
Extraordinary Japanese Scenic View | Nakayama Terraced Rice Fields. (Shodoshima)

A very beautiful rice terrace in Japan on Shodo Island 🌾
MAP: Nakayama Terraced Rice Fields

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John Daub has been a reporter for NHK World TV since 2008 and YouTube creator & producer of the ONLY in JAPAN ® series building a community of over 1.6M. Thanks for watching!
#onlyinjapan #shodoshima


  1. John, I think that structure was for the art festival (not a cult). We saw one built on that location for the Setouchi Triennale in 2013.

  2. Rabbit Island is next? Cool. Tame rabbits on the former poison gas island.

    That island used to be very secretive. Maps omitted that island. The Sanyo main line trains had to shut the windows when passing near the island so that no one could get a view.

  3. Hey John.

    Looking at the unique structure at 8:20 for some reason reminded me of Aso Farm Land, have you heard of this unique family friendly ryokan located in Kyushu? My wife and I went there a long time ago when we drove around the island of Kyushu and it was such a fun and different experience. Definitely one of those "Only in Japan" places which i think would not only showcase the cool places when going off the beaten path.

  4. Rice! 🌾 🍙❤️
    What a Beautiful location!
    Thanks, John, for trekking around in the heat so we can see ✨💛✨
    (looked up the term: ‘skinny dipping’
    “Skinny-dipping means to take a swim with only your skin”) old English term, I think.

  5. Man your living the life John. What a beautiful area. The mountains, trees, and rice fields are so beautiful. The bamboo hut was kind of interesting.
    I collect toys so I'm going to love the video of the toy collector. Can't wait!
    Enjoy the rest of your journey.😊

  6. HI, John! What a beautiful place!
    We call ''Passport" for the free admittance unlimited number of times, and they said about it.
    Not about "Passport" for the identification for traveling.

  7. I love when you're on an adventure outside of the city. My next visit will be mostly places away from the usual touristy areas. Can't wait to try delicious foods from eateries that have been around for decades. Thank you so much for showing this beautiful area.

  8. i discovered the wonders of face wipes for the hot weather here. Gatsby wipes are a life savior for the heat and humidity

  9. Beautiful. So sorry its so hot! I agree w traveling the countryside. Tokyo is akin to NYC in terms of tall buildings and tons of people!

  10. John..I agree..Tokyo , like many big cities, are awesome to visit! Repeatedly! But it’s far better to live out in nature..then go visit when you feel like the excitement;-). I find people are far more personable and friendly away from the hustle and bustle <3. Awesome video! Thank you for sharing more of Japan with us all!

  11. Wow! Last saturday i was traveling on google-maps and i was on Shodo island. It is the same island that in old time Japan took stones for Osaka Castle…what a coincidance. Thak You John for this vlog.

  12. What is your reason for not doing yoga?. I hope it's not that you think you are not flexible enough because I have been doing yoga for a few years and my flexibility has improved. I have to add that every time a person asks where are you from it reminds me of Stephanie from Lazy Town. Who know how long she had been living there but the intro song mentions her as the new girl in town.

  13. Michael Sasano is, hands-down, my favorite commenter. Commentor? Commentator. Common tater? Wait, what are we talking about again? 🥴

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