
Kagoshima Natural Dinosaur Park sakurajima Japan 鹿児島自然恐竜公園 GoPro HERO 11【4K】

On a hot summer day after the typhoon passed, I went to Kagoshima Natural Dinosaur Park in Sakurajima, Japan. There are many dinosaur statues and it is interesting. The big slide had a lot of rollers, but when I slid, my butt hurt and my skin peeled off. You will need a piece of cardboard or something to put on your buttocks. Also, the tap water in the park is not drinkable, so bring a drink to avoid dehydration. It’s a wonderful place, so please come and visit.

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Ikebukuro playlist:
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The only audio is the environmental sound of Tokyo.


  1. wow, it's been reported everywhere that it's only here now, maybe it's been 1 month I haven't been here, btw the vlog is really good

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