
Vietnamese Street Food – GIANT ALIEN LOBSTER FRIED RICE Seafood Vietnam


  1. Where’s the local money wasted on PETA … oh that’s right other nations can’t afford to waste money fighting against food … pets are food when the world falls apart. 😮

  2. 深海に住むグソクムシ因みに深海の掃除屋さん、死んだ さかな捕食して綺麗に。

  3. Chế biến kiểu này không hấp dẫn, không ấn tượng, kiểu như cơm nhà, không đáng đi nhà hàng

  4. Это изотоп вроде, очень древнее животное, говорят он жил еще во времена динозавров

  5. At first i found this seafood scary it looks like cockroach and mililipedes but when I try to taste it's good

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