
Guess which country’s men Taiwanese women love. “Which country’s men do you love?” I asked them

#Taiwan #interviews #love

Today’s interview topic is “Which country’s men do you love the most?” I interviewed many Taiwanese women in Taiwan. I would like to thank everyone who took my interview and responded. Thank you very much.

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My name is Kazuya. I am Japanese. I travel around the world interviewing locals and foreigners.
There are many countries in the world. Culture differs from country to country. Even if I ask the same question, the answer is different depending on the country. And even if I ask the same question in the same place 10 years later, the answer may change. It’s very interesting. I want the viewers to know and be interested in various countries. And I would be happy if you like the country and visit it. I would be happy to help you with your travels and study abroad.

— profile —
September 1, 2022-January 31, 2023 Cebu Island, Philippines
February 1- February 15, 2023 Singapore
February 16 – March 3, 2023 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
March 4 – March 15, 2023 Manila, Philippines
March 16, 2023 – Taipei, Taiwan

— future plans —
Taiwan (Taipei) → Japan (Okinawa → Osaka → Toyama → Tokyo) → Greece (Athens) → England (London) → Germany (Berlin)


  1. Oh no, seriously, Taiwanese girls must be seriously educated. They were so fooled by fake Korean shit fantasy crappy K-POOP shit. Do they even know all Koreans are under gone heavy cosmetic re-constructions? Those can not even called cosmetic surgeries anymore, those are completely re-construction of their faces and bodies. They would be shocked with their natural born looks, which there is nothing wrong with to begin with, they look just naturally ugly east asians. Even with those re-constructions Koreans still look ugly and creepy and the worst of all, all Korean men are rapists and sex offenders. Also Korean men treat women very badly and it's just their culture. Korean dramas are complete fantasy and the reality of the Korean society is totally opposite to what they see on movies. They should stop Korean pollution immediately.

  2. Kpop completely brainwashed the whole of Asia. It needs to be regulated or blocked. Most Koreans are not handsome or gentlemen, they are the exact opposite with hwabyeong short temper and high DV rates.

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