
#16 『常識・限界を超えて生きなさい/Break through common sense and limits』by St. Germain & 天秤座新月〜牡牛座満月のラッキーアクション

English explanation is below.
ごきげん様です♪今回の『みなもとあいといっしょ!』は、セントジャーメインからのメッセージ『常識・限界を超えて生きなさい/Break through common sense and limits』by St. Germain を絡めて最近の氣づきと 天秤座新月〜牡牛座満月のラッキーアクションのエピソードお送りします♪


チャンネル登録まだの方は、画面下右のチャンネル登録のところをポチッと押してくださいね! TikTok、Instagram、Facebookでも、minamotoaiで、沖縄の風景、宇宙からのメッセージなど、ちむどんどんチャンプル情報を投稿していますので、ワクワクする方は、是非、フォローしてくださいね♪

Hi, there! Thank you SO much for watching my 16th episode, Message from St. Germain of “With Minamoto Ai~Our Journey to Source.” Thank you SO much always.

What Minamoto Ai can do for you are:
Finally, I opened web. of Minamoto Ai. You can check my bio. and my sessions on MOSH.
As an open memorial of MOSH, some sessions are special price for you now. Please check below and hope to see you soon (^^)

☆Ascension Channeling
☆Ascension Chakra Activation
☆ Ascension Japanese Lesson and other Ascension Lessons
☆Okinawa Ascension Tour
Please send me via e-mail ( or message through SNS or MOSH, if you are interested to have Minamoto Ai’s session and etc.

Many thanks & much love from Okinawa, and let’s keep positive energy and smile till next time we will travel together again!


Let’s enjoy this earth haven with me, Minamoto Ai or Love of Source. Pease bring your spirits to our Journey to Source!! 
I look forward to sharing my favorite things with my joy, which is called chimudondon in Okinawan next time, too !!

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