
日本一の藤公園 / 岡山県和気町・藤まつり / Wisteria park & Wisteria Festival, Wake Town, Okayama, Japan






Wake-Town Wisteria Park is located along the riverside of the Hikasa River that runs through the eastern part of Okayama Prefecture, and boasts about 100 varieties of wisteria, the largest number of varieties in Japan. The park has a long wisteria trellis, 7 m wide and 500 m long, where famous wisteria from all over Japan, from Hokkaido to Kagoshima, are gathered and nurtured.

The wisteria flowers are usually at their best from mid-April to early May, and although admission to the park is charged only during the blooming period, the “Wisteria Festival” is held during this period and is very popular, featuring taiko drums, Japanese dance and other performances.

The wisteria trellises are wonderfully gradated in colors such as purple, white, and pink, and are lit up at night, allowing visitors to fully enjoy the colorful springtime scenery.


00:00 動画内容ダイジェスト紹介
00:51 和気町藤公園の概要
02:41 開花時期と藤まつり
03:20 藤公園の散策



・日本全国「桜・お花見」三昧!HD長編シリーズ 再生リスト


・チャンネル登録をお願いします ↓


Composed by のる


#藤 #フジ #和気町 #日本一 #岡山県


  1. <動画の内容とタイム・インデックス>

    和気町藤公園(わけちょう ふじこうえん)は、岡山県東部にある公園で約100種類の藤が見られ、品種の多さでは日本一を誇ります!

    00:00 動画内容ダイジェスト紹介

    00:51 和気町藤公園の概要

    02:41 開花時期と藤まつり

    03:20 藤公園の散策

  2. please try to make more meaningful videos with engaging content

    you will reach success because you are working hard and trying so hard

    Send you a big thumbs up and full support

    Don't worry because I will always watch the whole video to support you!

  3. It's a happiness to walk around there ❤🙏 I walk really a lot these days, my feet hurt. But the day after I still go out 💪 Flowers wont wait long, rain alq
    Ways comes and sunny days are very few

  4. Watching your new videos makes me so excited!

    They have content that is easy to understand, engaging and inspires me to want to do something new

    Always create videos that bring curiosity to the audience

    Thank you, I will always support you,

    fully watching permanently, and send you a big thumbs up

  5. ここは知りませんでした。素晴らしいですね。

  6. Wonderful nature footage my friend! I’d love to visit Japan during peak wisteria season 🙂 Thank you for the peaceful experience! L40 🙏🇯🇵💜🌿⛰️🌸👍

  7. LIKE 50 👍 Enjoyed watching this wonderful Wisteria park & Wisteria Festival video 📲 It's beautiful and amazing 👏🌷🪴🌴🍀🥀 Wish you a lot of success 🙏 Great job! You are amazing 👋🏻 I wish you good luck 🙏 I truly love your channel 💝💛💚

  8. 日本一の藤公園 / 岡山県和気町・藤まつり / Wisteria park & Wisteria Festival, Wake Town, Okayama, Japan. Interesting and engaging video. I support your video. Watched the video on May 18, 2023 very like.Thank you

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