
京都の紅葉名所50選 Kyoto Top50 Autumn leaves Spots JAPAN 京都観光 旅行 案内 日本の紅葉 Guide autumn colors maple

The autumn leaves of Kyoto, surrounded by lush natural surroundings and nestled amidst mountains, reach their peak beauty from mid-November to early December. Due to their stunning beauty and historical charm, they attract a multitude of people from both within the country and abroad. Kyoto boasts numerous temples and shrines, within whose precincts many renowned autumn trees like maple and ginkgo are abundantly planted. The striking contrast between these landmarks and the fall foliage, set against the backdrop of vibrant reds and golds, showcases traditional structures and gardens that epitomize Japan’s aesthetic sensibility and cultural refinement, enchanting the visitors.

00:00 オープニング opening
01:03 圓光寺(左京区)Enkouji Temple
01:53 瑠璃光院(左京区)Rurikoin Temple
03:06 嵐山 祐斎亭 (右京区)Arashiyama Yusaitei
04:41 蓮華寺(左京区)Rengeji Temple
05:12 叡山電車『もみじのトンネル』Eizan Train “Momiji Tunnel”
06:15 清水寺(東山区)Kiyomizu Temple
07:37 建仁寺(東山区)Kenninji Temple
08:31 嵐山(右京区)Arashiyama
09:30 保津川下り(亀岡市)Hozu River Boat Ride
11:14 二条城(中京区)Nijo Castle
12:08 詩仙堂(左京区)Shisendo Temple
13:15 宝が池公園(左京区)akaragaike Park
14:18 妙顕寺(上京区)Myokenji Temple
15:40 嵯峨野トロッコ列車(右京区)Sagano Scenic Train
17:17 銀閣寺(左京区)Ginkakuji Temple
18:28 京都府立植物園(左京区)Kyoto Botanical Gardens
19:25 野宮神社(右京区)Nonomiya Shrine
20:06 西本願寺(下京区)Nishi Honganji Temple
20:46 祇王寺(右京区)Gioji Temple
22:15 下鴨神社(左京区)Shimogamo Shrine
23:14 東福寺(東山区)Tofukuji Temple
24:19 宝筐院(右京区)Hokyoin Temple
25:10 光明院(東山区)Komyoin temple
26:00 源光庵(北区)Genkoan Temple
27:06 平安神宮(左京区)Heian Shrine
28:08 仁和寺(右京区)Ninnaji Temple
29:20 南禅寺(左京区)Nanzenji Temple
30:37 南禅院(左京区)Nanzen-in Temple
31:58 天授庵(左京区)Tenjuan Temple
33:02 天龍寺(右京区)Tenryu temple
34:32 永観堂禅林寺(左京区)Eikando Zenrinji Temple
37:12 北野天満宮(上京区)Kitano Tenmangu Shrine
39:29 常寂光寺(右京区)Jojakkoji Temple
40:55 三千院(左京区)Sanzen-in Temple
42:54 二尊院(右京区)Nison-in Temple
43:40 宝泉院(左京区)Hosen-in Temple
44:55 大覚寺(右京区)Daikakuji Temple
46:14 醍醐寺(伏見区)Daigoji Temple
47:03 毘沙門堂(山科区)Bishamondo Temple
48:15 嵐山公園展望台(右京区)Arashiyama Park Observatory
49:06 宝厳院(右京区)Hogon-in Temple
50:15 化野念仏寺(右京区)Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple
51:03 円山公園(東山区)Maruyama Park
51:51 等持院(北区)Tojiin Temple
53:12 瀧安寺 (右京区)Ryoanji Temple
54:21 青蓮院(東山区)Shoren-in Temple
55:48 真如堂(左京区)Shinnyodo Temple
56:58 金閣寺(北区)Kinkakuji Temple
57:52 美山かやぶきの里(南丹市)Miyama thatched Village
59:06 叡山ケーブル・ロープウェイ(左京区)Eizan Cable・Ropeway
1:00:00 Ending

#京都紅葉 #京都観光 #Autumn leaves Kyoto


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