
日光に行くなら、寄るべし!「渡辺佐平」で日本酒を学ぶ!Should visit WatanabeSahei in NIKKO!

日本酒お好きですか? 日光の渡辺佐平商店!オススメです!未だにコロナの影響で、様々な見学ツアーが休止している中、道の駅「日光」ー日光街道ニコニコ本陣の目の前の渡辺佐平商店の無料見学ツアーに参加!

Do you like Japanese Sake? If so, Watanabe Sahei in NIKKO is the place you SHOULD go! Still there are still so many factories stop their free-tour due to COVID. Watanabe Sahei is exceptional! We joined their free brewery tour. It is also located in a very convenient place, right in front of Michi no Eki NIKKO

GmottiもMottiも日本酒大好き!今までこのように酒蔵の内部見学したことがなく、日頃感じていた日本酒の疑問なども解決!見学の最後には、試飲をして、自分好みのお酒を選ぶこともできました。Both Gmotti and Motti love Sake! But we have never been inside of Sake Brewery and Gmotti could solve his questions about Sake by joining the tour. At the end of the tour, Motti tasted several different sake and she could choose the bottle she likes!

また、お店では、酒粕も販売しており、寒い季節、YARIKIRIちゃんねる106の食卓には、渡辺佐平さんの酒粕を使った粕汁が何度も! 体があたたまるし、何より美味しい!

At the shop, they sell Sake lees (Sake Kasu). Sake lees are the leftover when Sake is squeezed out. We bought two bags of Sake Kasu and enjoyed Kasujiru (Soup dish made with Sake kasu). It makes us warm during the cold winter weather and it taste so good!

Even more.. They let us draw water from the well for free. Thanks to Watanabe Sahei, we bottled the water several times while we were in Nikko! お酒も、お店もお勧めです! 是非みなさんも立ち寄ってみてください!
We really recommend their Sake and the shop! Take a bit of time and join the tour or even browse the shop!

Thanks for watching

撮影日 2022.11.1
撮影場所 Watanabe Sahei Shoten ーNikko, Tochigi-ken

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