
360 video, Shibuya Crossing. Tokyo, Japan. 8K video

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Many cities have their own significant places, such as the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Eiffel Tower in Paris or Red Square in Moscow. Tokyo, in its turn, can’t be imagined without Shibuya — the most charming, extraordinary and tangled crossing in the world.
While the pedestrians are waiting for the traffic light signal, the number of people accumulating on pavements is getting several hundred. As soon as the green light is on, all of them rush across the road following the unusual diagonal crosswalks and move from four directions simultaneously. Thousands of people walk through Shibuya Crossing daily: it is the pulse and the image of the dynamic life of Japan’s capital.

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Nowadays you need extraordinary computer power for watching 8K 360° videos. If you have troubles with watching such videos, choose 4K or HD quality in the settings of your YouTube player. We hope that YouTube will find a solution for optimization this videoformat to make it watchable for common users.

Also here is the answer for a frequently asked question about true resolution of an 8K 360° video. Unlike standard videos, in a 360° video you can see only a part of original image (approximately 30 degrees out of 360). As result, the real resolution of the part you can see isn’t bigger than 1.3K.


  1. We've made this video of the Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, Japan for those, who appreciate views of modern places. We recommend you to watch thematic playlist Cities 360 video — VR: , where you can see 360 video of Dubai, Shanghai, New York and other interesting cities. Enjoy the content and share it with your friends. On our behalf, we will continue to show the beauty of our planet on the AirPano channel: We would be very thankful if you can help us by translating title, description and narrations of our videos to your language! Please use this link for translation:

  2. Orange Jacket guy just stands there, waiting, and creeping me out. PS. Pretty sure that's the guy making the video, but if not….

  3. Thanks a lot for the 360 video AirPano…hopefully in the future there will be 360 video of Mount Fuji and the surroundings

  4. Busy place indeed, not my kind of place but impressive nonetheless, and overwhelming too: so many lights, movement and advertisings!

  5. So much better system than in Europe where they put green on one or the other street. Here, you close it all and you can ho whereever you want. Seems simpler and better.

  6. Страна, проигравшая и получившая пару атомных бомб во 2 ой мировой войне выглядит в десятки раз лучше , чем победившая Россия, обидно…

  7. Я один все время смотрел на чела который стоит перед камерой в оранжевой куртке?

  8. Почему ??? Только 900 лайков боже это нечто (ваш канал) про изумительно
    Спасибо вам за такую работу

  9. Жаль что только 2 с половиной минуты, очень бы хотелось увидеть больше Токио, но все равно спасибо за столь замечательное видео!)

  10. Почему у каких то блогеров даунов по несколько миллионов подписчиков,а у такого канала,такими крутыми,красивыми видео 290К

  11. 01.「J」⇒「Jerusalem」⇒「Jesus / Jew」⇒「Japan」⇒「Jazz / John」Black / USA.
    02.「J」⇒「Jerusalem」⇒「World Emperor」⇒「God・Death」⇒「East」Coup d'etat King.
    03.「J」⇒「Jesus」⇒「Emperor's Son」⇒「Emperor II」⇒「East」⇒「China」⇒「Japan」
    04.「J」⇒「Jew」⇒「Emperor's Family」⇒「 Semi Emperor」⇒「Lost Jew Royal」Taiwan 台湾.
    04.「E」⇒「Erusalem」⇒『Emperor』⇒「East」⇒「El Dorado」Japan.

    01.「E」⇒「Erusalem」⇒「Emperor’s Family」⇒「Israel」⇒「Egypt」⇒「Ethiopia」
    02.「E」⇒「Erusalem」⇒「Emperor’s Family」⇒「Islam」⇒「Sunni」Arab+Turkey.
    03.「E」⇒「Erusalem」⇒「Empress’s Family」⇒「Islam」⇒「Shia」Iran+Syria.
    05.「C」⇒「Child」⇒「Christ」Jesus ⇒「East」⇒「China」⇒「Cow」Emperor Ⅱ/Japan.
    06.「C」⇒「Cow」⇒「Cow Boy」⇒「Civil War」⇒「Columbia」⇒「USA」 Independence.
    07.「C」⇒「Child / Christ」Jesus ⇒「Family」⇒「T」Turky = Ottoman Empire.
    08.「C」⇒「Child / Christ」Jesus ⇒「Family」⇒「T」Central Asia+Tibet.
    09.「C」⇒「Child / Christ」Jesus ⇒「Family」⇒「T」Taiwan+Thailand.
    10.「C」⇒「Child / Christ」Jesus ⇒「Family」⇒「T」Texas / USA.

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