
Snowing at the Old Japanese Farm House

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  1. Bwhahahahah posted 48 seconds ago! Been subscribed for years just for this moment!😎😎😎😎

  2. Nice. I haven't seen any show at all this entire winter here in Groningen, The Netherlands. There was enough in the Scandinavian countries, enough in the UK, enough in the southern part of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany. All around us basically but we didn't get anything at all. Same in the winter of 2021/2022.
    Than again, it's often in February/March that we see a turn-around in weather to a colder front before Spring hits. So there is still hope.

  3. Just another winter day in the old dudes back yard. Thanks, unskilled laborer, (I think it's a lie) for all the videos, views, and insights of Japanese lifestyle.

  4. Oh that looks like heaven right now, it’s 33 and humid here in Ipswich Australia, and the sun feels like it’s melting your skin.

  5. Live
    In Texas and grew up in Minnesota. Miss how the snow makes everything looks so beautiful during the Winter.

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