
Walking from Ueno to ???, Tokyo! | JAPAN LIVE STREAMS 2023

Starting off at Ueno Station area and going to just walk randomly for 90 minutes or so. Who knows what we’ll see along the way!


  1. Thanks for the walking stream Cory. You always have something fun to say reminds me of my high school days when I just wanted to have fun and not care so much about the work I had to do LOL 😆😆😁😁Have a good and safe week 👍👍🆒🆒😎😎

  2. Aloha from the Big Island…I'm bummed. didn't get my notification and missed the live stream….story of my life a day late and a dollar short haha and always bringing up the rear!! whats up with that??

  3. in your stream you mentioned that you had a negative 1 sub count. I had the exact same thing at the during the same month.

  4. Nice stream! I never went this direction from Ueno. Lots of interesting residential stuff to see!

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