

2023年3月になり、Yarikiriちゃんねる106は三重県を海岸線沿いに南下し、3月10日(金)限りなく和歌山に近いけれど、まだそこは三重県。七里御浜にそって移動中。 道路脇でみつけた無人販売所。なんと100円の文字が見える!
Mar 2023, Yarikiri Channel 106 was driving south in Mie Prefecture. And on 10/Mar (Fri) they were driving along Shichirimihama (Long beach) where is nearly Wakayama, but still Mie. They found unmanned stall with the sign of 100yen!

They couldn’t just pass there, but the truck won’t stop suddenly. So they parked at the convenience store near-by. Old lady (Motti) hurried to that stall…

And returned to the truck with a bag of Sweet Summer Orange called Ama Natsu mikan) happily.

さらに数日後和歌山にて、「有田みかん」で有名な有田町にある(道の駅)明恵ふるさと館 をめざしていたところ、薄暗くなった道路脇にまたもや無人販売発見! そちらもワンコインの100円。
And a few days later, they were heading to Michi no Eki “Myoe Furusato kan” in Arida-cho, Wakayama. It was getting dark already, but they found another unmanned stall selling Hassaku (Different kind of orange), Again it was only 100yen, one coin!

Traveling is so much fun, finding cheap and yummy food ! What a beautiful system unmanned stalls are!!

Yarikiri ちゃんねる106ではゆるゆる日本1周の旅の様子を紹介しています。
皆様からのちゃんねる登録はとっても励みになります! ありがとうございます☆

Thanks for watching. Yarikiri Channel 106 shares our laid-back easygoing trip around Japan. Your subscription would be a big encouragement for us. Thank you for your support!

Gmotti and Motti

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