
HYPERJAPAN x InsideJapan Virtual tour of Akihabara

Join InsideJapan’s Insider tour leader, Brett Plotz for a live walking tour of Tokyo’s Akihabara district. ‘Akiba’ is renowned as the capital of Otaku ‘geek’ culture, with its tech, anime and manga shops, retro gaming centres, maid cafés and more. InsideJapan’s Tokyo-based Insider team will walk you around the district adding their own entertaining cultural commentary and will also be answering your questions live.

#VisitJapan #Tokyo #Akihabara #InsideJapanTours


  1. I miss it! 🙁 have conflict with my schedule today but this is my first stop in Japan next year… Thanks for the video..

  2. Once again really good to be reminded of good times in Japan! It was a shame, though, that the second presenter did not wear his mask properly – or at times at all. I found this really discourteous to all the Tokyo-ites who were, without exception, masked as required. Poor show and not what we expect from InsideJapan Tours.

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