
秋田県田沢湖 ・ 絶滅したクニマス / みちのくの旅 / miyagikebari-travel トラベル (4K) フライフィッシング

miyagikebari / 秋田県北秋田市田沢湖へ出かけました。クニマス未来館を訪れ、絶滅した田沢湖固有のクニマスについて見学して来ました。



I went to Lake Tazawa, Kitaakita City, Akita Prefecture. Then, I visited the Kunimasu Miraikan and visited the extinct Kunimasu peculiar to Lake Tazawa.

Lake Tazawa has been a rich lake where Kunimasu has lived since ancient times, and in 1935 (Showa 10), the catch was about 88,000. However, in 1940 (Showa 15), a waterway was created to introduce water from the nearby Tamagawa, which contains one of the most strongly acidic sources in Japan, to the lake, in order to increase food production and develop a power source.

In 1940 (Showa 15) under the wartime regime, it was not an era when residents could oppose national policy, and about 70 fishermen lost their fishing jobs in exchange for a small amount of compensation, and Kunimasu, an endemic species of Japan, became extinct. There is history.

Kunimasu was supposed to be extinct, but in 1935 (Showa 10), 100,000 fertilized eggs were sent to Saiko and released. And in 2010 (Heisei 22), Kunimasu, which should have been extinct, was confirmed to inhabit Saiko for the first time in about 70 years by a survey by the Kyoto University research team.




Alo Japan.