
Shojin Ryori Dinner at a Shukubo temple lodging

On a recent stay at the Renge-in Shukubo on Mount Koya InsideJapan Insider Richard talks us through a shojin ryori dinner.

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This footage was recorded for our Virtual Tour series and you can watch the full tour of Mount Koya here:


  1. This was a very well presented explanation of Shojin Ryori. I have experienced the food in Japan and found it delightful. One my next trip I plan to see what I can do about using it as a bit of a theme as I travel the countryside enjoying Japan. Thank you for your efforts.

  2. I didn't realise that there was a system of 5! 5 methods, 5 colours, 5 flavours that link to the 5 precepts of Buddhism. Super interesting, thank you so much for walking us through the foods!

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