
【Great Botanical garden】巨大温室で育てられた美しすぎる花々と巨大プラントの世界 World of Beautiful Flowers and Giant Plants


この館の外観は、鶴見緑地の周辺の原風景が湿地帯であったことから、その水面に浮かぶスイレンの花をイメージしてデザインされたものです。また、『咲くやこの花館』の名称は、一般に公募して選定されましたが、古今和歌集にうたわれている「難波津に咲くやこの花冬ごもり 今は春べと咲くやこの花」の古歌に由来するものです。


This is one of the world’s largest glasshouses and is home to around 5,500 species of plants from different climates worldwide

The Sakuya Konohana Kan conservatory was established by Osaka Municipal Government as a pavilion of the International Garden and Greenery Exposition, Osaka, Japan 1990, held from April 1 to September 30, 1990. In line with the theme of the exhibition, “Harmonious Co-Existence between People and Greenery,” the conservatory houses wild plants collected from around the world. This is one of the largest conservatories in Japan, and one of the few conservatories in the world that artificially maintains the climatic and geographical conditions of the regions where the plants grow. Plants that are the main attractions of the conservatory, such as tropical water lilies and blue poppies, are made to bloom all year round. There are approximately 15,000 plants of 2,600 species and garden origins on exhibit, which offer direct and hands-on opportunities for visitors to learn about the wondrous nature of our precious planet in depth, while inviting them on a fascinating journey to appreciate the flowers of the world.

☆You can search the video by prefecture at the playlist

最寄駅      大阪メトロ鶴見緑地線 鶴見緑地駅
Nearest station  Osaka metro Tsurumi Ryokuchi Station

#Giant plants

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