
日本 활기찬 OSAKA 도톤보리 야간 길거리를 둘러보았습니다

@ 日本의 고대도시인 교토(京都,Kyoto)의 八阪神社(야사카신사)를 시작으로 오사카(大阪 Osaka),그리고 고베(神戸,Kobe)를 여행하며,일본의 시장, 道頓堀 거리풍경과 오사카(大阪,Osaka) 텐진마츠리(天神祭),일본엔카(日本演歌)를 소개합니다.

Taken the video shoot in OSAKA,Japan. 23 Jul, 2023
영상촬영:이문기 Lee,Moon Gi(Mr.) C/P: 010-5318-2535 Email:

Name [Applause] Hallelujah hey hey we are [Applause] together [Applause] wonderful hallelu Hallelujah Hallelujah [Applause] Hallelujah Hallelu Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Noe Whate Spee Thank You about 10 minutes only 10 minutes uh yeah uh in taxi on Taxi oh taxi me uhi oh okay any any B Big B yeah yeah yeah okay thank you thank you thank you yeah thank you enjoy and stay thank you what uh I is capture the video you okay okay good

Good okay okay thank you thank you thank you okay byebye byebye thank you good night night like Slowmo that’s not are right Now Right apprciate you got TNS spee you love oh come I [Applause] spe

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