
Cooling off in Kikuchi Valley Walking in Midsummer

Kikuchi Valley (菊池渓谷 )
There are many wonderful places in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, where my cabin is located. I will introduce a small portion of them on my own walking tour.

The products can be purchased.
Oh, you’re absolutely itching to make a gift to me, huh?


  1. The water is so clear , what an amazing place , I need to live in Japan but sadly I am too old and not in the best of health. Thank you Brücke for sharing your most beautiful Kikuchi Valley with us. 🙏

  2. 海とは違って 絶えず水の音が聞こえる それが山 ですね。
    40年くらい前に 岐阜の山奥の小さな川の真ん中で、大きな石の上で のんきに昼寝をした記憶が蘇りました。
    ザーザーと大きな音を立てて波打つ水も 何も怖くなかった若い頃でした。

  3. This reminds me so much of New Hampshire U.S.A. we have so many beautiful trails, rivers and waterfalls here too. That was a lovely hike and beautiful scenery.

  4. Thank ya so much it was such a a beautiful and serene place. You waved at us that was great.. You need to go online and look at our place we have visited The Tennessee Mountains. Huggles from Ohio.

  5. いいところですね〜
    ぜひ 日本に帰ったらいつか行ってみたいです。

  6. What a beautiful place! It must be amazing in the fall. Thank you for taking us along.

  7. Thanks for showing us your footsteps. I can feel the dirt, wood or cement as you walk. I can smell the water, feel the spray, and the wind! Thanks for showing how tall some of the trees are too! Oh, how I’d love to put my feet in that water 😊 thanks again for including me on your journey!

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