
Fanfare as Kalenjin Community in USA Celebrates 22 Years of Unity

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  1. It's good seing people trying to keep their culture in a foreign land. There's nothing wrong in celebrating ethnicity. What's wrong is negative ethnicity, so people should ease on the tribalism claims.

  2. Primitive tribalism even abroad, whats the point of even taking a flight across the ocean just to carry all toxic garbage tribalism with you? Kenyans we are stupid, born stupid and we'll die stupid

  3. It’s not about tribe, we have different Kenyan communities including Gotabgaa and many others who meet annually to celebrate their cultures as they reach their children about the same.

  4. This is why I love Uhuru Kenyatta: the first true Kenya minded leader who serves his nation without putting tribe above nation

  5. The problem with Kenyans is tribalism they carry it from Kenya to United States it’s a shame we are all Kenyans take tribes from your vocabulary and unite people it’s a shame. Am sorry to say this but it’s a shame if is not tribe its color the time you people wake up from sleep and start uniting other than dividing we are far from liberation. You will see here in USA every tribe having kind of celebration separately it’s a shame.

  6. I don't see anything bad in each tribe celebrating, expressing and teaching their young about their culture and traditions. However, when it comes to progressing ourselves as Kenyans, there should be unity of all tribes because as a country, we will suffer greatly if we don't come together. Your tribe won't help you, other countries won't help you BUT your fellow Kenyan is the only person that will help you. So if we don't have unity at home, we can't have unity abroad and eventually you'll suffer because you'll be too old to help your children from the ugliness you created.

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