
Everything I Did In JAPAN – Travel Vlog

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  1. oh wow, marzia really is glowing! so beautiful 😍 glad y'all had a fun trip!

  2. Such a nice video!!
    What is Synesthesia, a museum? Looking for places to visit and I loved that one. Thanks!!!

  3. I was so close to visiting and working in Japan at one point. I'm a Motion Capture performer and in late 2015 I was in contact with Capcom about the facial likeness role of Leon for the Resident Evil 2 Remake. I failed to mention I also have a voice acting background, in the end I lost the part and I can't forgive myself for wasting such an opportunity. That would've been a real dream come true to visit Japan. Great video.

  4. so happy to see you guys back together in japan! marzia is glowing, so happy for her and felix!

  5. this looked like so much fun!! :")) your vlogs are always such a vibe, and the music choices are top notch, love this vid sm!

  6. Another AMAZING Japan vlog, PJ!!! I'm sure I'm gonna rewatch it a ton like the others. So happy you guys had a great time in your trip. Also, how silly my excitement at seeing Marzia's face on video, lol

  7. PJ: watch out for the crow
    The crow: 🦋
    My brain: was this a "is this a bird🫴🦋?" meme 😂

  8. some pretty rad transitions there! I also miss Mertz, always nice to see her.

  9. Absolutely love this

    Can anyone tell me what those bowl gardens are called?

    Please don’t stop these pj 👏👏👏

  10. i see PJ probably had to wait for pewds video before uploading this, and it seems like the trip across the world was worth it to just make a Fuji joke

  11. pls tell piewdiepie, sometime he has been to Jindai temple but maybe he doesnt know Jindai botanical garden. its just above Jindaiji Temple in Chōfu.

  12. Does anyone know where the ceramic painting was at 4:20 PLEASE! Im going tokyo in 6 days and need to plan!!!!

  13. I started watching you 10 years ago when you put out the video "introducing wiggles". I'm just enjoying the evolution of content! Keep it up!!

  14. omggg that japanese sweet potato 🥵🥵 (hope you enjoyed your time in Japan, love the vlog and great editing as per usual 👍)

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