
Journey To Atlantis Water Coaster POV SeaWorld San Antonio Texas

Splashdown with TPR on SeaWorld San Antonio’s Journey To Atlantis!!!

Filmed by Robb Alvey –

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Photo by Hanno Roos


  1. It is as much of a roller coaster as it is a water ride.

    It's a LAME roller coaster, but it's also a LAME water ride.

    No theming? No atmosphere? I can get down with a good roller coaster or a good water ride that lacks those things, but this ride is good at neither being a roller coaster or a water ride. I'll take a pass. Maybe if the wait time is less than 5 minutes and I'm about to change clothes anyway, I may ride it. Other than that, this is a hard no from me. I just cannot see being excited to ride this.

  2. Growing up in San Antonio Texas we used to go to sea world and fiesta Texas during the summer I miss my old hometown of San Antonio Texas

  3. I just did this roller coaster. This is my home town. 😅
    Top 10 funnest/scariest moments ever.

    100/10 reccomend.
    Also if you go there, I reccomend getting dip and dots and going to a restraint getting the stingray cookie. They are the most bustin cookie ever. 🤤

  4. I agree that it's not a roller coaster. I have to wonder if it counts as a "ride" of any kind though.

  5. I kinda agree but also disagree a little bit. I think it’s half roller coaster and half water slide . It’s one of my top five favorite rides at SeaWorld San Antonio, and I get to try out some rides I never rode before this summer including the new water slide at aquatica and Tidal Serge the new giant S&S swing machine that’s opening this spring .

  6. Him: I'm entering my home
    Also Him: I opened the fridge
    Still him: I took a shit
    guy has a dry ass driver instructor/red eye visine voice

  7. A Mack product. I didn't know that Mack Rides builds the same roller coasters for other parks. The original roller coaster is called Atlantica Supersplash and is located in Europa Park in Germany.

  8. I rode this ride a couple years back. My mom told me that I’ll get soaking wet, I got one drop of water on me

  9. JTA at SeaWorld San Diego is like a million times cooler and that my friend is a roller coaster

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