
Day trip from Tokyo – Enoshima island – JAPAN TRAVEL Vlog #explore

Enoshima is a small island off the Shonan coast of Japan’s Kanagawa Prefecture. It’s known for the Enoshima Shrine, with statues honoring Benzaiten, the Buddhist goddest.

Only a short train ride west of Kamakura. Enoshima is a pleasantly island just off the coast but connected by bridge with the mainland.

Recommended food to try:
-Tako/Ebi Senbei (Octopus/Prawn Crackers)
-Shirasu (Small White Fish)
-Kaisendon (Seafood Rice Bowl)
-Ice Cream Monaka (Ice Cream Sandwich)

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  1. Hai Mbak zaim hadir ya kak, Masya Allah karya nya itu lo, ini The best pokoknya,edit vidio sederhana hasil memuas kan maju terus semangat berkarya semoga berkah ya,salam kenal salam silaturahmi ya..

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