
Mt.Takao’s STUNNING Autumn Colours πŸ‚ | Tokyo Day Trip

Hello viewers.

Today, I woke up really early to visit Mt. Takao, about 50 minutes by train from Shinjuku. I am using the Keio Railway from Keio Shinjuku Station, catching the 6:19 AM train. It costs 390 yen a trip.

Autumn foliage in Japanese Language is called β€œMomiji”, and the practice and admiring and showing appreciation to nature is an important aspect of the culture. Mt. Takao is one of the top spots to view autumn foliage, but is also an amazing natural recreation area throughout the year. It features beautiful, quaint temples and a myriad of hiking trails that suit both casual weekend walkers and those seeking a little more challenge. Join me for this quiet little hike up to the top of Mt. Takao. (In slippers).

Takao Tozan Cable Car β€”-
Takao Monkey Park β€”-
Yakuouin Temple β€”-

0:00 Summary
0:27 Train Ride
1:46 Takaosan Station
2:33 Hike
4:35 Cable Car
9:19 Hike
13:14 Yakuouin Temple
16:39 Hike
17:59 Summit
19:38 Dango
20:25 Descent
21:33 Lift
24:55 Descended
25:33 Going Home


  1. Such a wonderful autumn adventure and those colors and views are incredible. Great filming and editing as well. I really enjoyed it a lot!

  2. Wow, such a enchanting and picturesque scenery my friend. Truly gorgeous cinematography! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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