
Arakura Fuji Sengen Jinja 新倉富士浅間神社

Arakura Fuji Sengen Jinja

Enshrined Deity : Konohana no Sakuyahime no Mikoto, Ohyamatsumi no Mikoto, Ninigi no Mikoto.

Arakura Fuji Sengen Jinja was founded in 705, when it was enshrined as the guardian deity of Arakura-go, Yashiro-gun, Kai Province. Mt Fuji erupted in 807, the imperial envoy visited this shrine to perform a fire-extinguishing ceremony “Chinka-sai”. And the Emperor Heijo dedicated to the shrine, the title of the first mountain in the three provinces, the imperial inscription in the emperor’s own hand, the arrow with sacredness “Hamaya” and the power of God resides ‘Kinbei’.

The main shrine building is Nagare-zukuri 363.6 meters long and 454.5 meters wide. And the majestic worship hall is the structure 545.4 meters long and 1272.6 meters wide.

Arahama Jinja comes from the fact that this shrine sat on the lakeshore until Lake Ofune was buried by the eruption of Mt Fuji.

Shiogama Jinja is located at the entrance to the staircase leading up to Mount Arakura.

The staircase leads to the five-storey ‘Churei-to’ pagoda, the symbol of the area.

Atago Shrine is situated halfway up the staircase.

In spring, many cherry trees bloom around the five-storey pagoda, which is a memorial to the war dead, and offers a spectacular view of Mt Fuji.





本殿は流造二間に二間半、拝殿は三間に七間の荘厳な建築です。荒濱神社は、富士山噴火で小舟湖が無くなるまで湖畔に鎮座していたとされています。 塩釜神社は新倉山へと登る階段口に鎮座しています。


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