
Domino’s Delivered to the Top of Mt Fuji MYTH

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  1. I wish I could point you to the article for I read that said it was a publicity stunt..πŸ˜‚
    It said basically the same thing you did.
    Gullible will be gullible.

  2. πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•

  3. It shows how gullible people are; that ANYONE believes you could get a cell signal on top of Mt. fuji, let alone any Mt.

  4. You know they have tracked vehicles delivering food and stuff to those stores up there,so anything is posible πŸ˜…

  5. It's not just about Japan. There are a lot of really gullible people who just believe whatever they read. Made worse by the fact that once they're convinced of something, when you point out they've been duped and they're wrong, they dig their heels in and continue to believe it regardless.

  6. The goal of every marketing campaign is to "go viral". This is a successful example of that.
    Someone in the Dominos JP marketing department earned a nice bonus for this one.

  7. Apparently this guy dresses up in all kinds of outfits and climbs Fujisan. I saw a clip with him carrying a huge birthday cake up there. Fun and light-hearted nihon humour or a paid job ????
    Good on him if he makes people smile.πŸ‘πŸ€ͺ🦘🐨

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