
The Hunt For A Giant Octopus on a Japanese Island (in Japan!)

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00:00 intro!
00:56 breakfast!
07:18 german culture village?
14:16 cows & goats!
19:45 lunch!
20:56 the hunt for the giant octopus!
26:27 fika!
28:09 short coastal hike!
29:49 the lighthouse!
34:43 dinner!
38:39 parking!
40:13 hood rat!
42:36 the outtakes!
45:59 thanks & bye (& more outtakes)!

#japan #travel #okinawa


  1. I thought cow in a blanket right before Eric said it. I thought it was funnier when Eric said it. Is that goat for rent?

  2. 宮古島出身です。ほんと素晴らしい動画で宮古島を世界に発信してくれてありがとうございます!!!楽しんでくれたようでほんま嬉しいわ。

  3. In England pigs in blankets are a sausages wrapped in bacon , and are mostly served on Christmas day as part of Christmas dinner .

  4. Ooo Korea coming up!! Nice to see some foreign adventures for a change ✈👍

  5. I kept saying WTF why they keep calling it a Taco? then it hit me, its Tako.

  6. Maybe that hotel is something like the Hachijo Royal Hotel?

  7. Lol can tell you guys are southerners 🤣 64 degrees F is cold?? That's warm in MN – a/c definitely stays on. Heat doesn't go on until 50 or below.

  8. Wait….Cow in a Comforter! That’s should be it’s name!

    In all seriousness though that’s honestly a genius item for a bakery I’m surprised that sort of bun isn’t more common.

  9. so at the end Tako Salad took the center place in this video too, tako needs to take this over

  10. Yup, “Cow in a blanket” is officially a thing now, another term coined by team K & E.

    I totally agree with Eric’s suggestion for the castle.

    I’m underwhelmed with “taco rice”, I didn’t know it was a thing until recently, but I used to make a “burrito bowl” (basically) and it always included some yummy beans and usually avocado. That’s better.

  11. I'm disappointed the map didn't show the newly installed missile base. It must be top secret! Did you guys try any local hooch (awamori) on the trip?

  12. I like the cow in a blanket, but it doesn't look healthy. These islands don't have any local fare, grilled fish with the local vegetable(s)?

  13. Yo sea turtles start going onshore to lay eggs from May to August. Otherwise they just be chilling in the ocean.

  14. Banana in a Bag… The Musty Castle… Tako on the Hill… Video highlights, alt-rock bands, or Nancy Drew mysteries?

  15. Especially a banana in a bag. Like, it'll last so much longer without the bag!

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