
Indian Street Food – LOTUS STEM FRIES & FRIED BREAD Srinagar Kashmir India


  1. The Big 5. Let's begin with the “Big 5” foodborne pathogens stated by the CDC and the FDA. These five foodborne pathogens include norovirus, the Hepatitis A virus, Salmonella, Shigella, and Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

  2. People be eating this with a big risk i usually like these videos but damn 😖😣

  3. OMG. Just by looking at it I feel like I can't afford it, let alone have to eat it even if it's forced. The lotus stem was also not cleaned properly. Whereas the stems of plants that grow in water usually contain a lot of parasitic animals unless it is cleaned properly. The processing of other materials is also very dirty. It's amazing, how can they (sorry) live with such habits!? I really can't understand their point of view on hygiene and health. ,😵‍💫🤷

  4. people give oral sex and say that it is not hygienic, many who criticize it because they don't have the wue to do it

  5. Какой кошмар!!!По мимо того что антисанитория, еще и масло черное, на нем уже 5-7 дней жарят, вредно ппц. Убеждаюсь что правельно делаем что не едим на улицах Индии. Лучше дорогой ресторан, но после этого видео сомневаюсь что и там знакомы с сан пин нормами🤮

  6. Great stream, as always. I appreciate the level-headed approach you take to the news and the markets. . A lot has changed and that's on everything but the truth is I don't even care much about bullish or bearish market anymore because FLOYd JOHNSON y got me cover as I am comfortably making $150,000 monthly….

  7. Best part of the video is at 4:00, when you see one of the workers rip open a package of latex gloves with his teeth. Then throws them on the floor. Later he’s smoking. Mos Eisley is FU*KING cleaner. That being said, if I didn’t see them making it…….I would probably devour it!

  8. Слушайте, ну прикольно, аутентично. Мне кажется, что это даже вкусно

  9. Sabse ghatiya INDIAN food because koi saf safai nahi hoti hai bass har tarf ghandgi hii ghandhgi

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