
Iga, the Ninja Town

Here are some behind the scenes images of my trip to Iga and the shooting for Journeys in Japan. I hope you enjoyed the show! I had a lot of fun doing it 🙂

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Thanks for watching!


  1. …..Jennifer-san, ninja no mane suru jouzu desu nee. Ninja neko kawaii. Thank you so much for showing us ☆☆☆

  2. It was really fun watching you on the show! You did a great job presenting. I hope there'll be more Jennifer Julien x Journeys in Japan.

  3. Hi mademoiselle Jennifer, Awesome episode! You are fit for the job! Love the white good kitty to be dress up as ninja cat! IZA! IZA! Japan nature are very inspiring full of mysterious wonders uniqueness! Thank you very much for doing and keep doing Sugoi videos!! Ai❣️

  4. I send a message to NHK World about how I enjoyed the program

    and now you were an excellent Host
    This was before I got your YouTube broadcast

  5. Caught your appearance on NHK last evening.
    You've become a real Ninja expert! lol
    I'd missed you there, lately
    Hope they offer you as many opportunities as you wish, in the future.
    Its always a pleasure, to see the joy you find in the world! ✌️😘

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