
They SELL Over 7000 Oysters a DAY! Fukuoka Japan's #1 Oyster Shack!

This is the number one oyster shack in Fukuoka Japan! They sell over 7000 oysters in a single day! It’s a family run business where everyone in the family gets involved with some aspect of the oyster business. A wholesome and delicious meal awaits you in Fukuoka!

🏠 Restaurant Name: Kaki House Shoei
📍Location on Google Maps:


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00:00 Introduction | 概要
00:20 Exterior & Menu | 外観&メニュー
00:41 Harvesting Oysters by Boat | 船で牡蠣の収穫へ
02:19 Bringing Oysters Ashore | 牡蠣を陸へ上げる
03:16 Bringing Oysters into Hut | 牡蠣を小屋の中へ
03:17 Oyster Dead or Alive | 生きている牡蠣と死んでいる牡蠣
03:51 Fishermen Break | 漁師さんの休憩
04:01 Oyster Moss Removal | 牡蠣の苔取り
04:22 Fresh Oysters & Turban Shells| 新鮮な牡蠣とサザエ
04:37 Father & Daughter Interview| お父さんと娘さんのインタビュー
05:11 Rice with Oysters| 牡蠣ご飯
06:09 Selling Oysters | 牡蠣の販売
06:42 Interview of Daughter | 牡蠣小屋を継ぐ娘さんのインタビュー
07:21 Packing Shrimps & Turban Shells Alive | 動くエビとサザエの販売用パック
07:51 Roasted Mushroom Packs Prep | キノコ焼きの準備
08:05 Tips for Working in Oyster Hut from Expecting Mother | 牡蠣小屋で働く妊婦さんとしての心得
08:18 Prep & Opening Shop | 準備&開店
08:46 Classmates Visiting Together | 同級生同士でご来店のお客様
09:48 Octopus Sashimi | 吸い付くタコの調理
10:10 Huge Shrimp Preparation| 大きいエビの調理
11:19 Oyster Soup | 牡蠣スープ
11:30 Sashimi & Seafood Bowl| お刺身&海鮮丼
11:53 Little Kid Doing Customers Service | 小さい店員さんの可愛すぎるお料理提供
12:16 Tipsy Customer | ほろ酔いのお客様
12:38 When is Oyster Season? | 牡蠣の美味しい時期とは
12:58 Customers Touring Oyster Hut | 牡蠣小屋を巡るお客様
13:47 Food Tasting | 実食


  1. The baby is so cute and the whole family seems very hardworking and nice! I hope they continue to have great success in the second generation! 😊

  2. Loved this video its family based ❤ I would love to visit this place I hope contiual success for the family and business

  3. Fresh seafood and cooked food are very appetizing.I hope your family business is more famous and run better.Have a nice day.👍💖🎀

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