
Yabusame (horseback archery) Festival at Sakurai Shrine, Itoshima / 糸島 櫻井神社の流鏑馬祭 – Walking in Japan

Sakurai Shrine, Itoshima
October 18, 2022
10:30 New Harvest Festival
11:30 Yabusame – Horseback Archery Festival
After the end of the horseback archery, a parade of children will take place

糸島 櫻井神社の流鏑馬祭

午前10時半 新嘗祭
午前11時半頃 流鏑馬祭


  1. Thanks Nick for a very lovely segment. I so much enjoined seeing Sakurai and the beautiful Quarter horses. The American Quarter Horse is a working cowboy breed that's famous for speed and agility in roping and cattle herding, and 'quarter' referring to being very fast in the Quarter mile. This also brought back fond memories of a similar an area on the other side of hill near Krume, where a lady-friend grew up. Her Father was a bit of a cowboy and was happy to learn my Father was an American cowboy.

  2. Thank you for streaming this morning. It's so interested and I can not wait to join next live streaming in Miyazaki?

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