
Aomori Nebuta Festival (青森ねぶた祭り 2023) | GIANT Lanterns & Fireworks at Japan’s BIGGEST Summer Event!

Aomori Nebuta Matsuri (青森ねぶた祭り) | Giant Lanterns, Fireworks & Dancing at Japan’s Top Summer Festival

(日本語字幕付き!) Visit Aomori in northern Japan to experience Japan’s best summer festival, Aomori Nebuta Matsuri (青森ねぶた祭り), famed for its GIGANTIC paper lantern floats called Nebuta that are pulled through the city and set afloat on the sea on the last day of the event! This year, the festival is back to its full scale, and we visited on the final day to enjoy a daytime parade followed by a stunning Japanese fireworks display and seeing the lanterns lit up at night.

Watch our Aomori Matsuri 2023 vlog to choose your favourite Nebuta lantern, listen to traditional Japanese festival music, and watch the mesmerising hopping and jumping of the Haneto dancers and see why this festival is a must-see when you visit Japan in summer!

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📍 Aomori Nebuta Matsuri (ねぶた祭) held in Aomori City every year from August 2 to 7.

*About Nebuta Matsuri*
Along with Sendai’s Tanabata Matsuri and Akita’s Kanto Matsuri, Aomori’s Nebuta is classed as one of Tohoku region’s “Top 3 Festivals”, attracting millions of spectators and jumping Haneto dancers every year.

The main attraction of this 300 year-old festival are the huge handmade lanterns called Nebuta, which are drawn through the town to the beat of taiko drums and flutes and lit up at night. The Nebuta floats are made of painted traditional washi paper set over huge wire frames measuring as big as 9 m wide and 5 m tall and are designed to look like historical characters, mythological Japanese gods and deities, and kabuki theatre characters. The floats cost around 2 million yen to make and Nebuta artists take an entire year to design, plan, and build the floats! Each team pulling the huge Nebuta have their own unique choreography, so it’s not just the sheer size and scale of these beautiful lanterns that make the festival exciting!

*What are Haneto Dancers?*
Haneto dancers accompany the local Nebuta-pulling teams by jumping along to the traditional taiko drum and flute festival music in brightly coloured costumes flanked with bells. The sound of the bells and the Haneto dancer’s “Rassera! Rassera!” chant adds an extra layer of excitement to the festival. It’s said that if you are able to grab a fallen Haneto bell, you’ll be lucky!

*What does “Rassera, rassera!” Mean?*
ラッセラー (“Rassera”) is a shortened dialectal version of “irasshai”, the Japanese word for “welcome” and this chant invites festival spectators to join in and participate in the bouncing Haneto dance!

*How to participate in Aomori Nebuta*
If you would like to take part in the festival, you can buy or rent a special Haneto costume including the yukata (lightweight summer kimono), tabi and zori (straw sandals) footwear, bells, and a hanagasa (brightly coloured flower hat) for upwards of 4000 yen and dance along the 3.1 km Nebuta route around Aomori City. Participants should make sure to fold their yukata shorter than normal – around knee-level – and secure the long sleeves to be able to dance and move freely and with as much energy as possible!

*Want to know about the history of Nebuta?*
If you want to know more about this 300 year old festival, or are not able to visit in time for the festival itself, you can learn more at Aomori’s Nebuta Museum Wa Rasse!

0:00 Travel from Sendai to Aomori
1:37 Arriving in Aomori Prefecture
1:52 Aomori City / Waiting for the festival to begin
3:46 About the Nebuta floats
4:37 How to participate in the Nebuta festival
4:52 Aomori Nebuta Matsuri daytime parade
7:15 See the lantern floats at Nebuta Rasseland
7:28 Haneto dancer jumping
14:00 End of the daytime procession
15:36 Aomori Nebuta lanterns lit up at night
16:14 Aomori Nebuta fireworks finale / Outro


  1. I’m most intrigued to go to Japan. IT’s culture is still like the finest vine. Old and ripe. Very traditional and loyalty is great confirm.
    It keeps tradition and excellence but Americans made it mass productive.
    80 year ago when we weren’t born it didn’t matter. Now. IT’s everything. Free from the Yoke.

  2. スコットランド人のYou tuberのルースさんがインスタグラムであなたたちを紹介していましたので早速インスタグラムをフォローしてYou tubeもチャンネル登録してベルも押させてもらいました、You tubeを見てこれは面白い日英夫婦だと感じました、これからも末長く応援いたします、頑張って下さいね💪😄

  3. 私は年のせいか花火を見るとほろっときます。子供の頃の思い出と花火の切なさなんですかね。

  4. ねぶた祭りは有名だけどちゃんと見たのは初めてかもしれない😅映像を見てるだけでも感動しました!現地で見てる方はひとしおだと感じます。

  5. あおメージング!臨場感たっぷりのねぶた祭り動画です。こんな良い場所で見られてハッピー。らっせーらーと一緒に叫んでしまう一体感。花火も良かった。最高の祭り体験です。

  6. I like Aomazing.😂 You guys got the best spot. Everyone pulled the lanterns so close to where you were sitting. 😅

  7. Thanks for video, I have been in beautiful Aomori in 2018 & 2019, greetings from Holland 🇳🇱❤🇯🇵Japan

  8. 二人のおかげで、ねぶた祭りを、まじかで見ることができましたよ!実物はもっと凄かったんでしょう。しかしお二人のトークも含めて最高でした❣

  9. 義理の兄が青森の病院にいたことがありましたが、ねぶたが終わると捻挫した人が大勢やってきたそうです!

  10. 青森は寒冷で農耕で食を得るのも大変な場所でした。その地方の短い夏に皆で力を合わせて生き抜こうと気合いを入れる祭りだと私は思うのです。力を合わせて生き抜いてきた日本人らしい魂の祭りなんです。

  11. 昔は ハネトの格好をしてなくても 一緒に踊れたんですよ。

  12. 映像を通してその素晴らしさが伝わってきました。ねぶたほどではなくとも日本にはまだ素晴らしい夜祭がありますよ。たとえば能登の「キリコ祭り」、飛騨古川の「越し太鼓」などです。

  13. 今年の6月に青森に住む兄を亡くしました、本当に強くて優しくて尊敬できる兄でした。

  14. 暑い夏にぴったりの祭りですね。少し離れた席の人達にも楽しんでもらえるように、山車の人達も考えているように思えました。今回は通過したけど、岩手や秋田も魅力がいっぱいです。

  15. 皆んなも祭りと聞いてワクワクするのかな?カネと太鼓の音を聞くだけで心弾みますね、特に今回の映像綺麗でした、ありがとう。

  16. 東北の人間は、夏の祭りの為に厳しい冬に耐えています

  17. 素晴らしいですね。

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