
Tanabata Star Festival | AndyJapandy | #hiratsuka | #shonan | #tanabata

In today’s episode of AndyJapandy, I visit Hiratsuka in the Shonan Coast of Kanagawa to celebrate the Tanabata Festival!

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Tanabata is a Japanese star festival that celebrates the annual meeting of the deities Orihime (representing the star Vega) and Hikoboshi (representing the star Altair). According to legend, the Milky Way separates these lovers and they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month. While July 7th is the traditional date of Tanabata, some festivals are held on different dates throughout July and August depending on the region in Japan.

On Tanabata, people generally celebrate by writing wishes, sometimes in the form of poetry, on small colored pieces of paper called tanzaku and hang them on bamboo along with other decorations.

Large-scale Tanabata festivals are held in many places in Japan, mainly along shopping malls and streets decorated with large, colorful streamers. The most famous Tanabata festival is held in Sendai from August 6-8. But in the Kanto region, two of the largest Tanabata festivals are held in Asagaya, Tokyo in mid-August and here in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa from July 7-9.


Connor Maze

Eric Timmer

Dion’s Travels




  1. That's so cool! Looks like a big deal there. It's not a huge thing where I'm at it seems. Chill music too. 💯

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