
A Luxurious Steak Dinner at the Pines Modern Steakhouse #Jasonwasthere

A long day of filming calls for a Luxurious Steak Dinner with my crew!
#food #vlog #travel #steak #wine #tasting #restaurant #review @Yaamava #pines #steakhouse


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That is some of the best meat I’ve ever had in my entire Life what’s up guys for you you found me how you doing man I’m Jason what’s your name Andy Andy what’s your name Rachel Rachel nice to meet you guys got some good luck stuff for thanks man we need it really apprciate nice to meet you

Guys do you guys chat in the chat uh we follow we’re part of the thing but we because we watch it on our big scen oh your big screen yeah yeah chatting there once in a while it’s cool it’s fun yeah yeah nice to meet you guys though we’re

Going to go eat dinner here I’m excited to try it so it’s really good oh we’re ready to go let’s go ladies first Mario thank you I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it look at this they got all the cool decanter what is that one

Called so brought me back to even for the day he that’s Very yeah they’ve got bottles of wine for $68,000 Screaming Eagle it’s ridiculous this wine list is sick scarecrow I mean this is Phenomenal WI Screaming Eagle yeah I mean that’s a 1993 double Magnum I mean they they put it right on here they say uh the cult wine Screaming Eagle that’s it where’s the caviar from what is it or what kind of caviar is it the caviar is going to be a queen’s Reserve caviar

It’s going to be a white sturgeon oh so what does it come with it’s just going to come with a side of bellinis it’s going to have some egg yolks sour cream uh some chives how many people does it serve typically like two okay we’ll get two

Orders of Cav art you want to do the Seafood Tower you guys want to start with that large Seafood Tower absolutely and then any other appetizers we should get anyone else want kind of starts off with all the ra uh other than that definitely recommend the calari or the

Py if interested we’ll do both that’s fine thank you and all the wines on the list oh yeah it’s big list I’m going to get something good we have a I don’t know if it’s a one I’m thinking 63,000 68,000 yeah it’s a double get get two of the pl ground and one

Pepsi we brought it up one time that I’ve seen it uh autograph on the bottom has like hand itch space I think it was like the owners of uh what is they make the machines out on the floor they to be a gaming company oh

They sold it to you guys uh no they were going to buy it oh and then something happened they had to leave last minute so they did it yeah Robin breakfast was a long time ago no exactly 12 hours ago garnished with caviar and a lemon chip come

Fresh do not believe we do have a vegetarian option if you I’ll take that D you want that one yeah bring me a vegetarian please yeah thank you I don’t like salmon that’s the only thing I don’t like really yeah salmon or trout sorry I don’t like that

Either we’re going to do um a bottle of the sea 225 225 the grand way burgundy right there absolutely you guys are doing steak right are you doing steak yeah yes or do whatever you want don’t don’t listen to me I’m like eat steak no I definitely want that good

Luck coins for you guys oh okay yeah cool thank you what’s up man Jason Jason Fang ni see I Tred I’m not you are you Mr H yeah I am Jason yeah nice to meet you guys nice to meet you guys yeah I’ve been here for a couple days I’m here until

Sunday so I saw T talk many time also the YouTube yeah yeah yeah YouTube’s the place thanks so much I don’t bother you no you guys are good you guys are good where you guys from I’m from R like okay 20 minutes I gotta cool than yeah my first time here I like

It here oh yeah this is like mean if you are in the area this a must go where are you guys from originally China okay so tell me this I’ve you guys heard maybe heard me say it I’ve never I’ve never seen a cabernet from China Wow have you

Seen one from China no no not really IUN from un China un it’s 2015 it’s 678 bucks wow um would you trust a a Chinese Cabernet well if I’m in China I probably not but to be honest to be honest to be honest I mean I was Bor and raised in

China but uh um I’ve never I’ve never seen that before I’ve never seen that before just be de I never just that I mean I never seen that too I know that praise it’s a beautiful praise I mean uh yeah like I just never heard about it

Too so I don’t know I might ask the Somalia and just see cuz I I’ve yeah just never seen CIA yeah you get that all the time you on on the next time I get to CH choose a Chinese yeah Cabernet well try it I’ll if it’s in the

Menu here you can trust them all right let’s see yeah let’s see what oh you’re right that’s a good point yeah I mean it’s in their menu yeah so um I would say you could trust them no that’s good stuff we might get some I’ll give you

Guys some if we can get it so do you want to try ours what’ you guys get oh you got H I’ve had that before yeah that’s good stuff yeah this Rand big one California laa why don’t you get this one get that one you guys should get

That I’ll have some of it oh wa $70,000 that’s too much exactly you probably take that one exactly exactly like I recognize all the rest for that and I don’t know if I’m going to get it can you bring that bottle and then also bring this one and we’ll make

A decision at the table yeah absolutely uh been on that bad boy 1668 C1 1668 and then C oh wait 2004 the 2012 yeah we’ll try that 2004 yeah so I got a white it’s a it is a um it’s a white burgundy a grand crew so it’ll be really good with

The fish there was there were Bagels today at breakfast breakfast that were jalapeno bagos I wanted just to destroy those things but jalap you didn’t touch any of the carbs well you had the little pastry thing but I had those yeah the egg bites I’m glad they didn’t have hash

Browns cuz I would have had a full plate of those I can’t walk away I Would Got back on it’s really good with that pepper all right so how do we do this good evening how are you w how are you good doing wonderful thank you so much for joining us this evening my name is Robert only oh hey I have my stewards

Running some of those bottles for us this evening um but it looks like I do have a couple vintage changes that happen through that out it’s going to be a 2016 vintage now is that going to be okay for how is that Chinese wine I’ve never had that from China they said they

Wouldn’t drink it you know it’s it’s very interesting I haven’t drank it myself but I do know that these uh Vineyards are around 8,000 FT elevation okay magic can happen um I know especially in NAA Valley they talk a lot about the mountain fruit cooler climate longer hanging period so you can get

Magic with that kind of UV ripening um but I cannot say that I tasted that bottle myself um and then also for that CH I do have a sh which going be 2011 2014 if that’s going to be Cas you’re fine with it yeah okay perfect yeah uh

Obviously the sub right biggest Co-op and should believe that’s going to be fantastic bottle maasin is a really fantastic choice as well okay um we’re working on partnering with them for a wine dinner here coming up soon oh really yeah we might just do that I

Don’t know if I want to do the Chinese one then okay we’ll just do the cab frog probably were you looking for maybe replacement for the OU no we were going to get one of the two so I said just bring it I mean I’ve never seen a

Chinese yeah yeah it’s interesting um they’re they’re claiming themselves as a Premier Premier maker in the region it’s from unan China um and you know it’s F some of these different going on I know it comes in a really gorgeous uh wooden bamboo box oh really yeah the

Presentation on it is is really amazing but you had a lot more uh Artisan crafts when you go over there so M um but yeah I’ll uh I’ll get those bottles out and I’ll bring them to you as soon possible you supposed to do a little bit of

Everything on it just put it on the cracker that’s fine yeah just like that make some what El you want what you want put the edge of this table whoops would you like over my hands you supposed to just mix it I’m not even sure no right way just eat it

Enjoy thank you sir for that water glass Mario that’s so good I’ll try it so this would just that was perfect the ches just the chives Yeah I would have thought we would have had real candles here Though all Right That’s amazing yeah beautiful do it yeah please this is fresh o fresh fory yes Just eat it like This yeah 11 and a half sauce it’s the way to go this is going to be perfect CH oyster service M some crud tape cheers everybody great to see you all thanks for coming thank you for having us that George it looks really fantastic I think that it’s uh it’s a gorgeous

Presentation there just want to show that to you before you make your final decision I mean what do you think you know um we do our best to better our wines and uh they have been I think they have been have growing the grapes for about

40 years and China does have a really good palette they’ve been buying a lot of burgundies and everything yeah so you know someone there is doing a great job and we did our best to find find someone who’s gotten as much history as you can

Find out there yeah I did like I said I just hadn’t taste it myself like Kenzo is one of my favorites but that’s Japanese it’s not CL for you and get started right away yeah that’ be great and we’ll see Can I taste it first before to canting yeah Absol thank you

Yeah I’ll get the glass for you awesome thank you it’s just white burgundy you can find some really really good value I mean this was and a half here which is fine I mean in a store you’re under 100 bucks you think it’s strong I think it is oh you don’t find St

May but you’re I think you haven’t eaten all day eat too so probably your your senses are everything’s heightened right yeah down the so when I when I went when I was fasting and I would get into ketosis like everything I would taste would just blow up in my

Mouth oh do you want orang radish that is not the way you’re supposed to to do it but I’m going to do it ruin my taste for the Wine I I bought lobster rolls once and then I bought um live lobster from sort of inhumane but Yeah what’s your batting average with that thing pretty good yeah yeah it’s to reach to it yeah yeah and about halfway through the can you want to taste it before I do apologize uh it’s Fine that’s a boa constrictor yeah I think they call this one the boa the boa yeah then they have another one that’s um I think Mamba that’s like snake It’s kind of play I have that one yeah take it away going be a little cool we keep it it’s at

56° it’ll be nice and more bite Entre it right I mean I think it’s amazing it’s really good you have some if you want yeah drink some okay I’ll take I’ll give it a little sample yeah you’re really excited to actually absolutely yeah I I’m never where else am I going to have

An opportunity to have this yeah a Chinese cab yeah and and I think that’s part of the magic of having a global wine list right is we to celebrate that it’s not just Napa and Bordeaux we we have traveling wine makers that are going around the world into these cool

Little valleys and top of mountain tee they can do really amazing stuff it’s phenomenal yeah that’s awesome I’m really excited California style is it like B um I I think it’s it’s not no it’s not like it’s not like a wine you can chew like from NAA not like that at all but

Probably closer to the Chilean cab my assumption right Less Oak a little bit more of that like right fruit without the huge tanon structure cuz you get uh you kind of get more moderate temperatures so the Skins AR baking so you don’t get like huge thick skins um

They stay relatively cool well still being able to get the uh the sugars from the uh from the UV itself so and you I’m sure you could probably seller her that for a long time but it’s drinkable right now it’s phenomenal yeah 16 2016 yeah yeah and I mean and

That’s unfortunately new style right is is is I think it’s some like 70% of wines that are purchased uh in the United States are drink within 8 hours of purchase and I think well I know like Kenzo has changed their blend to drink immediately like if you don’t want to

Celerate the old style you would cellerate I’m sure China is the same way I’m assuming right people don’t they don’t have room chin yeah they don’t have room to store it so they got to drink it so yeah it’s good though I likey it try it yeah so we’ll keep it on

Yeah it’s probably super rich though right super rich and buttery though yeah sometimes it’s a little bit much come back to me please absolutely what do do you want yeah do you want a lot of meat or do you want something that’s super rich abolutely you sure you don’t want

To do one of these ones the GU strip loin or the coob strip loin it’s probably something you’ll never have right I mean where else you get Coob you see the pl in the front as well the giant gold cow head to show the real coob it’s soon as you leave out again on your right side it’s like a giant gold do you give us the grade the little card on the thing too or uh we don’t but I

Could ask the chef if he has the authentication that came in I can bring it out for you I’ll have the how would you like that cook so nobody ordered any sides we’ll do the Millionaire’s mac and cheese you want to add lobst to the mac and Cheese yeah is it that Lobster or yeah it’s the same lobster no no thank you thank you anyway though um can we do two orders of forged mushrooms okay some broccoli Rob I mean this menu is ridiculous the CH and sea bass would be ridiculous too miso glazed yeah you

Would do the you would do this this is the this is the thing if I want like a full meal yeah if you want something just a little bit lighter then yeah definitely the wague but if you’re looking for a larger portion in the drages I’m going to do the Porter House

I want to try absolutely we also do have an off the menu long bone if you do like a large steak it’s RI it’s a long bone riby yeah 48 o how tough is it though a lot of times they’re tough as hell honestly I’ve had it a couple times it’s pretty

Delicate it is still Prime grade so it’s super soft I’ll do that and share it with them of course how would you like that prepare this evening medium rare I would say I’m excited for this so I got the a big Tomahawk so you can to have some of that

Too much food daa you stuff now yeah exactly who’s the um executive chef uh Chef Chris Dennis is going to be our for the PS yeah yeah and uh and I’ve been work I’ve worked with him at a couple locations and and I’ve always been standing behind everything that he puts

Out yeah the ricado is phenomenal and you guys make that every day or that was that one time okay yeah for the wi dinner yeah um yeah that was ryi right so much more softer going to fall apart yeah absolutely yeah um got to add a

Little rigidity to it but it does give you a less heavy of a dish which is kind of nice right cuz noi for me is one of those items where you know you know it’s Mom’s noi right so it’s a celebration it’s a big deal and I don’t want to go

In there and scarf myself and just pass out the next three hours I do I do exactly I do I’m the guy I’m like strategically eating iceberg lettuce to day before Thanksgiving you know training myself cuz I’m going to eat as much as possible and not die on the

Insides afterwards that’s amazing but yeah I think that was a nice touch to be and lighning up the dish and I think so too they had really nice texture too because the bnes is just soft just gave it a little more yeah but yeah I like I

I I liked everything he put out I um I enjoy working with Chef Chris he’s pretty awesome yeah taste was awesome on everything I I think maybe the chocolate cake would have been different if it was a corner of the size mine is the chocolate cake but I mean I could be

Good it could have been really good though oh you know he had a great idea for it oh here we go uh like like a raspberry okay something like that would have some acid just bringing acid back into the that would have been it yeah not even too sweet just like a little

Tart yeah yeah almost exactly not sweet I mean that’s what peanut but and jelly is that’s exactly what that is right you ready to go night night Yeah yeah that’s that looks more like what I ordered does it look tough let’s see we’re going to find out look pretty good putting those sides in the middle as well thank you I honestly think this is that is the most that is some of the best meat I’ve ever had in my entire life life Yeah that is ridiculous da I’ve never had anything like it George yeah you got to try It that’s you need That’s Amazing I can sleep okay so we just finished dinner here at the Pines at yava Resort and Casino and I’m going to tell you it lived up to all the hype from the service to the food to the Somalia to everything was absolutely unbelievable uh we actually enjoyed the

First bottle of wine from China that I’ve ever had a cabernet saon from IO Yun that was unbelievable not too fruit forward a little bit of leather went very well with the 8 O Kobe coob strip Lin but even this look at this the gelato with the edible Bowl they do not forget any detail it’s absolutely unbelievable so I’m going to say it’s not a driveby it’s a must Try


  1. Mr。Handpay .Jason you are a generous host .the way you described the various tastes. I felt I was on the dining table with you at Pines . Thanks

  2. Wow what a meal. I could never afford that, in fact… Whilst I was watching your video I was eating a bag of Fritos and telling my wife I have no elastic in my underwear.😅 Love your videos.

  3. I liked learning a little more about you Jason and your love for food and wine. I personally thought the wine guy hovered too much but maybe that’s what it’s like when you eat at a fancy dinner like that, plus his tie was too small 🤪

  4. Now I’m hungry! Dang you! Tell me where is best to eat in MN? Eagan area. I travel for work often and stay there. Sometimes I donate to mystic too. Ugh

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