
Friendly Kurds offer me a free kunefe | Amedi

We explore together the small town of Amedi, or Amadiya, and after the visit, and wonderful views over the region, we go for a special dessert, a kunefe. The guy of the kunefe shop refuses that I pay him… every day someone offers something for free, here, in Kurdistan.

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  1. For your information, the Parthian and Sassanid empires are not Persian Kino, Parthians were a very close relative of Medes and the Sassanid empire was Kurdish. Amedi is way older than the Persian empire, it was part of the Median confederation which is way before than Persian empire. Medes are the ancestors of modern Kurds. We Kurds had several important confederations in the Zagros mountains like Mannaea, Lullubi, Guti, etc…

    In all part of Kurdistan, there are cities with Med in their name which mean the city of Medes like Amed (Diyarbekir) in North Kurdistan, Amedane (Hamadan) in East Kurdistan, and Amedi in South Kurdistan.

    Hope you visit Rojhelat/Rojhilat (East Kurdistan) as well

  2. What a shame as usual from Barzani zone! These guys in Mersin Kunefe shop are all Kurdish but they keep saying it is originally Turkish! Even those places they mention are all Kurdish cities in North Kurdistan like Dilok which fascist regime of Turkey changed it to Antep (Gaziantep). This is how fascist Turkey tries to eliminate anything Kurdish in North Kurdistan, Turkey tries so hard to assimilate, genocide or simply eliminate Kurds in North Kurdistan and make everything Turkish. We are Kurdish and we stay Kurdish.

    As usual the Barzani and KDP zone brought shame to the Kurdish people!

  3. Hello there my friend you have the city of Amedi. You have it all wrong it was 4000 years ago B C. built by the Assyrian empire there as no One else besides the Assyrian people that built that city please correct your wording. Thank u

  4. 1907 u said Kurdish were minority in Amadia about 33% population..
    Do u tell us pls and what about Akra and Zakho…
    as i hearded after depended of Iraq around 1920-1950… There wasn't Beshmarka fighting against Iraqi government for freedom . there was Christians fighted to take freedom because this land was for Christians

  5. Hello again, Yves. Sorry I am writing so often but your videos show me so much. I love this one because it is a place I would never be able to visit myself. I am much older than you and have travelled a lot in Europe/North Africa but never to the middle east. You have been making such an incredible journey on your "bike" – how I wish I was 30 years younger to do the same. You are very brave. It is so fascinating to see the places you go and the people you meet I just want to thank you for the things you have shown in your videos. D

  6. في كل بلاد نتعرف على اهم معالمها تاريخها صناعاتها بما تمتاز طعامها اطباقها الخاصه بها سياحتها الترفيهيه اديانها الى الان انت ماعرفت باقي طوائف هذه البلاد وعلاما تعتمد ديانتهم لابد لك من دليل لانه فعلا*( العراق )* بلاد العجائب من حيث لاتعلم .. رائعه جولاتك لانها من اكتشافك المحض .. لكن .. بعض الأمور المهمه ك الطوائف الدينيه واديانهم وعاداتهم وتقاليدهم واثارهم التاريخيه ..💚✨

  7. الأصالة وكرم الضيافه محفوره في قلوب الكرد
    تحيه لاحفاد صلاح الدين

  8. The Kurdish people have been famous since ancient times for their hospitality, helping strangers, sacrificing for the sake of their homeland, and protecting friends and guests from enemies.

  9. Been binge watching your videos past few days… you really need to insist more when buying man, jsut get the money out and give it to them

  10. I was born in Amadeih and originally is assyrian land not kurdish you forgot to mention that it was under Assyrian Empire.

  11. looks like a old kunefe leftover, finaly a french tourist arrives to eat some before it will finish in the garbage 😁

  12. Antep, Mersin and all of South East Turkey is referred to as North Kurdistan

  13. Come again.. unfortunately you didn't see all the places in duhok.. cuz you need a someone who guide you in there .. much love bro 🧡

  14. Hi Yves
    it's My Fisrt To Comments On YouTube..I Saw It Vedios That U Have Make For Iraq It Was Awesome 👍 Brilliantly U Have Made It..Best For Further … Mohammad Omar From Kuwait But Pakistani

  15. Did U Went To Zakho Also It Is Beautiful Place To Watch..It's Mountain Areas Too…Kirkuk I Have Been There Since 2010 During The War But It Was Awesome Dear As Well As Ur Vedios Dear.

  16. I watched your video for the first time and you have a very pleasant and cute face, just like my brother and you are completely identical. Safe travel.

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