
How NOT to travel Europe FUNNIEST MOMENTS (Part 1 of 2)

All the funniest and most memorable moments from the first half of How not to travel Europe (that’s part 1,2 and the first half of 3)

Includes all the hitchhikes from the first day (including the kids train ride and the free wake surfing session), memorable moments with Paulo and Phillipe, our quest to find the scooters in Brig station, scootering down the mountains and cooking an egg on Greg’s superheated brake, and most of our kayak journey (including the famous Buongiorno island)


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  1. All the funniest and most memorable moments from the first half of How NOT to travel Europe!
    Drop this video a like if you enjoyed this trip down memory lane. Let's get this series some more recognition!

  2. I watched this series when it came out, and not since, so I don't remember much of what happened. So I feel like the clips could use a bit more context.

  3. Still my favorite series on all of YouTube. Everything felt genuinely amazing, from the adventure to the people you met

  4. I only watched the first 2 episodes of HNTTA- but in them they were threatened, kicked out of a college communal area, given bad looks etc, whereas HNTTE had them doing random jetskiing, kayaking and so on for basically nothing- I watched the whole thing in one sitting with a massive smile on my face. Europe is clear of America I'm afraid…

  5. Rewatching this series before I go to europe this summer with a buddy. Huge inspiration for the trip

  6. I clear reminder of how much better Europe is for travelling than the US.

  7. i love the bonding over locking the butler in the fridge part. i remember laughing out loud seeing it when it released

  8. come on, got to make this a travel channel you and the girlfriend go and see the world, find the remote geo spot in real life , you got the money to do it why not ?

  9. This just confirms how much better European culture is than American culture… right?

  10. I quite enjoy the HNTT America videos but damn, there ain't nothing like the Europe adventures. America is just so boring! (-an American)

  11. Basic hitching advice, your letters should be gigantic and you should stand at a place where cars are stopped

  12. If youtube up and shut down tomorrow but I could take one series with me, it would be this one. So raw and spontaneous just like the straight line missions.

  13. The time Greg had a broken scooter wheel and you say “look at this twat” is my funniest moment in Geowizard history. Love it

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