
Abuto-kannon Temple 阿伏兎観音 福山市 広島 Hirosima JAPAN

Abuto Kannon is a Rinzai sect temple located at the tip of Cape Abuto in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. 🔹SDGs14 Life below water🔹
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Abuto Kannon was built in 1570 by the feudal lord Mori Terumoto to pray for safe navigation for ships traveling through the Seto Inland Sea.
Although it is called Abuto Kannon, officially it is a Kannon-do hall built in the precincts of Bandaiji, a temple of the Myoshinji sect of the Rinzai sect.
Abuto Kannon has been designated as a national important cultural property.


  1. 阿伏兎観音(あぶとかんのん)は広島県福山市の阿伏兎岬の突端に建つ臨済宗の寺院です。 🔷SDGs14 海の豊かさを守ろう🔷
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    「阿伏兎観音」と呼ばれていますが、正式には臨済宗妙心寺派の寺院「磐台寺」(ばんだいじ)の 境内に建つ観音堂で、重要文化財に指定されています。

  2. 阿伏兎観音、海岸沿いの崖の上に誇らし気に建っていますね😃こんな寺院は初めて見ました❣️島も海も空も全てが美しいです🏝️先週末は晴天でよかったですね☀️朝晩はだいぶ風も爽やかになってきてやっと過ごしやすくなってきました🍃いつも美しい景色をありがとうございます😊

  3. Abuto Kannon Temple and it’s location is very beautiful to see!!!! A great location for the temple to be at, with the amazing scenery!!!!!

  4. Awesome flying with you… you always leave me speechless with your skill… ain't this stellar quality… very artistic shots… so very beautifully complemented with the music… you raised hairs I did not know I had 🙏🌹

  5. Ein tolles Video mit passender Musik. Gefällt mir gut. Danke mein neuer Freund fürs Teilen. Liebe Grüße 😊😃

  6. 🌺Like# 47👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🌸🌷🌺🌹🌸Beautiful voice and great covering 🌷Have a lovely day🌹Thank you for sharing +🔔🎁🙏

  7. Hello, thank you for the beautiful review and introduction to the impressive Abuto Kannon. Fantastically beautiful views from the top. Friendly greetings from Ukraine, good luck, have a nice week

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