can see what’s going on I’m going to lift the legs a little bit more to the

Right hopefully I’ll pull it up as well we’ll see what goes on um the BART teni did did pretty good though you said Kai yeah yeah you know I think that’s a an English like a English Japanese word I don’t know I have to kind of figure out what’s going on there uh

Let’s or I could move the head to the right and drop it sideways I can do that as well just don’t know if this what do you guys think we should do we should we go for the sweep the legs or sweep the head um I feel like we could do both to

Be completely honest um if we sweep the head the thing is when it gets angled the power of the crane isn’t as good uh the power of the arms aren’t as good so right now we’re getting really good um traction with the arm I think I’m going to

Go I think I’m just going to pull it to the right maybe do another bar baresi cuz the bhi lifted up we’re on the white part right now right so we’re on the white part which is really good so let’s let’s lift it to the right with the legs

All right thank you for commenting um here we go just a a wee bit in that is pretty good placement we got a bar cross which means it’s crossing the bar okay and it’s very similar there we’re going to drop it look at that can

You guys see that I’m going to zoom in there can you guys see that it’s that top left corner that’s all we need to to pull off and we can do this several different ways uh one way you see on the side of the box with the pink background

That second girl who’s sitting down we can aim for that and pull it up and’ll probably drag the whole thing up and have it drop you can um pull from the the uh flat Edge the really um short Edge there you can pull that up too yeah

There’s there’s a few way to start you’re going to Japan next month is good pleas R random Baker you are correct I uh have lived in for 18 years I am a big fan of Oak guys very close to me in my heart and uh yes it is a big uh good

Place to start with and this is the golden route for me uh you you start off in conai then you make your way towards Tokyo uh a lot of people start in Tokyo which makes sense too but it’s very overwhelming it depends on where you’re coming from you are asking the right

Person because this is what I think the golden route is uh I’ve been to Japan uh in high school and I stayed mainly in the kto Yokohama Tokyo area but I I think Kanai and kilo is a really nice place to actually start off if you’re

Interested in I’m also a tour guide here I have a Kil night food tour tonight that’s where I’m going to after in gon if you need any help or want a private tour let me know this is what I do I’ve been helping people with some anime geek

Tours recently as well as private sight scene tours and I’m also a photographer so you know I don’t mean to like push my services too much but because you’re coming and if you need help even if it’s not a tour if you just have questions

I’m here to help you okay so let me know uh I’m your guy in Kai conai being the West Side guys I’m going to drop this let’s freaking drop this are you guys ready I think I’m going to pull from that sitting girl that’s where I’m going

To do and pull a little bit to the right if I pull to the right that well actually if I pull to the left it should drop and this thing’s ready to to flop are you eyes ready here we go boom just pull it just a little bit even if if I

Get the Bari there we go that’s pretty good it should it should fall unless I’m way too oh no oh no I screwed up I was way too uh way too strong there okay okay I will reset that okay thank you for the heads up you are very very welcome okay I I

Totally screwed that up guys let’s do it one more time let’s uh let’s did I do Bensi last time I did didn’t I we can do bhi or just lift it to the right oh I I totally missed on that one okay I could have had it um it’s okay we’re gonna get

It we’re gonna get it um yo yo yo JJ Q in the house helping me out with the crank game let’s go uh we’re going to go on the wide uh so you can see what’s going on I was so close to dropping it

Um and this is a 30 end games guys it’s not not a big investment but it’s actually really good to practice your pain game mechanics I just did a bar bar cross again it was not the intention but it’s going to help yeah we’re close we’re close probably two or three more I

Just ah I really screwed up on that last one didn’t I if I do a bar teni to the right uh it could drop it or I can just keep doing what I’m doing and like I gently nudge it upwards and upwards so I think you can get it I think you get

It basically any side kto is good to start off with definitely nothing wrong with kto but it it is can be very overwhelming um and a lot of people don’t know that when they first get here all right I’m going to slide it upward to the left uh let’s go

Okay I don’t want it to go too deep there we go that’s pretty good we got a bshi on the right as you can see let’s see what that effect that has hey all right uh the bti wasn’t the best thing I wanted to do but oh and it’s

Also on an angle so that ah I think guys the best call right now is to pull it extremely to the right I think I’m going to pull it to the right let’s just keep pulling it to the right I can I can drop the second one hello buddy yes thank you

Thank you um I just remembered that it’s it’s not on the white bar anymore we could still do this but it’s better if uh we have a better angle if we bring it to the right so let’s go to the right here yeah I I missed on that chance but

That’s all good it’s all good I’m going to bring the the legs the legs to the right here um yeah let’s let’s bring it extreme to the right maybe do a b 10 sheet we don’t need to something like that probably do a bar cross okay bar DCH to the right

And hey that’s good that’s good okay now we can actually um see that I don’t know if you can see that top right corner where the head is that is pretty much ready to to drop so yeah if we pick it up just a little bit or even do it like

A a left left uh arm Bart sheet it’s going to it’s going to drop it in so let’s go let’s let’s give it a try um you just need to to slide it to the right slightly you can see that right Edge uh the right top corner is ready to

Drop it let’s go hey let’s drop it let’s drop it all right um I I did it last time and it should work this time too so go here even until about there it should slide and then just pull it to the right slide go down hopefully that’ll work if

I didn’t go far enough the bar is strong boom we got it that was it hey nice y hi all right that I don’t know how many tries that was but uh we we’ve changed uh 500 yen I have 20 Yen more so that’s

480n divided by 3 480 divid by 3 is what guys um is 12 360 so another 16 oh you guys help me with that I’m going to go to the quential contets now and we’re going to do this one let me get more more oh see

My sent the kids the kids want to to do this though so but there’s Tokyo Revengers over there I didn’t know there was Tokyo Revengers that’s actually kind of cool um so yeah yeah yeah let me just put my stuff down there is a uh step LGH

Here for the kids so I’ll just put this off to the side they want to they want to use it there and uh yeah we got it we got two and the nice bro thank you uh 480 divided 3 let me see hey Siri what’s 48 divided by

30 16 so 16 tries eight tries a piece 240 and a try and that’s not bad you know um especially that these these sell for about 1,000 y online so uh I’m going to drop these guys I’m going to get I would like to get two of each there’s

Maximum two uh they sometimes have a variant I know this is the new one this is the Nino I think it’s the Nino one awesome awesome so I spent 500 yen for like this amount of entertainment at this place third planet M dude like hit

Me up let’s go uh and but by the way the other figures and stuff you don’t want to play there here cuz they are the the real uh Venus fly trap they are the The Money Pit so don’t don’t do the um figure C games just do these little um

Tenen and then the food ones are fun too so but yeah do you favor random Banker hit me up on uh Instagram it’s the same a little bit of Japan that’s a good way to get a hold of me if you’re not on Instagram you can also email me at albit

Of jaapan I will be happy to be your guide or help you with anything you want yeah and of course sub to the channel if you haven’t already uh we are so close to getting monetized let’s go get um uh yeah yes I only have a 500 yen

Here so I was planning to drop 1,000 yen here oh it doesn’t take 500 yeners uh so we go to the machine to the right and then I’ll change that up and that’s good cuz uh I’ll just add another 200 yen hey we’re a winner already all right put the

Other 300 uh 300 Y in my pocket and this is really really easy too actually guys so the same idea applies um I got the speaker in front of me now so what you got to do 30 and try and they’re trying to on the right

Here you’re trying to get the left arm as close to her body as possible and pull it to the right pull it to the right and then you can kind of donk her so I’m looking there’s this thing called a uh aiji an elbow and when that elbow opens

The the nails they call it the nails in Japanese the suum go a little bit wider than the elbows so you got to kind of Imagine maybe a/ inch maybe a/4 of an inch it’s going to pull a little more to the left so let’s see if you understand

What I’m talking about I’m going to drag it to the left imagine where that would go as as far as I want to go really tight to the body and then actually I know that this will roll off the the doll and hopefully if there’s enough Force it’ll bring it

To the right this might or might there we go so we just pulled it to the right there hey all right we got we got an audience Watching we can be able do it in probably two more tries I can either I can actually move the body to the right or move the head to the right I have a feeling the head is the bottleneck it’s really funny um if the head is the bottleneck then we actually need to

Bring the head a little bit more to the right so but it’s at an angle which means the body will be able to drop easil so JQ what’s up hey hey hey let’s do another try we’re going to sweep sweep the legs but I’m going to still

Kind of go for the mid midbody here all right so I’m going to aim for that heart or heart and neck heart and neck here we go all right looking for that angle oh it didn’t recognize my last 10 Yen another 10 yen in there uh we are recording I think we are

Let me just double check okay now uh I just stopped the recording we are starting the recording this part two uh I like to record it because sometimes on the live stream uh it’s SK to Stu okay we’re going get that really close to the right bring it up maybe around there I

Might have gone two in the middle no okay we still got a good a good catch it’s probably pretty good bam okay and she’s starting to drop right in there what I can do is I can pull the head you see where the key chain is I’m going to pull that a little

Bit more to the right it’s going to start to drop and then I can just poke her down I know this sounds so bad it sounds so not safe for work it’s not the this is not what I intend um you can do it thanks jjq you can do it all night

Long all right um actually if I sweep the legs she might be be ready to go but the head is the bottleneck so we do want to keep it more and more to the right I’m going to extreme pull to the right see where that plastic folds I’m going

To see that that little plastic fold at the top of her head I’m going to go just above that plastic fold so it maybe hooks onto it all right you can see what I mean here I’m going to uh try to show you what I’m Doing okay go a little bit up okay maybe maybe we got it if it went too far back I did go too far back got the bar tenshi though that’s going to help I I went way too far back okay so that was a Miss uh

That was try three not bad though I can usually drop this within five tries yes it does it makes sense right yeah I went way too far back I think I I just got to go by fields at this point I’m getting to the point where I can go

By Fields guy guys um but I’ve been dropping a lot of money on these games and I just love them I just I think they’re so fun okay maybe around there I still might have gone a little too far it’s going to slide but we did a part

Bensi on the left arm which is going to give it more power when it releases hopefully okay that didn’t help so much so what we’re going to do is we’re going to sweep the legs to the right and we can still get the the whole body going

There I’m I’m just going I’m going too far aren’t I but if we sweep the legs to the right I think we’re going to get there it sounds so wrong I remember do you remember the stream I don’t know if you saw it when clay and I were here and

We were just like yeah poke her in the butt and you know push her in push her down okay I’m going to do an extreme sweep of the legs uh or should I go for the head one more time if I go for the head the whole

Thing’s going to start to drop you know what guys I’m going to go for the head one no no no it’s it’s it’s risky cuz the BART teni didn’t do much so I’m going to I’m going to sweep the legs this time and get a nice clean sweep here we go

Um is that the is that the play I think that’s the play we’re going to do an extreme sweep BL legs here so something like that and there it’s going to probably slide past down here go into the pink bar there we go and then sweeper see so now that

She’s falling down so all I got to do is I can I can poke her body in the head’s going to be the um the head is the bottleneck I can probably there’s a good chance we can put her body down and then Slide the head over that’s probably a

Better chance I’m going to try that I haven’t really tried that technique before so let’s go let’s go oh my god oh that was only 200 y so that’s fine um I’m going to poke the body down poke that body or I can keep moving the head down

I can if I get the head over I think we’re good yeah I think let’s let’s move the head I’m I’m sorry I’m wishy-washy with my technique here let’s go let’s go right for the top of that head we’re going to catch something oh it didn’t recognize the 10 Yen oh

Maybe I didn’t I thought I put in 30 did I not oh okay maybe I only put in two I thought I put in three is there a 10 Yen somewhere Stu there no I guess not maybe I put in the other machine I don’t know I thought I heard three okay let’s

Go okay so you’re going to slide over her head see see what I’m say boom boom hey hey Yoo oh quintessential K in the house quintal K in the house yeah yeah yeah JJ C were you the one who’s telling me it’s called um the five

Brides okay we’re going to um ask the staff to do it one more time or I could go to the one on the right but since we got the flow we can get one more here let’s get more um let’s get more coins hey we did it we

Did it okay I’m going to call this stop over and uh this place is so fun it is super fun and it’s like I’m not even spending a th000 yen to get these so this is a bit of a what you call it of games here these games in

Part games here we went here with Chica and Clay there’s tons of like like I wouldn’t try this game this is way too heavy that’s a common rider that was here last time too way too Heavy uh sanj and no all all right so I just asked her to come over or in Kai I’m going to drop uh a couple more of these guys uh let’s do a time check 5:15 I got to finish up my live stream by in about an hour um if I’m near

Gon yes five vehicle rides that’s right we got it okay and uh is there a variance with this so there she’s holding the the heart and you can see there’s like a pocket um this is is this Nino I Think oh no they doing something on the right there but that um I now that it’s Tokyo uh Revengers maybe I’ll go and do that later but we got the idea how long did that take uh that took uh 180 so maybe six tries six tries for that not bad not

Bad now now that you get used to a crane if you go to a place that allows you to get more than one you’ve got like the Rhythm you’ve got the idea for the first one and then you can just keep mashing it out for um the second one the third

One you know that’s usually how it works there’s a lot of stuff you can see online but not a lot of stuff I found in English so that’s a thing I’m going to ask you Now hey hey Domo he Domo okay yes Nino okay and which is this one like I’m still learning them I I uh jjq if you love this anime you got to tell me more about it cuz uh were you there for the unboxing video I did today

I did like uh I unbox all the video uh the ones I got yesterday uh okay we’re going with one and um yeah the the the contential it’s it could be the JJ QQ the JJ quintessential quintuplets quintessential klets same idea guys go for the the left of the heart and we’re

Just going to um drag her over this is this is the way all right so let’s go oh I have the sound but no okay it doesn’t recognize my last 10 y okay now we got Miku oh Miku okay Miku is the third right so each of their names have um you

Know Ichi go uh go meaning IU it is another way to say go so she’s ituki all right I’m going to bring it over to her slightly around there just above the heart we’re going for the neck did I go too far up I might

Have I might have it’s going to pull her on an angle now most likely hey dude dude I can drop that her head her head is look her head is already like under the bar I just got a I got a poker in the head I got I got a PO her

In the head or I slide her to the right guys poke or slide what do you think now with the poke it might or might not work with the slide it will definitely probably in two tries yes yes it says so it means for each person each

Customer you can take two so that’s why I’ve got one already and and all of these are are are take two so this n exactly hey nice let me know if you’re learning Japanese a lot of people in the chat are started to learn Japanese um

What do you guys think slide sweep the head or poke you can try to poke it but there’s a lot of um plastic in the way and also it’s kind of random where the Poke goes it might slide off so I think the the slide slide the body to the

Right or Slide the head to the right it’s one of those I would if you slide the body the legs are going to get stuck and then you just poke her in the butt uh what do you guys want to do let me know jjq this is your call or whoever

Whoever gets in first um I think honestly I think sliding the leg to the right gives us a good chance cuz the legs could fall down sideways and then the whole thing will drop so um guys I’m putting in the mon putting in the mon um what do you guys

Think I think sliding the the body to the right sliding the I would aim for just past that first pink bar just the first pink bar uh what do you guys think what do you guys think let me know you guys got about 30 seconds uh before this

This counter starts to go down so yes I have the folders they sold at F where you have to buy a drink yes I bought it all five on eBay hey nice dude nice the legs the legs let’s go for the legs okay oh you got the fold I got the

Folders for delicious and dungeon that’s my jam but um uh the QQ uh the five rides are a very uh very close second if you’re buying stuff on eBay let me know maybe I can get stuff to you okay I’m going to go for the legs and we’re not

Going to do a Bensi cuz it’ll probably uh twist it and bring it up so I’m just going to slide it okay here we Go go around there and just a tap just a tap so we’re going to just clear that pink bar that’s pretty good it’s got her head it’s got her neck though okay I went too far deep I went too deep but either way we’re going to get a good

Result see hey that’s what I talk that’s what happened last time so you just poke her in the butt do the opposite of what I would do they St treble sounds good the legs okay well um guys this is a not safe for work crane game right here uh we’re going to

Poke her in the butt uh we got to position this right right in the middle of the right where that crease is can you see where that crease is hold on hold on oh my God this is the not safeer work stream uh there we go right in the

Crease right in the crease right there okay here we go a okay we’re going to take around there I think that’s pretty good oh I might have missed I might have missed oh I missed I missed I should have gone a little bit more left okay that was three

Will be four I’ll get them next time I’ll get it next time so I’ll overshoot a little bit more to the left all right push it push it real good so that would be 4 160n not bad if we get It did I hit it this time I think I hit it this time bam oh no no it’s still going to pull it to the right so and there’s a little bit of plastic there we go we got it hey hey hey hey yo yo yo Miku in the house yes

Miku she’s the one that wears blue that’s right she’s kind of like the the cute shy one all right guys we’re going to do um who’s this this is is this Nino I think this is Nino right let’s let’s do Nino next hey hey hey yo yo yo yo yo I love

This stuff I love this right here okay let’s go let’s bring it um that was four tries not bad okay same kind of deal uh we’re just doing it in reverse we’re pulling her to the left now all right push it push it real good all and you know people are watching

It’s cool yay we did it okay people are watching and it’s totally cool I mean this is what you do you actually watch locals and stuff do it then you get the tricks and you you save a lot of money we’re going to go for the neck

Again yes the history buff the history buff oh see I don’t even know the manga yet so okay we’re going to go for about here there did I hit the neck I might have oh okay ah we still going to pull her I should have gone a little bit more

To the right maybe yeah okay that didn’t hit hit I was too ambitious there so that was one mistake um that’s okay that’s okay we’re still going to do it how many Yen hey n Smith it’s 30 Yen a try 30 Yen a try so I dropped that in

In four tries for 30 n that’s 120n oh my God so yeah this is such a good value and some of these things sell for money I don’t know these plushies don’t sell well but the uh boxes I got they sell for 1,000 yen I got them both in 480 240

Yen each so let’s go a little bit farther to the right this time okay there we go I think that’s a better one it’s going to hopefully roll off there we go see that’s a really good look how much force we’re getting and should push

It to the a no no going going okay Nino loves cooking I love cooking too all right so what this means is I have to do I got to go a little bit more to the right uh ah we have this plastic there that’s that’s the culprit see that big

PL so what I’m going to do is I’m going to ask actually to see if we can change the the the doll okay let me ask if I can change all right okay we’re connecting us Sor about that Okay iOS all right so they know me now I’ve I’ve uh introduced myself every time and asked them permission tell about that guys I ran away from the um from the W pocket Wi-Fi I would go all the way to the right plushy because the CLA puts

More force moving down yes exactly iy the five sister wants to be a teacher and icha is an actress who is the first sister I love icha she’s she’s really beautiful um they’re kind of like the um Sailor Moon for me a modern Sailor Moon so that’s kind of cool all right I’m

Going to go give it a little bit more leeway there was a lot of plastic in the way that was jamming that left side so let’s see if we can try better for this and uh it’ll roll a little bit we’ll hit the head okay so I didn’t get as tight

As I usually do yes but okay that’s much better much better okay see yeah it’s it’s a little plastic around the bag that you have to be careful of um nice nice okay I’m going to get a few more have I even dropped 1,000 yet I

Don’t think I have that’s a crazy thing all Right okay okay okay like a little girl I thought she was going to change money all right so same kind of thing we’re going to pull the butt over we could pull the head over that is a possibility I think pulling the butt once will help secure

Were um going into the Gap all right so we had two two misses on the first we we basically did a hard reset which you can do in some games and uh yeah so let’s keep going this one doesn’t need too Much just like that just a tap on the the depth ooh we got a really good got a B tension on the left uh Hey Dam two two tries what what sometimes you get lucky sometimes you get lucky hey what’s up Nino hey look at

Her look at her side Banks I love that okay we’re going to add one more to the collection and yeah that was good that was good okay and then we’re going to go for the Tokyo Revengers I’m actually having a good a fun time Here I think you understood what I’m trying to say all right cool so yeah hopefully this will be better we have a little bit of plastic there but I think if we move the head over to left maybe we’ll get over that plastic so

Let’s give it a try let’s give it a try um pesky plastic right hey slick with the kicks what’s up I’m surprised that you can get 10 Yen coins I know right they have an actual change machine for 10 Yen coins okay guys uh how much did

We spend so far did we spend 1,000 I think this is at 1,000 I’ve changed so let’s go uh same kind of deal I actually have a feeling I should sweep a little bit more the legs to the left let that hanging piece of plastic

On the left drop down a bit more I don’t want it to get in the way of the pink but let’s go um I’m still going to aim for the neck is area Okay so there we go hopefully it’ll roll roll down should roll down cuz it’s

Nice and smooth you can see what I’m talking about there oh I I actually pulled the head a bit more didn’t I hey that’s still good now I’m just concerned about that the big plastic bit uh on the left that Bart Tini uh the left Bensi

Did a lot of work though that was a lot of work um cuz it really kicked it Ki kicked it over to the left Nan Smith nice to see you you get the pew pew pew welcome yo yo yo um yo guys how many people are in the chat if you haven’t

Liked the stream yet give do me a favor and hit that like button it will really really help out the algor risma oh yeah all right here we go okay here we go going to sweep the left we could do a Bari on the left but

At this point I still want to get the body more to the left okay so it might do a natural Bari though we’ll see uh bring it over boom just that much not not even much yeah I wanted to get out of the way that

Was it’s a good grab by the way to the Bensi there okay and that’s good placement we can just like Slide the head we’re going to go for the go over the neck Slide the head down and maybe we we poke her butt maybe we poke her butt all right let’s

See um oh I got to um start recording again hey hey hey thank you guys for being on this stream if you haven’t seen the earlier stream uh it’s about a 2hour anime figure unboxing of the loot haul we got yesterday in uh shinai and and uh denden town which is basically the

Akihara of Osaka which I I’m there quite a bit all right let’s let’s sweep her neck let’s sweep her neck a bit let’s Go okay here we go just going to hug okay I could gone even more extreme to the Left oh that didn’t do anything okay now her head is buried in there it’s buried so it’s it’s getting stuck the friction of the bag is hitting it now um expert claw sport commentator yes there’s not I mean there are a lot of crane game channels right now actually let me go

Get another 100 I think yeah I got another 100 in my pocket which I think means we’re at maybe 1,000 or 11100 so what was that was that try number three can’t remember all right let’s let’s do a bar Tini to the right and see if it it kicks her head over uh

A right bar Tini is what we’re aiming for here um let’s see if we can do it oh yeah the the chat one just fell down sorry guys and uh it didn’t recognize my third my third coin which happens sometimes okay here we go

All right are we going to get a Bensi we did we went a little bit too far that was a crossbar I’ve never had that happen here and it missed okay I I went way too far all right let’s let’s do that again expert crane game commentator with

Leo all right thank you guys again for for being here and checking out the stream and hitting the likes and all of that stuff um yes all right let’s let’s do one more uh you know sometimes you miss and you got to just take those shots you got to take them shots all

Right here we Go okay not as far back uh is it going to twist we got a Bari oh we did a bar cross again okay so I’m getting way too far I’m going to UND shoot it now yeah I’m definitely going to undershoot it if we don’t get to round one today

That’s okay we’ll get there another day cuz this is really where it’s at with uh just practicing for really cheap okay what is this five six tries now all right let’s let’s go one more around there okay did I go too far I don’t

Think I went as far there we go uh no Bart denhi but that’s okay we got a solid pull hopefully the arm will do its Work yeah okay all right now we have options we can slide the body to the right Slide the body to the right or more to the left I think we need to go more left and then that head will drop down so yeah I’ll get another

Yen hopefully we’ll get it in the these tries so all in all I think we’re going to be spending 1,000 maybe 1,00 Yen on these what six four plushies and two boxes so yeah one two three I’m going to H that plastic is quite Stuck I’m going to try to sweep the leg and oop sorry try to sweep the leg legs and hopefully the rest will follow uh let’s see if we can do a bar a Bensi let’s see if that works okay random Banker said where are you from are you locally from

Japan no I’m uh I’m a Filipino Canadian so born in the Philippines raised in Vancouver lived in Japan for two decades uh let’s give it a try guys uh let’s see it did did move it a little to the left though didn’t it but there’s a

Lot of plastic in the way so let’s go are you starting ay F maybe maybe that wasn’t the best placement but let’s see we’ll see if this goes anywhere I really should have been more extreme to the left uh no that didn’t move it very far

And I don’t think I can get a bar pinchi anymore thank you for asking though uh random Banker um you’re the first random Banker i’ I’ve met actually okay I think I’m going to keep going for the head guys and I think that’s the way it’s it’s now

Kind of clutch like I mean it’s a lot of friction should we go for the head once we get that head out of the way then I think we’re fine we could do a barten or we do extreme left I think we’re going to go extreme left on this One okay not too far but not as far as a b teni cuz if I go too far there you go that’s a Bart teni right there see it’s resting Over the Bar come on do your thing hey hey hey yes yes that’s what I was talking

About now the problem is we just going to need that that plastic is in the way it’s that plastic at the very top of her head that’s what’s uh keeping her not dropping Plantation plushy sweetie sweat plushy sweat shop maybe the plushy sweat shop yeah yeah

Um all right this is uh the bag the bag was tough plushy football team plushy football team yeah yeah the quintessential football team um I’m going to go for the head again guys I think that is the best way and then we can start poking her down so let’s get

That head dislodged basically that um that Bensi did a lot of work so we’re just going to tap it oh that was even too hard of a tap okay and not too far I think I went too far did I do the bar cross again no

Okay I did a bar oh did a bar cross that’s not going to do anything darn all right all right okay so I know what to do I I know exactly what to do last 100 I think I changed 1,000 I believe I believe so let’s go do one

More this one’s like taking the most out of my funs uh what are we at 5:37 yeah there might not be enough time to go to round one but it’s all good it’s all good yeah um yeah random backer thank you for asking though um but i’ I’ve

Been had a long time I have an affinity for this country and I just love it here I love it here all right so I’m going to I’m going to tap it just like that and do I let’s try something let’s do that let’s try that I don’t know what’s going

To happen oh it it didn’t even it didn’t go past it pushed her down but it didn’t go past it moved her little to left which means we got one or two more tries and then we we do the butt poke I think if we target the body yeah Target the body the whole thing will drop let’s target the body like right around there where the the pink bar and her skirt kind of uh matches right okay so let’s go like there I think I went too far to

The right maybe too far in it just pushing her over though uh didn’t do too Much it’s that that piece of plastic I hate this plushy you hate this plushy I know this plushy is giving too much resistance it’s all of the plastic around the plushy that’s stoping I could start to push it down but I think if I do one more push to the to the

Left then maybe that didn’t do very much though that wasn’t the the best grab either Bensi Bensi is not getting up ouri all right we’re just going to keep working at that head you know I probably could have uh done this and reset it you Know all right let’s see if that does anything did it go down yes it went down uh we’re we’re almost down there either going to fall or do one more poke and we’re down yeah we can we can poke that now uh yeah we can poke that that’s

Definitely going to go on see that little piece of plastic there that’s that’s all that’s holding it uh well then and then the butt and then there’s the butt so yeah if we get the head down then all you do is a poke oh but that’s a lot of plastic though isn’t

It could move it to the left even more just there’s a lot of plastic holding it in the way ah it’s a tough one guys this is a tough one H that’s a lot of plastic like holding her up but let’s go I think I

Just got a bad bag a bad batch die plushy die um I think yeah I think I got to drop drop it I’m going to pull the whole body to the left I think that’s the Way okay let’s hope that this goes down goes down hey hey okay she dropped there you go and then just it’s a butt poke maybe a couple butt Pok hey hey hey we did it hey hey hey hey hey we did it I have no idea that took me to basically 1,000 yen

Awesome awesome so we got two those and then I think what we can do is the Tokyo uh Revengers one we’ll do one of those cuz like time 540 if I get to I have to yay we did a j yes if I um go to

Round one I have to leave at 6:15 that only gives me 15 minutes there which isn’t enough you don’t want to be under pressure like that so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to uh move over to the Tokyo Revengers one and then maybe

Get one or two and that’s call it a day and start heading to uh gon okay not bad entertainment for 1,000 yen right um oh my God like there’s these other ones you have to take the clip off but this is this is the easiest one here um same mechanics basically uh they

Do got a lot of plastic around that head that’s what I’m concerned about that purple one does look does look appeasing though so why don’t we um honestly the purple one might be a bit of a problem we’ll see maybe we’ll go for another another purple one

Uh sorry let me get back to the chat here uh I was going to rob a bank if that got stuck hey well we have a random Banker that could maybe give you a random Bank location yeah that that one took probably about 500 y on that it

Shouldn’t have taken that long but hey it is what it is um guys I’m going to change Up yeah after that I have a a food tour after that I have a food tour in gon in chotto uh so yeah that’s you know why I’m doing this stream now is because basically I get a little bit of Transportation money to come out here so

It helps me save a bit of cash you know while I’m around this area and so when I have tours at night in the daytime if I don’t have a tour I will I’ll come out and uh yeah basically uh do do streams like this whenever I can kind of thing

Uh so yeah that’s that’s what’s going on after that uh otherwise you know I would probably stream a little bit more with you guys all right so I actually have 50 Yen here 250 y let’s see what where 250n takes place this is another 30n uh crane

Game and there’s actually like 10 Y cring games for for candies and whatnot I’m going to go ahead and change this up right now thanks for asking around back and uh yeah I do want to get to be completely honest I want to get one of

Those other boxes again but it is limit too oh there’s no more uh 10 coins I’m going to tell the staff um that ping Coins okay okay onas all right I do want to go for one more of those boxes but we’ll go for this because I will play by the rules and this is until 2 ah the purple one I got a blue one last time that again that plastic around there

That’s what’s kind of conf fuddling me but hey let’s go um are you guys are you giving these toys two clients I gave one yesterday actually but not these toys uh I I bought a 400 Yen Tokyo Revenger figure I bought two by accident they

Were 440 y such a great deal and she was we were vibing and she was really into Tokyo Avengers so I just gave her one you know and she was so happy with it you can see the picture on my community uh post so okay she’s adding in tenen

There so let’s get started uh this is try number one guys uh same idea we want that head to uh go over so the neck is a pretty good place to bring it but let’s see if I can go for the middle of the head there uh could it just closer a

Little bit closer than the eye okay okay and this is a fast crane okay well that’s a really good neck pull look at that well technically 30n right 30n for these they probably used to be tenen ooh okay that wasn’t much of a pull and

It’s stuck on the back are so sweet ooh this is not a good to be honest this is stuck on that back thing there so when they come I’m actually going to I’m going to reset the bear uh actually I might get the other purple bear we’ll see I’ll let them know

I’m going to change this up I could do one more but that is pretty stuck unless I do a Bari uh which could help but yeah that that should have gone way farther it’s stuck on the other plastic there and it’s also stuck on the back bar no

I’m going to I’m going to ask him to reset it yeah let me um oh you’re so sweet yeah um let me get more coins here and then if I leave by uh the next 10 minutes then I should be fine uh for

Time uh to G on so actually let me do a quick check on my phone wanted to get to gon Shel by 6:20 p.m. and we’re fine cuz the tour starts at 6:30 so have a quick check here uh there it’s so it’s so fun here to be to be completely honest set

Raisha what’s up hey raisha raish hey how you doing how you doing we’re dropping some uh some toys we’re dropping some plushies getting some Tokyo Revenger we already uh got six things today so yeah uh arrive at 620 uh it says to take the bus or the toye

Line okay uh the train is in at 6:01 I get to K to the toolsy line platform 2 so I should leave here in about 10 minutes or all right I’m going to give this One I’m going to give this maybe one more try but it is I’ll give it I don’t know though guys it is not pulling very hard to the right let’s give it one one shot and if it doesn’t move I will call them okay raisha raisha we’re going to go for the

The back legs there and see if we can do a Bart tensi however like the the pink is cracked so I don’t know if that’s going to work very well let’s give it a try though something like that is probably doing a bar cross okay did a left B teni which is

Good let’s go uh no it’s really if I get that head to the left though it might work but it is really really stuck on those back things so that’s that’s the the Crux there I think I’m just going to go just for time wise guys uh

Risha yes we’re doing cring games again today I’m so addicted to these to be completely honest um I’m going do a I can’t do a Bart on the right I’ll do one more drop to the left but yeah we’ll see okay did I go two in the middle I think

I went in the middle it wouldn’t drop far enough no we we tried three already if I get it uh free of that back plastic then we got a good chance so hey cool thank you and this only 30n Risha it’s not uh a big investment for these guys I’m going to

Go a little bit more to the right yeah Tokyo Avengers in Bears basically okay that should be better should drop all the way down there we go okay let’s pull it let’s pull it there okay it got free it got free it got free hey so now I can just sweep the

Head more to the left and that’ll drop down uh if we get that that plastic all that plastic out there it’s going to be 2,500 y bear my friend I hope not I hope not um and we’re also kind of running short on time so all right uh go here

There we go just tap it oh did it go down it didn’t go down I have to go move more to the right that was a mistake um the body is way too it’s riding that way too much so I just got to kill keep pulling the neck the neck

Over so let me do it one more time how much is that 3 four five six maybe six tries Now I cleared it I totally cleared it this time I did want to pull it more to the left 30 n for one turn I know yeah usually it’s minimum 100 yen all right all right so that’s not doing much now I’m going to ask them

If we can we can do a quick assist uh try to pick up some legs yeah there’s one problem with the legs though see it’s it’s hugging the back wall yeah it’s true we could try it’s hugging that back ball and it’s it’s uh kind of stuck on other things

I’m going to actually asked them if they can assist me I mean I spent big money on this like 1,000 yen um or I move the legs to the right look like a scam machine a scam machine yeah all of these are scam machines I could

Move the legs to the right that is an option um cuz it’s not moving it to the left anymore okay I’m going to I’m going to call them over okay and and this is my sorry um looks like we’re starting again I don’t see any staff

So and try to open Theo from right side of the head to pull the be yeah but it’s true we want to um drop it in the wide the wide left part though that’s the point yeah and we get the bear yeah yeah give them a bear bribe I really got to

Get going though so that’s not a bad idea why don’t we why don’t we just keep going um we’re going to move the body to the right and see if that Twisted at all uh let’s give it a try let’s give it a try oh he didn’t recognize my last 10 Yen okay did I drop it far enough yeah it’s going to move it a little bit oops sorry guys maybe not very much but a little bit that’s not going to I’m I’m going to ask for assistance so hold up hold up um uh I’m going I’m going to ask and he he

Knows me so uh I got the pocket Wi-Fi with me now and make sure that I’m not showing anything a lot of families are so not showing the kids or Anything [Laughter] For in There Okay okay I got theas thank you okay he helped me out a lot there so let’s see if we can get this going um yeah I got to get going after this um I can’t I can’t really move it I can try and push it what do you guys think

Uh I don’t know this is a tough One connection is good awesome awesome thanks Risha I’m going to give it a push and see what happens I don’t know though or I I twist the body to the right yeah I think I the body to the right yeah they they do assist at times and

I’m I’m running low on um times so let’s move the body to the right and then maybe we can we can drop it down yeah I think that’s the the play here okay let’s see if we can drop it if we just come back another day oh we got

A bar cross don’t know if that’s going to do much okay we’re getting there we’re getting once that head drops we’re we’re done once that head drops we’re good So yeah we can start to push it for sure push it real good um okay give me one Second where’s the rest of my M oh that is it is a 1,000 y so all right all right all right okay let’s let’s do this and uh it’s going to it’s going to it’s giving birth it looks like it right um me see if I can get

In okay 607 is my absolute last last uh train so 607 yo J Vlog what’s up I know no it’s because technically this is the third stream I did of the day so that’s why I put stuff on um on uh Instagram and stuff it wasn’t wasn’t

Doing it we could do a push let me move that um I’m going to move the body a little bit more to the right see what goes on okay that’s PR pretty good we got a Bart teni D tensi to the left bar okay and I think we need to start

Start pushing it now thanks raisha yeah we need to start pushing this guy down we’re going to go straight for the straight for the head let’s see what happens uh okay let’s see what if that does anything oh yep see we’re trying to push it we’re trying to push it oh man so That that didn’t do much uh let’s see are we looking for time all right three more minutes uh we pushed it I mean I’m going to keep moving the body to the right keep perhaps move the body one more time to the right let’s see if that does anything

Okay okay it’s just like moving it a bit I think we just yeah we just keep pushing cool just keep pushing um push it real good w we can also try to use the the arm to push I don’t know if that works let’s give it a nice if I push

The the ears maybe let’s try the head again one more time let’s try that head leave it right in the oh no uh-oh no that didn’t do anything and okay we’ll do one more I think yeah it’s not really we can do one more push I’m going to push it around

The ear see if that does any effect I really doubt it though but we’ll see how far down is the the body of the crane going so it’s not pushing it any lower than that no I tried that’s wrong No okay I’m going to ask for one one last assist and then and then we’re going to push her go okay here let’s restart that again here let’s restart that Again okay okay Okay we helped out again let’s let’s see if we can do it we’re going to push the bear to the right e did we go far enough I don’t think we oh okay we did it I got oh we pushed it he helped out so much

With that sorry about that guys s man I meant never mind he that’s guys this is our our booty our looty our our duty uh we got to get out here or we take a Taxi yeah I think we’re going to just going to head out I’m going to make sure I got and Everything yeah we got it we got it awesome awesome not sure okay there we go hey we finally got it give me a second guys I got to get on the road might be able to take a taxi there yeah um we close enough to

That I can still I can still make the the train guys you might be able to come with me on the train actually so let’s let’s just go and yeah let’s let’s go leave it platform to and we can still make it in F all right that was that was super duper fun

We got the loot and now we’re going to the train station okay so it is platform 2 close eyline I know that is uh cuz I’ve done this Loop before this is a pretty cool shoppingall will to work the street yeah yeah the big debt of 1,400 Yen it’s

True it’s true it’s not that much money but it is it is money yeah now got to work it I’m going to work it all right I’m going to start like slowly make our way we’re going to descend you guys are probably going to lose connection at the uh Subway but

We’ll see we’ll see how it goes yo F what’s up what’s up okay this is a good test to see how well the um how well the reception is down here let’s see let’s go okay think stay on the left is probably getting spotty go as far can I have a feeling in

The sub he’s going to get spotty so so that’s what I should have been doing I could have kept pushing it to the left with the right arm now I know for next time he has taught me the way this is the way hey and the stream looks

All right going turn off the GTS for now okay uh 607 we get off at sanjo and walk the rest and then we’re pretty much there so you guys get to come with me on the subway hopefully if the the signal is still good um we’ll see

Though oops sign seems to be holding up and uh what it does say what what car does it say do say any car uh exit via exit To just go anywhere all right guys here get on this part here let me check the stream looks okay actually um okay I’ll show you guys the the vending machine uh push the head I played a claw game with colored robots that light up when move them and I won

Three times in a row nice dude um J blog Chico will love it the be me to work I showed I showed Chica the last beot and she’s like Kawai which means scary chica will love it J is also kind of like a CH to live the bear now since

He is a dead bear that’s right he’s a dead bear a dead bear Always Pays His Head doesn’t it all right the loot Dead bear that is definitely a dead Paar face actually that’s the guy I unboxed yesterday with the with the uh birth mark on the right top right got two

Plushies I’m going to change these up later uh into my bag I have time to that bag probably not it’s a 7 minute so go off the station I will actually change it I have a Mia bag I will I will change it to hey me hello hello it’s 100 free in the

Cheapest drink uh for this particular one uh there’s 130n water 130n the cheapest drinks I’ve seen in the very very cheap places are 100 no no 50 50 but these are like expired TR okay guys we’re going to go in the subway if it cuts out I’m really sorry but let’s

See how far this goes should let see how far we can take this again I’m going to be very respectful uh I’m probably going to stand I’m not going to take off my Backpack going to Stand To say myself here I’m checking out the chat what’s up what’s up guys we are I would say 50 50 hours away from being monetized 50 watch hours so help me out I’m going to keep a monitor on the stream signal St the next up is njo or njo Castle station number

T let me check that I have the right um yep well this is the right hot from on oh guys get to right on the train with me how is the signal actually oh it’s kind of kind of choppy Right yeah probably be places please get off here for njo Castle most was crazy yeah watch but they actually don’t like you showing what they’re doing so I’m trying not to get the driver in the in the shot as much as possible you can see his controls though

But I don’t want him in the shot often say please don’t yeah probably some of them don’t and I’m keeping my voice verying L guys on purpose okay isn’t this interesting three more stations put back and then we walk to our our St and I’ll have to the stream at some point

So uh I did live stream a little bit bit of a tour with my private tour with haly and Marsh art and uh Jordan so that was cool but yeah but these guys uh this is not with not a private tour that’s with the company I work for so my par will uh

Put them on SCH without the permission and it’s not the point right so but yeah guys thank you here or please change here for the subway Kuma Line um was going say please check out the last unboxing stream drop a link to That The next is orto City Hall station Number please get off here forto City Hall A few people were looking at the pocket kind of looking what is this guy doing they were curious but it’s okay I’m not really showing anything so the staff just kind of looked at me now so I’m not going to show that anymore busted wasn’t really showing anyone’s face or

Anything think I was uh doing anything WR there wasn’t getting people’s faces in the shot but yeah she did look at me she was just curious I think what are you doing kind of thing and it’s fine it’s fine I’ll explain myself it’s not illegal to show the

Drive I just think they don’t want you to show the the people please change here for The Go out of the Exit put this stuff in Bag This thing is good here weirdly enough lot of stairs for this level maybe I should have taken the escalators it’s all good leg day every day day in Japan hey okay there’s the top of the escalators um I’m going to do a quick bag swap now oh I wasn’t recording this last bit

I record it from now guys do a quick quick oops excuse me quick bag swap have a nice bag from muia 25 we’re good it’s like less than a 10minute walk from here and I get there 5 minutes early we’re golden but fact guys thank you so much for being on the

Stream we’re not ending it yet we can still show you the walk out there um so nice having Subway okay Risha you’re heading now hope for being here man always appreciate you guys [Applause] this is the need a some liquids hydrate hydrate there we go the bag that later it’s the mui Mia

Bag and this is from the pain gaml P and bad it’s made perfectly to be in CL you know except for the bigia amusement sign on it but yeah the side’s actually this bag is pretty good um and they’re out of them now so I

Was lucky enough to pick up a a whole bunch and they actually sell for a bit online which is quite interesting guys I’m going to put the speaker actually maybe I should keep the speaker on we’re going to walk out I’m going to put on my

Jackets cuz it’s going to get cold now that the sun is down and yeah we’re going to have a Brisk pace through some of the streets of gon onto our way to the staring po ourour all right hey hey what’s up it’s good leg day warm up here okay okay we are ready

Situated to go for zip up the inner fleece it’s getting warmer and warmer actually so it’s not as cold but when there are cold gusts it is is still quite cold all right let’s check the chat and Uh there we go exit to is where we need to go okay Nice y y isit to B1 let’s just go on exit 2 in my way walk around better I guess yeah two hey guess what more stairs it seems to have lost his connection to the speaker but I can still hear you guys on the phone itself oh you’re always you’re always

Welcome thank you and you have a great weekend too thank you thank You all right Mei yes ISAT and why should they okay guys I two probably not the closest I did but at least I know I got our bearings all right we’re going to hug this these streets over here show you a bit of the back streets of gon okay

Ooh nice car roaring its engines it’s a beamer looks like a custom all right so we’re walking from sanjo to Sho 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue I’m going to have to cut the stream off probably just a little bit before I arrive and yeah I

Want to say big thank you for being all here with me accompanying me on this awesome awesome evening live stream at I agre ah sorry guys you got to catch my breath here I’m not sure what the we’re talk about English in Japan um you know it’s

A double-edged sword uh you can say what you want uh when I first came here in 1995 there wasn’t a lot of English signs and there was hardly any English announcements and I appreciate it when I came back in the early you know 2003 that there was more English I can speak

Japanese but it does help to have some uh English around so you know it’s not NE Smith said by Le sand heyy we’re still walking for a little bit but thank you thank you very much I’m in front of a CO Bond now so I don’t want to

Definitely don’t want to jwalk I just saw that cop walk outside but uh it it’s a double-edged sword you know um the thing with English education here is that they still rely heavily on Katakana which which is again another double-edged sword so uh it it’s helps them understand foreign words but

Doesn’t really give them uh an idea of the true pronunciation of it and not I’m just talking about English like French and other languages too so can be I don’t speak Japanese but I did learn to communicate right right I mean that’s interesting on itself like again when I

Came in 1995 I was the the same things still apply like the people people were so kind they held me by the hand if I got lost and uh just everyone’s so polite but uh yeah if you’re here on a short trip it does help to be honest

Like um when I was in China for example and uh I was wasn’t going out the airport like I need to kind of know where my exit was and GES you know even simple signs do help if they’re in a language you can read and I think

English you know we have to admit that it’s a very internationalized language right uh spoken most places around the world so it makes sense especially if Japan’s um catering to a lot of international tourists right so they you know when you’re in hokido it’ll be in English Korean Chinese and Russian neis

Smith said I or something okay we’re reconnecting hopefully that was just a time Jump and I’m going to keep recording now um just keep walking like crazy walking walking walking so we’re in the back streets of gon by the way um and uh you know this is you know why

I have a a niche here uh being in Japan and being able to speak Japanese enough to communicate and to help you guys learn Japanese like I I really appreciate that you guys want to learn Japanese and a big thing of uh it’s not always the case like look like we lost him

Again uh are we are we back let me know if we’re back it did die for a second oh beautiful Keon it did die for a second uh let me see on the phone looks like we might be back yeah we’re still going I think yeah it was just

A signal looks like it’s a bit choppy around here we are now at shimbashi uh probably another 4 minutes out so and guys having said all that I think we’re going to leave off on this beautiful point on shimbashi shirakawa here got the um the nice the tour with the uh rck

Shaw what the sports know that I think theism is broken is broken some of the healthfulness but it’s the same in lot of counties that become trendy it is true it is true guys thank you so much for being on the stream with me tonight we’re going to head out

To uh Hanami not Hanami Ki uh to the starting point which is in front of where am I going blank now it’s in front of uh the big uh my my my mind just went blank gono station the biggest uh Kabuki theater mava thank you it’s minava we’re

Going uh to now and I’m trying not to show too many people’s faces but we’re going to end off on this little bit of gon guys thank you so much for being on the stream I really enjoyed our time together and we’ll see you on the next

One thank you and guys help me out if you have any free time and want to rewatch some of the recent live streams push it over we got like probably about 45 more hours to go to get to that first monetization step so we can get um memberships and super chats i’ would

Love to get a few more Creator tools with that that’s the the main unlock that I like to get so guys thank you so much for being here this has been a little bit of Japan and you guys have been little eyes no that’s not how it

Goes this is your guy in conai thank you guys for being here and we’ll see you on the next one have a good one guys ok

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