
Traditional Japanese Hotel, Video Games & Kyoto Backstreets | SL VLOGS

My Friends! I hope everyone is having a really great day!
Today on my travels in Japan we are checking into a traditional Japanese style hotel! I have been looking forward to checking one of these out for a while and today is the day!

We will also go shopping for some vintage videogames. I have a lot of friends back home who have given me a list of games to bring back for them so we are going to go look for them today! Some of the games include Super Smash Brothers, Super Mario 64 And Final Fantacy 8.

Lastly we are going to take a walk down the backstreets of Kyoto and get lost on purpose!

Guys thank you so much for watching my videos it really means a lot to me.
I would have never been able to do this if I never got sober. I want to encourage anyone who has an addiction and they feel like they will never get better. I want to let you know that it is possible, I was so far down the well and I managed to crawl out of it.

Now I am living my dream in Japan and it took me less then two years to accomplish, You can do it to and if I can help you in anyway please feel free to email me and I will do my absolute best to help you.

I hope you enjoy my Vlog!
Thanks a million for watching!



  1. It is a small world when you think about it. When I went to Chile, the girl working at the hostel was from Niagara Falls which was awesome and comforting

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