
The shining red, yellow and green leaves are reflected on the surface of Black Table in Shoin room.

Ruriko-in Temple is located in Kamitakano, Sakyo ward, Kyoto. It is a five-minute walk from Yase Hieizanguchi Station on Eizan Electric Railway. It has a sukiya-style building and a Japanese garden, and is popular for its autumn leaves. Enjoy the colors of autumn in Ruriko-in Temple.

Photography Notes
Since Mt. Hiei is located on the east side of the temple, the sun finally shone around the temple gate at around 9:00 a.m. during this time of the year. I am not sure how the light will shine on the autumn leaves over time, but I thought it would be better to know the position of the temple in relation to the mountain. However, if you want to take “reflected maple” photos, it might be better to take photos of the maple trees without direct sunlight.
Rurikoin was open to visitors by appointment only (as of the fall of 2022). Please note that it is not possible to visit the temple without a reservation. Please check the website for details.



《Quick Glance Kyoto チャンネル》
錦秋の古都 京都 2021 〜 秋の京都を彩る紅葉をお楽しみください。

【永観堂 禅林寺】 〜京都随一の秋の観光名所、3000本の紅葉が境内を彩ります。

【東福寺】 〜京都の秋の定番スポット、通天橋から見渡す紅葉の海「洗玉澗」は京の秋の絶景No.1です。

【北野天満宮】 御土居のもみじ苑 〜 御土居の350本のもみじが見事です。展望所から眺める紅葉と国宝社殿のコラボも必見です。

【高台寺】 〜豊臣秀吉の正室北政所ねね様の創建した秀吉の菩提寺の紅葉をご覧ください。

4K Japan’s Top 40 Autumn Leaves 日本の紅葉40選

【TVCM】2022年 秋「高雄篇」そうだ 京都、行こう。

4K 京都の紅葉名所30選 30 Best Autumn Leaves Spots in Kyoto Japan

【究極の絶景】京都の紅葉 人気7選

【4K】絶景、錦秋の京都紅葉ベスト26 Superb view, Kyoto autumn leaves best 26


京都の紅葉60選 : The 60 Best Autumn Leaves Spots In Kyoto.

京都の紅葉80選 : The 80 Best Autumn Leaves Spots In Kyoto.

京都の紅葉100選 : The 100 Best Autumn Leaves Spots In Kyoto.

4K Autumn leaves in Japan 日本の紅葉 京都の秋 絶景 日光 箱根 軽井沢 裏磐梯 観光 旅行 Kyoto Tokyo Hakone Nikko color Season

4K 2021 Japan Kyoto Autumn Leaves Spots 見頃の京都の紅葉 20選 京都観光 旅行 案内 清水寺 東福寺 嵐山 圓光寺 瑠璃光院 永観堂 三千院 日本の紅葉

4K 京都の紅葉2020 清水寺 永観堂 東福寺 瑠璃光院 Autumn leaves in Kyoto 比叡山 宝厳院 観光 旅行 秋 ライトアップ 名所 見頃 人気スポット

京都の紅葉 KYOTO Autumn Leaves 嵐山 嵯峨野の紅葉の名所 京都観光 旅行 Arashiyama Sagano 天龍寺 常寂光寺 宝厳院 日本 JAPAN

KYOTO in Late Autumn 2021.晩秋の京都

#京都の紅葉 #京都の秋 #京都紅葉 #紅葉 #京都観光 #京都旅行 #京都 #三千院

I offer you other videos relating autumn leaves below:
[Quick Glance Kyoto Channel]
Eikando: 3,000 maple trees turn the precincts into a world of red. Enjoy the autumn leaves of Eikando.

Kiyomizudera: The sight of the “Kiyomizu Stage” looks as if floating in the autumn leaves. Truly a superb view.

Autumn leaves of Arashiyama, one of the best sightseeing spots in Kyoto.

[Other Channels]
The 60 Best Autumn Leaves Spots In Kyoto.

The 80 Best Autumn Leaves Spots In Kyoto.

The 100 Best Autumn Leaves Spots In Kyoto.

4K Kyoto Japan TOP12 Autumn Leaves Fall Foliage Sightseeing Guide Japan

4K Japan Walk – Beautiful Japanese Garden in Nagoya (Tokugawaen) | Koi Fish | Nagoya Winter 2020

Autumn in Small Town America 🍂 (Best Fall Foliage)

Enchanting Autumn Forests with Beautiful Piano Music – 4K Autumn Ambience & Fall Foliage

Peak Fall Foliage in New England (Experience Autumn)

#japanfall #japanautumn #autumnjapan

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