
The hottest dessert in Korea these days! Honey glutinous rice cookies – Korean street food / 주악, 약과

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ℹ️ Information
A popular dessert in Korea these days! Making fried honey glutinous rice cookies – Korean street food, bakery in korea, Dessert

🏡 address
3, Gosanja-ro 36-gil, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul . New building 3rd floor 70122 Ohwadang

🗺️ google maps


  1. Korean dessert fried honey glutinous rice cookie looks delicious, I want to eat it👍

  2. 사무용 고무판 위에서 밀어서 작업하는건 아닌것 같네요 철판위에서 하면 안될까요….

  3. 新北市民已經蠢很多年了,要是這次像個正常人想要罷免猴子,麻煩把葉凹之和林國春也罷免了,別讓全國恥笑你們的低智

  4. Oh mein Gott, was für ein ungesundes Zeug, Weißer Reis, Zucker, vollgesaugt mit Fett, getaucht in eine klebrige Zuckermassen.
    Die Generation die sich nur noch von Fertigprodukten und Müll ernährt, ohne das sie merken was sie sich damit antun, echt traurig!

  5. 어릴 때 명절에 할머니집 가면 도나쓰라고 항상 이거 해주셨음…할머니 도나쓰 아니잖아요😢

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