
Fighting Road Ice in Japan

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  1. One of those fascinating little things about Japan, the 'salt fairies'.

    In nearly 30 years of winters, I have never seen those bags of salt being dropped off, being used or being picked up at the end of winter. I have noticed the salt was applied to roadways and sidewalks after the fact but I have never seen anyone vandalize those bags of salt or the after effects of those bags of salt being vandalized. You gotta love Japan for these little 'quirks' of convenience.

  2. in finland the government throws over a 100 million kilos of salt every year on the roads. you can imagine what it does to the nature…

  3. Interesting, that's the exact same garbage we use on the roads here in Western Canada. It works really well… but it rusts vehicles massively. It is banned in most provinces in Canada, and it really shouldn't be used. If you happen to be driving on roads with this stuff make sure you wash your car, especially the underside, as soon as possible. It isn't uncommon to see 5 year old cars (usually American brands) starting to rust around the wheel wells and underside. 🙁

  4. There were some main roads, near my apartment in Japan, had small sprinklers in the middle of the road to melt the snow.

  5. In Alberta they use sand only,in the spring they sweep it and reuse it next winter. Problem is the small pebles get thrown up by cars tires and bust many windshield s. No insurance covers any cars windows. Good part is used cars from Alberta are in demand due to lack of rust

  6. What's the difference with CaCl or NaCl? Is one better/cheaper than the other. All I know is when I used to lived in Chicago they use half a million tons of salt every winter.

  7. I could have done with some of that this morning. Not freezing air temp but enough to freeze early morning dew and rain, I went ice skating numerous times in front of my house. I wish our country was this organised and had actual money for this basic civic service, we just have bins of orange grit and rock salt with padlocks on because everyone steals it.

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