
北海道でサーフィン!第3弾「波あります!」の看板を探せ!Surfing at Shiranuka, Hokkaido!

21/Aug/2023 (Mon) It is so warm in Hokkaido this summer.

8/Aug(Tue), Yarikiri 106 Truck landed onto Hokkaido, and Motti did surfing twice in Hakodate-city. She thought that could be the northernmost point in Japan. However she found some other information of surfing spot in Hokkaido including Shiranuka Fishing Port. And she was looking forward to be there.

As they were approaching to Shiranuka area, it got foggy, and particularly at the fishing port, it was white world no-way to find surfing spot.

Next morning, luckily the fog cleared away and Motti realized she was in front of Koitoi Beach and the surf there were good size for her. However she found no surfers there but a car with a surfboard on the roof. It was just about to leave the parking at Michi no Eki Shiranuka Koitoi. She stopped it and asked the surfing spot around there.

The gentleman answered to her ” You will see the signboard says – There are waves. Drive for Shiranuka Fishing port, but if you get there, you go too far. It is just before the port. When you see the sign, turn there, and you will find the spot.”

So Gmotti drove the truck to find that spot.

As a result, they found the spot. Motti enjoyed the surf there for 1 hour. I was here best surfing day ever since she started surfing. Motti did have very very good time, thanks to friendly local surfers, and Shiranuka Town which provided shower facilities for free (even there was no toilet).

Motti is looking forward to be back there.Thank you and See you then.

Yarikiri ちゃんねる106ではゆるゆる日本1周の旅の様子を紹介しています。
皆様からのちゃんねる登録はとっても励みになります! ありがとうございます☆

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Gmotti and Motti

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