
A close look at the work of the long-established tempura restaurant “Dote no Iseya” Tokyo, Japan.

History of “Dote no Iseya”:-
The building near the main gate of Yoshiwara, located in front of the former brothel gate, is recognized as a national tangible cultural property, and traces of its history are carved here and there like annual rings on a tree.
Gisaburo Wakabayashi, the first owner, started the diner more than 120 years ago, and today it operates as a tempura specialty restaurant. The restaurant thrives with visitors to Yoshiwara, and its popularity remains unchanged today, with customers lining up to sell out even on weekdays.
The fourth generation has inherited the spirit of his predecessor, who used to insist on the freshness of ingredients, using fresh goby, bigeye tuna, kisses, and other fish caught at the mouth of the Sumida River.
The fourth generation continues to preserve the taste of a long-established restaurant while seeking the changes necessary for it to remain a long-established business.
00:00 DIGEST
01:48 Main story
Name : “Dote no Iseya”
TEL : +81-50-5592-1215
Reservation : Not available
Address: 1-9-2 Nihonzutsumi, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Access : Subway Hibiya Line
 Subway Hibiya Line: 10 minutes walk from Minowa Station
 JR Joban Line: 15 min. walk from Minami-Senju Station
 Near Yoshiwara Daimon intersection
 722m from Minowa Station
Business hours: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

#Tendon #Tempura #Japanesefood


  1. 今回の動画は、お店の大将の解説が要所要所に多めに入っていて良い編集だなと感じました、普段聞けないですよね☺サクッとした衣…素敵ヽ(^o^)丿だ是非食べてみたいですね。

  2. 小麦粉を3度も振るいにかけたり、粉を冷凍にしたり、帆立貝を材料にしたりと、明治の創業時とは、随分と変化しているのですね。

  3. 粗 開店前から毎回行列ができていて店の人たちは忙しいんだろうな~!?
    動画で発信された後 太刀打ちができないくらい忙しくならないといいけど・・・
    主人・お店の方々 ご自愛ください。

  4. なんか、、動画配信はするけど、、特に意識しないでいつも通りやるとこんな感じ。。。って動画に成ってますね。

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