
We ate Japanese STREET FOOD at the WORLD’S LARGEST fish market | Tsukiji Market

Exploring Tokyo’s Tsukiji Outer Market: Savoring Japanese Eel, Curry Katsu, and the Perfect Salmon Onigiri! Wondering what to do in Japan? Look no further! We’re traveling Japan and today, we are on a food adventure as we sample amazing Japanese street food at the world’s largest fish market. Until 2018, Tsukiji Fish Market was the largest seafood market in the world. We decided that this is a must-visit place and decided to sample everything that Japanese cuisine has to offer.

We then went on a spontaneous journey to Ueno to discover the neighborhood’s hidden gems. Don’t miss this mouthwatering Tokyo experience as we try some amazing foods that Japan has to offer! Tsukiji Market is one of the best things to do in Tokyo 🇯🇵 We loved our Japan food tour there.

#japan #tokyo #tsukiji #market #seafood


  1. Great stuff! First, loved the begging for food, nice, Second, If I were there I would ask a local, Who is selling the best…? Also, try more food from different stalls, but all in all, I really enjoyed the video, and wish it were longer, Thanks to you both, and I can't wait for more!

  2. Eating a fish senbei Chinese people holding 😂 the raw crab thing is Korean food not Japanese.

    I’m surprised I see a lot of south East Asians in this video which I didn’t see every morning I used to go Tsukiji for food like half year ago. Anyway nice adventures please come back to Japan for more joy and foods you have never tried before.

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