
★ 4K 🇨🇭 Basel – Delémont cab ride [02.2019] Führerstandsmitfahrt

Our train today consists of just a locomotive on it’s way to pick up an empty ethanol train and bring it back to Basel. From there a French locomotive will take it to the Normandy region.

The sun is setting as we leave and as a result the lighting isn’t optimal, but its ok. There will be better recordings of this line coming in the future. A few things have changed since this video was shot, making it worthwhile to publish, despite it’s shortcomings.

Enjoy the sounds of the old commutator motors as we cruise through the Laufen valley, on the 1875 Jurabahn line.

I hope you enjoyed the video. If you’d like to donate, please click the following link. Donations will be used for equipment and software in order to bring you higher quality videos. Thanks for watching and have a great day!

This video is copyrighted and may not be reuploaded, edited, used or distributed on youtube or outside of this platform without my written consent.

If anybody is passionate about trains and interested in sharing their cab rides on this channel, please contact me on the about section of this page.


  1. Thank you again. I love seeing new areas that I don't think I've seen before in your other vids. The only problem with this was was it wasn't long enough. I always enjoy what you do and always look forward for your next trip.

  2. Der Bahnhof soyhiéres wurde nicht 2012 eingestellt sondern in den 90iger.

  3. Hallo, vielen Dank fürs Mitnehmen. 👍🏻😊 Diese Strecke war mir noch völlig unbekannt. Danke und viele Grüße. 🙋🏼‍♂️

  4. Hey! Lighting is ok. It is a bit unusual compared to your older videos, but pleasant nonetheless.

  5. Most enjoyable, thank you. I was puzzled to see 12-car mainline trains on a secondary line. Peak-hour alternate route?

  6. Thanks for all the vids mate. It’s not much, cuz I’ve not got much. But it’s more than I’ve given anyone else on YouTube 😊

  7. Diese Strecke dient vorallem dem Personenverkehr, Güterzüge sehe ich selten.

  8. Danke (Thank you very much). It was short and sweet cab ride. Thanks for every effort to make this video.😀

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